Rebirth of the Burning Era

v1 Chapter 175: when the sun rises

The bad debts before the soda factory, if you want to completely check it out, it is impossible to have a piece of evidence.

However, it is not difficult to figure out who is dirty inside, and the accountants have a good idea.

After Liang Yifei took over, he talked to Xiang Chongfeng's girlfriend and learned some inside stories.

For example, this He Xinfu, who followed Luo's contribution before, doesn't count the rebates, just embezzling money, or at least 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

Otherwise, can he have the money to invest in stocks?

There is also the security section, including Xiang Chongfeng, who collectively stole the soda from the factory and sold it. It has reached the point of blatantly. When the back door is opened at night, the small trucks from outside drive in directly, pulling one by one towards the outside!

Yu Feixiang made thousands of dollars from the inside and out.

Liang Yifei is probably aware of these broken things.

You don't even need to check, you can guess.

But then again, it used to be before, and it used to be a state-owned enterprise. Everyone is like this. If the water is clear, there will be no fish. If this is serious, the soda water factory will not wait for the soda factory to restart production, then it will have to be in chaos.

These **** can only be let go, and the old accounts cannot be turned over for the time being.

Wait until it stabilizes, and then reorganize.

However, some key figures, such as the "shadow factory manager" like He Xinfu, need to be beaten, so that they can't make them feel that the new factory manager is a fool.

Let He Xinfu stay behind today and listen, that's what it means, knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger.

It is best to be able to vibrate, not to vibrate, and the opportunity will be right in the future. This He Xinfu is the best object of prestige.

The effect was better than expected. There are quite a few smart people in the world. Ren Peng at the time and He Xinfu now are all such people.

Not a good person, with a small abacus, but aware of current affairs.

As for people, firstly, you need to know yourself, and secondly, you need to know people. When added together, it is called 'knowledge of current affairs'. If you don't know current affairs, no matter how awesome you are, can you be taller than the sky and thicker than the earth? !

For people like Ren Peng and He Xinfu, Liang Yifei is the same existence as the sky and the earth, and there are many ways to play against them if they dare to touch them, and if they dare to be disobedient;

But for Liang Yifei, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau of the provincial department is also the same existence as heaven and earth.

After installing the big tail wolf in front of He Xinfu, Liang Yifei was going to report to Director Liang again.

Regardless of the fact that the company has already been bought and privatized, if the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau is not satisfied, there are too many ways to create a private boss.

All aspects of business must be taken care of. Liang Yifei, the boss, spends half of his energy on dealing with all aspects of the relationship.

Deputy Director Liang had been invited to Lanyun Lake several times before, but he laughed and didn't respond. There are big differences between people these days. There are some who are unscrupulous, and some who are more powerful and more cautious like him. Today, it was Pan Jue who came forward and asked Deputy Director Liang to come. Deputy Director Liang just chose an off-duty time, instead of going to the dance hall, he came directly to Liang Yifei's office.

"Your word is very good!" As soon as he entered the door, Deputy Director Liang pointed to the cheesy word hanging behind Liang Yifei and laughed, and said, "I used to come to Zhou Wanxin's office in the Great Universe before, and he just hung up on that. No, it's not that the chairman's poems are not good, but the meaning is wrong. He is a small private owner who started his business by speculation, and he always changes this for another. Who do you think of yourself?! The main thing is to have a full house of friends and guests from all directions."

He said this when he entered the door, indicating that Deputy Director Liang was in a good mood.

Pan Jue said on the side: "Leader, you know that Boss Liang does things. He has always made money with peace and stability. For example, he handled the arrears of wages this time, and he handled it very innovatively."

After a pause, he said, "I also made a huge sacrifice. For the benefit of the workers, one million was taken out as 400,000, which is equivalent to giving the workers a big gift package."

Deputy Director Liang chuckled. Well, it can be written in a report, but to be serious, he is not that naive.

The million owed outside was originally a dead debt that was difficult to get back.

However, his method is quite flexible.

Liang Yifei went to ask for it himself. The other party was basically a state-owned enterprise. He had a better attitude.

No matter the local police station or other relevant departments, they will definitely maintain their own local enterprises. How can they treat a private boss from another place as a dish?

But let the workers ask for it. They are all ordinary people and creditors. There are so many people.

"This method can really be popularized. We are currently in the restructuring of state-owned enterprises. There are too many similar situations. The factory can't make money, the new boss is unwilling to take care of it, and the workers are unwilling." Deputy Director Liang Xu Xu said Nodding on Liang Yifei, he smiled and said, "You're off to a good start."

Liang Yifei made a cup of tea, brought it to Deputy Director Liang on the table, then took out the red panda and put it on the table, and then smiled: "I also did it according to the spirit of the country to clean up the triangular debt."

Pan Jue came today to write a report. Liang Yifei started talking, and he took out his pen and started to write down.

Deputy Director Liang also nodded slightly to listen to him.

"As for the triangular debt, they are all bad debts and dead debts. The biggest problem is that no one will give in. Even if they are willing to give in, they will not be able to get the money. If you take 10,000 steps back, even if you give the money, the bank will be fine. No matter who the company is, it is the property of the state, and no matter who makes concessions, it is the property of the state that will be lost in the end.”

Liang Yifei paused, giving Pan Jue some time to record, and then continued: "Then let private entrepreneurs take over now, and on the surface, the factory is sold to us at a very cheap price. We entrepreneurs, in addition to revitalizing the factory. , and we have to take on some hidden responsibilities. For example, we can make some concessions for the arrears of wages, and turn 1 million into 400,000 to compensate the employees. In the end, we take over the enterprise, and the purpose is not to re-sell it and make a fortune. , but to make the enterprise come alive again, as long as it is for this goal, it can make concessions, which is the direction of efforts.”

After a pause, he said: "In the final analysis, the ultimate goal of private enterprises is also under the management of the state, as a supplement to state-owned enterprises, to boost the economy."

"Xiao Pan, you need to focus on what he said." Deputy Director Liang's eyes lit up when he heard the last word, and said, "This is the characteristic and characteristic of our province's reforms! Now some people say that beautiful women should not be You should get married first, and ugly women should lose money to marry. Why do you say that? People are worried that some bosses buy businesses at low prices, but they don’t manage them well. Reform in our province is determined to put an end to this situation!”

"Yes!" Pan Jue nodded vigorously: "Beautiful girls and ugly girls will marry sooner or later. If a girl doesn't stay in the middle, she will stay here and keep her enemies! The key is to be a parent. You must investigate carefully and find a good 'son-in-law'. As for Dowry or something, that's not the point, the future daughter's happiness is the key!"

Even Liang Yifei nodded slightly when he heard this, and Deputy Director Liang laughed even more and said, "Xiao Pan, it's no wonder that your president recommended you to report, your words are vivid and easy to understand, and you can say it all at once. The key is here!"

"The leader has won the award. I also have two times before and after. Seeing how Boss Liang operates, I feel a little bit." Pan Jue smiled modestly.

"By the way, Boss Xiaoliang, the first step is very good now. We have a very good impression of you in our bureau." Deputy Director Liang looked at Liang Yifei and said, "Last time you mentioned that there are redundant personnel, and the end will follow. What are you going to do?"

As he spoke, his tone became a little more serious. It was both a reminder and an instruction. He said, "This is not the same as owed wages. If the jobs of hundreds of people are smashed all at once, it might be a big mess!"

"The leadership is not in a hurry for the time being. If it is to be done, it must be properly arranged in the end. Now the priority is to wait for the foreign machines to arrive, and our factory will resume production." Liang Yifei said.

"Yes, yes, once production starts, people's problems will be solved. By the way, you said last time that you want to produce health care products?" Deputy Director Liang asked curiously.

"Yes, extract the turtle essence." Liang Yifei held back his smile.

Every time he saw Lu Renkang's recipe, Liang Yifei wanted to laugh.

He used to think that the so-called Chinese Turtle Essence must at least be Lao Turtle Soup, but only after seeing the formula did he know that fart is just some ordinary refreshing Chinese medicine, plus saccharin.

It has nothing to do with the old turtle at all!

All the soft-shelled turtles ordered from the big farmer are given to Lanyun Lake's catering department for the soft-shelled turtle feast, and the factory can't use them at all!

It can really sell well, the profit is so **** amazing, it is almost the price of selling imported medicines with sugar water!

It is no wonder that several domestic manufacturers of health care products are so popular that any small remote village with dozens of households can see health care product advertisements.

"Oh, the health care products are good, can the elderly drink it?" Deputy Director Liang asked.

"Yes, it is to improve the body's functional immunity. How to say it?" Liang Yifei said casually.

Chinese soft-shelled turtle essence cures all diseases and can solve all human health problems!

Long-term use of Sanzhu oral liquid can prolong life for ten years. Some people can believe this. The store will sell out of stock as soon as it is on the shelves. So saccharin water can improve human immunity, which is also very reasonable.

"Oh, it's like this, there is a semi-public and semi-private matter, do you think it will be resolved." Deputy Director Liang smiled and said, "My brother-in-law is the director of the Nanshan Sanatorium, and all the people there are recuperating. Veteran cadre, this year's budget is a bit overrun, and there is no money to pay for the New Year's welfare at the end of the year. If you can produce products before the New Year, can you give them a batch of credit first, and then supply you when the funds come down next year?"

Liang Yifei counted with his fingers. The Spring Festival of 1993 was January 22. It was not certain whether the machine could come or not, and it was definitely too late to produce the product.

But the old folks, they are all heroes. You can't just ignore them, think about it, and say, "Director Liang, I'll pack this batch of health care products at the end of the year, and I'll buy a carload of Sun God Oral Liquid and send it over there!"

"The sun **** is good things, but you can't let you pay! We have to make it clear." Deputy Director Liang said with a smile.

"It's not free, it's a test of the water. If it's feasible to distribute health care products during the Chinese New Year, after that, when our factory is put into production, the health care products in the sanatorium for the holidays will be ordered from our factory, and I will give a discount. It's a good thing and a good thing." Liang Yifei said.

"You can try this method." Deputy Director Liang nodded.

More than can try.

Sun God, Sanzhu, Feilong Oral Liquid, the three peaks of domestic health care products, all of them have a standard routine of "veteran cadre endorsement".

From a school-run enterprise with a starting capital of only 50,000 yuan to a health care product leader with a turnover of hundreds of millions of yuan, it took only three and a half years for Sun God.

It relies on such routines one after another, which have been abused in later generations, but can still make countless people believe in routines.

When the sun rises, our love lasts forever!