Rebirth of the Burning Era

v1 Chapter 164: Self-financing to go abroad

The shares contributed by Luo are tradable shares on the ordinary secondary market, and it is not very convenient for individuals to borrow and mortgage.

However, it is a matter of human effort, and the layman can't do anything. The expert can easily solve the problem. Wang Ziwei helped and spared a few circles. Before the factory got his hands on it, Luo Contribution could trade stocks, but he couldn't withdraw cash.

There are a total of seven stocks in Luo's contribution account. According to the current total market value, it is nod to 2.92 million. It can be regarded as the largest shareholder in the Blue Whale business hall in Binhai City. Using these as collateral, he borrowed 2.45 million from Liang Yifei.

"Boss Liang, you should rest assured this time!" Luo Contribution glanced at the pair of 'left and right guardians' beside him, and said helplessly: "Hurry up and call the money, or I will be eaten alive by them. It's gone!"

In the past few days, most of the people who came to collect debts lived in Luo Contribution's house, and there were two or so who followed him every day.

"Your stock won't suddenly plummet, right? Then I won't be able to pay." Liang Yifei muttered.

Luo Contribution was almost mad: "My big boss, how can the stock plummet so well? You haven't seen it keep rising. Besides, you don't really want my stock, it doesn't matter to you whether it rises or falls. .I'll hurry up and help you do things, or it's over!"

"That's fine." Liang Yifei said to Li Shoucai who followed him, "Put money on the soda factory's account."

"It's great!" Luo Contribution was relieved, and turned to the left and right guardians and said, "See, I said that I will definitely pay back the money!"

"Let's talk when the money is in hand!" The two were expressionless.

"Don't worry, I lent him the money, and I urged him to pay it back to you. Director Luo, take a step and talk." Liang Yifei smiled at the two, then patted Luo's shoulder and pulled him aside. .

Luo Contribution is now a frightened bird. Seeing Liang Yifei's mysterious appearance, his heart skipped a beat, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, Lao Luo, I gave the money. You need to worry more about the factory." Liang Yifei said.

"Oh, what am I supposed to be, don't worry, it's all settled." Luo contributed.

"That's it, Lao Luo, I have to remind you."

Liang Yifei was still smiling, but his tone gradually became colder, and he said to Luo Contribution word for word: "In the past, we were purely friends and had no disputes of interests. This time it is different. I have more than two million real gold. Take out the silver, and if you can't get it in the end, don't blame me for not being friendly. He Yunfei's money is not easy to borrow, and my money is not so easy to get."

Luo Contribution's expression froze slightly, Liang Yifei's words were threatening, but Luo Contribution really had nothing to do with these private bosses from the bottom, and he did owe Liang Yifei money.

"Brother, don't worry, this time you helped me pass the test, I will do my best to do it for you beautifully! I'm too sure about those things in the company! You can rest assured! "Luo Contribution patted his chest and said.

"That's ok, even if I worry too much." Liang Yifei laughed and said, "When this is over, even if you are not the factory manager, you still have millions of stocks on hand, which is still a big money. If you want to do it then We might be able to cooperate on any business.”

"Yes, yes, yes, they are all friends." Luo Contributed.

The next afternoon, Lanyun Lake's money arrived.

In addition, there are more than 400,000 people in the soda water factory's account to prepare for the New Year's holiday, making up a full three million.

"Director, how are we going to use this money?" The director of the office called for instructions.

"How else can I use it, pay back the money! The few companies that came to collect the debt this time owe a total of more than 2.7 million yuan, and there are still a few small factories that owe more than 200,000 yuan in bits and pieces. Sex pays off."

On the other end of the phone, Luo Contribution looked at a group of debt collectors and said angrily.

"Ah? Factory manager, as a result, we don't have a penny in our factory account!" On the other end of the phone, the office director was shocked and asked in a surprised tone.

The 400,000 yuan on the final account of the soda water factory is to deal with major events: repayment of bank loan interest at the end of the year, wages of employees at the end of the year, part of the deposit for the production and purchase of raw materials in the coming year, equipment maintenance and repair, etc., all rely on this 400,000 yuan.

It can be said that this money is life-saving money for the soda water factory, and even Luo Contribution did not dare to mess around with it before.

But as soon as the 400,000 yuan was taken away, the soda factory suddenly stopped.

"What should I do? It's only right and right to pay back the debt. Everyone has come to the door. What should I do if I don't pay back the money!" Luo Contribution said while covering his forehead.

On the other end of the phone, the office director was stunned for a long time. Did the words come out of Director Luo's mouth? Did you hear it right? Is this still the former factory manager Luo?

Several large debtors caught factory director Luo. The director of the office had heard a bit about this, but even if the money was repaid, it would be better than not having to pay it all at once. As usual, half of it, up to six. Seventy percent can also be sent away.

Besides, some factories are not in a hurry to repay the money at all.

If all these are taken out, then 400,000 can be saved.

More than that.

"Factory manager, now there's no money left, what should I do next?" the office director whispered; "I've been working on rotation for several months. Originally, I only need to work six days a week, and I only need to work for three days, and the remaining three days only work. With half of the salary, the employees are already very emotional. Now that the Chinese New Year is approaching, if the salary cannot be paid, then there will be no trouble! Also, the bank will charge interest at the end of the year as usual. By the way, There are several pieces of equipment on the German assembly line in the second workshop that are seriously aging, and if they are not replaced, they will have to stop work..."

Luo Contribution also knew about these words. The director of the office wanted to tell Luo Contribution, and then Luo Contribution used this talk to discuss with the debt collectors and use these reasons to pay back less money.

Who knew that Luo Contribution interrupted him impatiently: "Okay, don't say it, I know all this, but we have difficulties and others have difficulties, so it's settled! Go to the bank in the afternoon and pay back all the money. Give it to people!"

"Uh, okay, let's meet the factory manager at the bank."

After hanging up the phone, Luo contributed a long sigh, took the debt collectors to the bank, and then made a transfer and repaid the money in cash. Because the amount was too large, it took two days to calculate the money from these people. Finished.

"Everyone, look, I mean what I say, I'll give you a lot of money!"

"Director Luo, don't take offense, we can't do anything, there are old people and young people to live!"

"It's easy to talk, understand and understand, everyone has worked hard these days, why don't we have a meal together?" Luo Contribution asked hypocritically.

Several debt collectors look at me, I look at you, and finally all shook their heads, and the one in the lead said, "We still have something to do, we have to hurry back to the unit, and the tickets have been bought, so we won't delay you."

"That's good, that's good!" Hearing that the other party was leaving, Luo Contribution sighed heavily. The big stone in his heart finally fell, and his forehead was still a little swollen. He thought that he had finally sent the debt collectors. .

The debt collectors stayed in Binhai City for two more days before leaving, and it was 'Xiao Song' who sent them away.

After sending these people on the train with his front foot, Dao Mingcheng took a taxi back to Lanyun Lake with his back foot.

Entering the office, Dao Mingcheng threw a big snakeskin bag in his hand onto Liang Yifei's sofa, like a small cannonball, slammed.


Liang Yifei was smoking on the sofa, turned around and opened the zipper of the bag to take a look.

It's full of money.

"Well, there's a total of 520,000, and it's all here." Dao Mingcheng took a cigarette from the table, lit it by himself, sat down with Erlang's legs crossed, and said, "I found that most of the people these days are still honest, saying It's 20% better, I won't lose a penny after the matter is finished, and I have left a hand to prevent them from not giving money."

"Why is it all cash?" Liang Yifei asked strangely.

"Cash is easy to make accounts. The bank has withdrawn the money and transferred it around. It is difficult to keep accounts in their respective factories." Dao Mingcheng said.

"Yes." Liang Yifei shook his head and smiled. It was also a state-owned unit, and the soda water factory's accounts were messed up, but if they really followed the regulations and requirements, the accounts of state-owned enterprises would be much more rigorous and serious than that of private enterprises.

Just like people, there are some bold and flexible people these days, but most of them are honest and flattering ordinary people; the same is true of enterprises, which are as outrageous as the soda factory, but most of them are still well-behaved.

"You can keep the money yourself." Liang Yifei pulled the bag open again and said, "What are you going to do next? If you go abroad, the money will be sponsored by me. If you plan to stay in China, think about it. You can do it here. If you want to do it yourself, this money will be your start-up capital. Anyway, it’s all your own labor.”

After a pause, he smiled; "Intellectual labor is also labor."

"Going abroad, where is this money enough?" Daomingcheng smiled, patted the money bag, and said, "In the end, these are your money, I don't want it, I'll give it back to you."

"Acheng, what do you mean?" Liang Yifei squinted at him for a while.

Dao Mingcheng definitely does not regard money as dung. If he really lacks this 520,000 life-saving, he will definitely not ask for it, UU read www. However, he is not very short of money now, but it is a bit puzzling that he refuses the money.

Daomingcheng said lightly: "I don't know how much money you have on hand, but you can see that after doing the math, the subscription certificate made a fortune, including buying Lanyun Lake, investing in the stock market, rectification and construction of Lanyun Lake, and what secret recipe did you buy? And the endorsement, plus the loan to Luo this time, there is nothing left. Lanyun Lake is making money this time, but you have to keep this money. Next, you will take over the soda factory, and you will definitely need it in the early stage. Investment spends money, so I guess that your money is not enough."

After a pause, he said, "I don't want this money, but I borrowed it. I'll ask you to borrow it for two months, and then return it to you. I'll earn the money for going abroad."

Liang Yifei raised his brows: "How are you going to make money?"

He knew Dao Mingcheng too well, and he liked taking risks in his bones.

It was better before he was in China, and he had scruples, but now that he was about to go abroad, it was no wonder he didn't make a fortune!

"I can't tell you that, to save you from worrying about it, you are just too cautious." Dao Mingcheng smiled mysteriously, and suddenly said a seemingly irrelevant topic, saying: "Luo Contribution is a stupid pig who can make money, Are you still worried about me?"