Rebirth of the Burning Era

v1 Chapter 21: Husbands should have the awareness to be

In 2018, no matter what you want to take the test, as long as it is allowed by the state, you will definitely be able to find a corresponding cram school.

But in 1991, various targeted cram schools were still rare.

There are few cram schools, but the private tutoring business has long appeared. There are many people with professional knowledge who secretly substitute outside to earn extra money.

Gu Wenming has been taking private jobs for his wife to study abroad.

He has a high teaching level and is a university teacher. He has a lot of life. Recently, he has brought seven or eight students at the same time. He is really too busy. He wants Liang Yifei to help with one or two.

"A student has three classes a week, all of which are oral practice. For eight yuan per class, you take six and I take two. How about it?"

When it came to money, Gu Wenming's expression was still a little dodgy, and he raised his eyes.

After all, he is a high-level intellectual, so it would be a shame to go to sea, especially when he negotiated a deal with the students.

Liang Yifei calculated it silently, seven or eight students, after a month, the extra money alone, I am afraid it will be six or seven hundred, plus the income of the job, it will be close to one thousand.

Gu Wenming's remarks reminded Liang Yifei, why didn't he hold a cram school?

Previously, his plan was to try to accumulate as much of his first pot of gold as possible within a year. The more the better, it would be of great use in a year.

To give people an idea, although it is "less money and more close to home", but after all, there is a lot of chance, a typical wait for a rabbit, so I have been looking for good projects, and I can't let money limit it.

Instead of making money just by giving other people ideas, it is better to give yourself ideas and make money while waiting for other people's money to come to your door.

On the platform of night school, the people that can be contacted turned out to be more complex and higher in general level in Little Hong Kong. Liang Yifei can hear from time to time who is planning to go abroad, and the craze for learning English is right next to him. By then, the whole society had an almost crazy worship of 'English'.

There is more and more "consumer demand" in English, but the market supply has not kept up. Most of them are grass-roots guerrillas like Gu Wenming who fight alone, and there are almost no regular troops.

Good wind, with its strength, sent me to Qingyun. With the market environment and strong wind direction, I also have great convenience compared to others: I have studied the successful cases of New Oriental in business school in my last life. How did it come about? I still remember what setbacks and crises I have encountered and how to avoid them.

If I remember correctly, Yu Minhong has already started his cram school business in the capital, posting small advertisements everywhere.

Compared with Yu Minhong, he not only has the prophet, all his successful experiences, lessons from his failures, but also a lot of start-up capital!

Whether it can achieve the scale of New Oriental, I dare not say, but Liang Yifei is confident that he can make a fortune in a short period of time!

He was thinking about things here, but didn't agree immediately. Gu Wenming was a little ashamed at first. Seeing that he didn't speak, he thought he didn't like going to sea, so he smiled shyly and said, "Hey, let's talk about it. It's a bit embarrassing, if it wasn't for making money, I wouldn't be able to pull this face off."

Saying that, he took out a photo from his suit pocket and handed it to Liang Yifei.

In the photo, a woman with big bangs and a red sweater looks very beautiful.

The background is the US embassy.

"Master?" Liang Yifei asked.

"You can call your sister-in-law." Gu Wenming flicked the cigarette ash, leaned on the fence and looked at the artificial lake on the distant campus, and said, "I sold my house last year, and I borrowed some money from the savings at home and sent her out. It's hard to find a job there, and I have to send money every month."

Liang Yifei nodded, the moon in foreign countries is not so round, no matter where you go, if you want to stand up straight and talk, you must first learn to kneel beautifully.

A foreign country, let alone.

He had seen a joke before, saying that a Chinese working man who was washing dishes in a restaurant abroad died in a car accident. The next morning, dozens of Chinese students gathered at the door of the restaurant. People thought they came to mourn spontaneously. , It turned out that they were all here to grab the dishwashing job that was left.

After thinking about it, he said something really inappropriate: "Mr. Gu, my sister-in-law is very beautiful, you are not afraid..."

They're all men, so it doesn't need to be said.

These bad things happen around me every day, I understand.

Gu Wenming was not angry, he just smiled bitterly and said, "Liang, I'm not afraid of your jokes, I'll tell you a heartfelt message, the day I took her out, I saw her back at the boarding gate for a moment, and suddenly I understood everything. When she leaves, in all likelihood, it's meat buns hitting foreign dogs, and there is no return."

"Then you still?" Liang Yifei said.

Gu Wenming pinched the cigarette **** on the corridor railing, and smiled, feeling free and easy and helpless.

"Who asked her to be my wife? Since she is with me, I will try my best to send her a ride, as far as I can. We Chinese men have oppressed women for thousands of years. Now that women are liberated, husbands must have When you become a stepping stone, you should repay the debt to your ancestors."

The words are funny, but also very bitter.

There is no sincerity, no kindness, so I can't say this.

Liang Yifei pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Gu, you are a student or two, and you are so tired that you vomit blood, and you are so tired that you vomit blood. If I guess correctly, you earn a month. This money is enough to make long-distance calls, right?"

Gu Wenming raised his brows: "What do you mean?"

Liang Yifei said: "Mr. Gu, I have some money, and I want to set up an English tuition class to help people who go abroad to train. I may expand the business in the future. But I don't know the specific teaching business, and I need a helper. Would you like to? Come to help? I invest, you are in charge!"

Unexpectedly, Gu Wenming shook his head without hesitation: "That won't work."

"How do you say it?" Liang Yifei asked.

Gu Wenming's explanation was very euphemistic, but Liang Yifei still understood it.

The school prohibits teachers from making extra money outside. The school’s Disciplinary and Ethics Committee is investigating this matter. Now he is secretly bringing a few students and dare not let the school Not to mention large-scale cram schools?

Once stabbed out, a young employment teacher like him who came out of the countryside and has no background will definitely be expelled!

Besides, who can guarantee that you will make money when you go to sea?

Seeing that people eat tofu the fastest, I saw that thieves eat meat without being beaten. There are so many people who go to sea, but only a few really make money. A small group of upstarts jumped out to show off.

Now he wants to support his wife, he doesn't expect great wealth and wealth, his income must be stable, how dare he take risks.

Taking a step back, even if he could make money, compared with the position of a university teacher, Gu Wenming couldn't bear the latter.

He came out of the countryside, and he relied on reading along the way to become what he is today. The unique character of many intellectuals has been deeply imprinted in his bones.

Everything is inferior, except for those who study high. Although some people say that it is better to sell tea eggs than to engage in atomic bombs, but Gu Wenming has read books for half his life, and he has always considered himself an intellectual. He asked him to give up his identity as a university teacher and become a small boss. Can't take it down a bit.

Of course, if he knew that in the future there was a guy with a similar experience to him, who relied on tutoring in English to have his own listed company and was worth billions, that would be another matter.

The problem is that now he neither knows nor believes it!

Stability has always been overwhelming in the hearts of Chinese people!

Until a miracle really comes, only a lunatic will believe that a miracle will happen.

Even after the miracle happened, the vast majority of people still think that this is just the luck that God gave to a few people, and they don't dare to try it on their own!

Because in the final analysis, any attempt, any change, has to pay a price, and in many cases, this price is still very heavy!