Rebirth of the Burning Era

v1 Chapter 207: Everyone contributes

"I'll talk about this in private, there are bad people in the crowd." Deputy Director Liang shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

"How do you say this?" Liang Yifei laughed.

"What else can I say, you are also the boss, and the workers are not easy to deal with." Deputy Director Liang gave Liang Yifei a vacuous look with a look of "you know".

The workers of the pharmaceutical factory have tasted the sweetness of "disturbance" and found that as long as there is a disturbance, not only the people who make trouble are not responsible, they don't have to be laid off, they don't even need to go to work, and they get a fixed amount of money every month.

Now that they have a big appetite, it's better for the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau to control the pharmaceutical factory. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau went to test their words. The conditions put forward by the workers were very scary, and the compensation could go to heaven.

In this case, all the workers have become thorns, and they often use trouble as a bargaining chip to make demands. Which boss dares to take over?

What's more, now the pharmaceutical factory has become the focus of the superiors, and the main leaders of the province have all asked, and if there is a slight disturbance, some leaders will talk to them. The foreign businessmen really can't do it anymore, slap their butts and leave. But where are the domestic bosses going? If there is an incident, the front and back accounts will be counted together. If the money is not earned by then, people might have to take the blame.

Today, Deputy Director Liang saw that the bosses were resolute and ruthless, and they simply used the method of 'pressing the task', but the bosses were not stupid. They would rather turn against Deputy Director Liang on the spot than take over this time bomb! It's a personal conflict to fight with Deputy Director Liang, and it's a personal conflict. After that, I can still communicate and recover. If I take over the pharmaceutical factory...

"No wonder." Liang Yifei shook his head and said with a smile, "I can't take over this matter without killing me."

"You boy, don't hide without opening your mouth. I never thought of letting you pick it up. Now that you have finished the soda factory, it's better than anything else." Deputy Director Liang waved his hand and said, "I can't help it either, the pharmaceutical factory also has it. There are more than 500 people, and the minimum wage is now paid a month, and it will cost more than 100,000 yuan. Where does the money come from, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau does not have it, and the Labor Bureau refuses to pay it, they are all bullshitting!"

Looking at Deputy Director Liang's depressed face, Liang Yifei could imagine that the pharmaceutical factory was sold from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau. , people can immediately block back with these two sentences.

It is estimated that the Finance Department above them is also putting pressure on Deputy Director Liang, and the province's money is managed by the finance department. Isn't this **** shooting yourself in the foot!

"I've become a beggar now. Every month, I need to find a way to get 100,000 yuan out of it. Otherwise, the workers in the pharmaceutical factory have to go to my house to eat and make a floor. Damn..."

Deputy Director Liang made a rare foul language and waved his hand, "It's alright, don't say this, I'll have a headache when I talk about it, why are you here today? You're not asking me for money, right?"

"It's really related to money, and it's also related to laid-off workers." Liang Yifei smiled.

Deputy Director Liang was stunned for a moment, and pointed his hand outward, "You go! You go now! Don't say a word!"

"Leader, if you let me go now, I can only go this way." Liang Yifei smiled and pointed to the opposite direction, the position of the office window, and said, "Forcing the laid-off workers to death is a force, and forcing the entrepreneurs to death is also a force. , you can do it."

Deputy Director Liang was almost laughed at by Liang Yifei, took out a cigarette, and said angrily, "This official can't be a job, let's talk, what's the matter!"

Liang Yifei took out a lighter and gave it to Deputy Director Liang to light it, and then he said, "Huaqiang Factory has laid off staff, a total of 304..."

Before he finished speaking, Deputy Director Liang's hand shook with the cigarette in his hand, he raised his head suddenly, looked at Liang Yifei in surprise, and said, "You kid is crazy, there are more than 400 people in total, you have laid off more than 300 people, you Do you still want to produce?!"

"Leader, it's not like you don't know the efficiency in the old company. Three people can't do the work of one person. Now it's all machined production, and there are enough people. And I've been laid off this time, except for some thorns, mainly retired. Worker."

Deputy Director Liang interrupted Liang Yifei again, "That's even more nonsense. There are more than 200 retired workers, all of them old men and women. If you kick them all, what should they do if they make trouble!"

"It won't cause trouble, we've negotiated, and we'll pay compensation. I think so, according to the length of service, the current set is 400 for one year of service. In addition, the family conditions are really difficult, and an additional 25 to 50 yuan will be added. , the mood of the workers is relatively stable, and most of them are satisfied." Liang Yifei said.

"Oh, that's it, that's okay, the treatment is still good, four thousand in ten years, ten thousand in 25 years... Huh?" Deputy Director Liang said, raising his tone, looking at Liang Yifei strangely, Said, "This is three or four million, where did you get the money? Wait, you are here today, shouldn't you be asking me for money? I can tell you that the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau does not have more than a cent of money now. If you hit me on the head, I'll have to jump out of the window."

Liang Yifei laughed and said, "Don't worry, leader, I'm not here to ask for money."

Hearing what he said, Deputy Director Liang made up his mind, picked up the teacup, and said, "Got it, what policy do you want?"

"Leader, as for this money, I won't be able to take it out for a while." Liang Yifei said.

"Do you want the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau to come forward and help you secure a loan from the bank?" Deputy Director Liang asked.

Huaqiang Factory has a new business of health care products, and it is relatively optimistic in all aspects, so when it comes to loans, Deputy Director Liang is not a fryer. It is difficult for private companies to obtain loans from banks, but in the case of the score, Liang Yifei has a lot of assets in his name, and they are all high-quality assets. In addition, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau has come forward to guarantee, so the bank may not buy it.

"That's not true." Liang Yifei shook his head and said, "I don't want to pay a dime for this compensation."

"Ah?" Deputy Director Liang looked at Liang Yifei like a ghost. If you don't want to come out, who will come out?

Who can afford it?

"Leader, I think, the purpose of enterprise reform is to develop the national economy and improve the living standards of all the people. If the enterprise reform is successful, the whole society will benefit, right?" Liang Yifei asked.

"That's right." Deputy Director Liang was oblivious to what he said about Yunshan's fog.

"Since it's a national event and everyone benefits, shouldn't everyone contribute?" Liang Yifei paused, then asked and answered his own questions, saying, "Government leads, entrepreneurs take over, employees make certain sacrifices, and the whole society should also contribute. So I want to take this compensation from the entire Binhai City and even the people of the whole province.”

Deputy Director Liang blinked, stared at Liang Yifei for a long time, and said, "What are you doing, kid? Set up another government and collect taxes again?! Tell me, how can you let the people of the whole province and the whole city do it?" I'll give you these millions."

Tens of millions of people in the whole province and 4 million people in Binhai City are evenly spread out. Binhai City alone can solve the problem if one person does not need one dollar.

But the question is, why do people give it?

"Leader, we can sell lottery tickets." Liang Yifei said.

"Huh?" Deputy Director Liang felt that his brain couldn't keep up with Liang Yifei's trip. What happened to the lottery?

"The distribution method is very simple, publicize it, circle a place, set up tables, chairs and benches as sales points, and the lottery tickets are in a scratch-off style. Buy it now and hang it now, two yuan a piece."

After a pause, he said, "I'll figure out what to do with the prizes, the special prize, a Santana, the first prize imported color TV, the second prize, the video recorder, the third prize..."

"Stop, stop!" Before Liang Yifei could finish, Deputy Director Liang waved his hand to interrupt, saying, "You kid, this is too whimsical, isn't it? Lottery tickets are issued by the state, why do individuals issue them?"

Liang Yifei said, "Yes, the state issues welfare lottery tickets, but didn't you say that the local governments would not issue them by themselves?"

"Didn't you say it?" Deputy Director Liang really didn't know.

Not only he didn't know, it was like the airship back then. Before there was no air traffic control regulations, no one knew if it could be done.

"Anyway, I checked and it's not banned. In addition, I heard that in the coastal and Shanghai markets, there are lottery tickets issued by local units, but mainly the sports department." Liang Yifei said.

Deputy Director Liang took a deep breath.

Liang Yifei's words may sound a bit unbelievable at first, but if you think about it carefully, you can't say that you made a mistake. If it is really like what he said, the state does not prohibit it, and other cities already have lottery tickets issued by local departments, then it may not be impossible to do this. .

However, having said that, the first person to eat crabs, or the first batch of crabs, still has a lot of risks. Whether it is the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau, Liang Yifei alone, or issuing lottery tickets, no matter how you feel, you will not be able to win.

Liang Yifei is an entrepreneur. He can take risks and be radical, even whimsical, but Deputy Director Liang can't. Good qualities in entrepreneurs are sometimes fatal in officials.

"Even if a lottery ticket is issued to you, can you make more than 3 million?" Deputy Director Liang asked for a seemingly good reason.

"Leader, it's not for me, but for the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau. I will implement it. As for how much money I can buy, let's talk about it, it's not enough. It's not enough for me to advance the money. Besides..."

When Liang Yifei said this, he got up and closed the office door, sat in a position closer to Deputy Director Liang, and said, "In addition, you must also ask the leader for instructions. There are two reasons, which I think are tenable. ."

"Tell me."

"First, other cities issue lottery tickets to support sports and welfare Our city and our province are not a major sports province, but we are the pacesetter in the reform of state-owned enterprises and issue a batch of lottery tickets specifically to support The reform of state-owned enterprises responds to major national policies through collective efforts, which is also a major feature of our province's reform."

Deputy Director Liang nodded slightly and said, "Well, you continue to talk."

"Secondly, this is what I said in private." Liang Yifei laughed, "I said just now that the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau is the leader, but it is just a title, and I will handle the specifics. If the money from issuing lottery tickets is not enough for Huaqiang Factory to be laid off, then I'll post it here. In addition, since the general public actively supports the reform of enterprises, I, an entrepreneur, have nothing to say. No matter how much lottery tickets are sold in the end, I will use about 300,000 to 500,000 yuan to support the pharmaceutical factory. Don't dare to say, at least let the leader stop worrying about the pharmaceutical factory for a few months."

Deputy Director Liang's eyes lit up, "What about a few months later?"

Liang Yifei smiled and said, "After a few months, the problem of the pharmaceutical factory may no longer exist. We still have to solve the problems caused by development during development."

"Your's really..." Deputy Director Liang nodded frequently. "It sounds feasible, I'll go to ask for instructions and report!"
