Rebirth of the Burning Era

v1 Chapter 274: it's complicated

After dealing with a lot of troublesome things, it was on-site evidence collection, and record-keeping inquiries. All kinds of headaches. Liang Yifei simply hid in the hospital and answered questions on the hospital bed when he needed assistance.

The nature of the whole thing is clear: kidnapping. No matter how Scar originally said that Liang Yifei was 'compensating', 12 million is unreasonable.

Kidnapping was actually not the biggest problem. It also involved intentional homicide and attempted murder. Brother Scar was already subdued by Han Lei before he could fill the cement and flesh and blood in the mixer.

Of the four kidnappers, one was killed in infighting, and the other three were all captured by the police who arrived.

It sounds a bit fantasy-like. The collapsed nose was inserted with steel bars, and the face rolled down the stairs. It looked like the injury was very serious, but the injury was relatively light. The second serious one is Brother Scar, who suffered a comminuted fracture of his right elbow, and his right hand was completely abolished;

The one who was injured the most was the guy who was confronted by Han Lei in the sprint, and the guy who was sent to the hospital was not rescued.

When Zhao Dajun specially came to make a record for Liang Yifei, he said: "It's useless to rescue him, kidnapping, murdering, and attempted murder, especially kidnapping a well-known entrepreneur like you. The murder method is extremely brutal, and the death penalty cannot be escaped. Xiaoliang, that bodyguard of yours is ruthless enough!"

"Chu Zhao, Han Lei must be guaranteed by me, no matter how much money is needed." Liang Yifei said.

Liang Yifei was a serious victim, and now he can lie down in the hospital, recuperating while cooperating with the investigation;

But Han Lei was temporarily locked up in the detention center.

No matter what, he has human life on his hands, and it is impossible to let him out without a formal trial.

"Xiao Liang, I'm afraid this is a little troublesome." Zhao Dajun said.

Liang Yifei's face sank slightly and said: "According to Article 20 of the Criminal Law, in order to protect the country, the public interest, the person, property and other rights of himself or others from the ongoing illegal infringement, the measures taken to stop the illegal Violations that cause harm to the unlawful infringer are legitimate defenses and do not bear criminal responsibility. Director Zhao, I am not playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong. You are more familiar with the law than I am. You said that Han Lei's actions this time have From what point of view, it does not meet the requirements of self-defense?!"

Liang Yifei has always been more restrained when talking to his superiors, but this time, there was a bit of anger in his tone.

He was really annoyed. If Han Lei had to go to jail because of this, he couldn't accept it.

Not only is it a matter of justice, but if the bodyguard protects the boss, but ends up in prison, and the boss does not have the ability to protect the bodyguard in turn, then which bodyguard would dare to sacrifice his life for the boss?

To tell the truth, if Han Lei hadn't worked hard this time, he would have already explained his life and went with Zhou Laibao!

At that time, watching Han Lei shoot, it was like watching a martial arts movie, but after all, it is not a movie, no matter how good he is, facing three vicious gangsters, and even a gun, he is risking his life, even if there is the slightest mistakes can lead to loss of life.

"Don't take it too seriously. You really won't be imprisoned." Zhao Dajun said, "It should be a probation sentence. It looks like a three-time suspended sentence. In fact, we have already told Han Lei about the situation, and Han Lei himself expressed that he can accept it."

"That won't work, he can accept it, but I won't accept it!" Liang Yifei didn't look sick at all, he jumped up from the bed, and said with a stern look, "The situation at that time, no matter how severe the angle, should be regarded as a legitimate defense. What sentence him!"

The judgment of self-defense is indeed very strict, and it requires that the illegal act is being carried out, has legitimacy, and belongs to the nature of defense. In practice, it is difficult to satisfy both at the same time. But at that time, the collapsed nose was going to hold Liang Yifei hostage, the other one used a dagger to stab Han Lei at the key point, and Brother Scar even took out a gun. These were all moments that could pose a direct threat to other people's lives, so obviously they were all satisfied.

Moreover, Liang Yifei had heard of Han Lei's experience, and could understand a little of his feelings. This time, he must not be wronged again.

He was able to keep up with the kidnappers calmly when all the police were thrown away. At the critical moment, he fought three against three, almost with his bare hands, and killed three armed gangsters neatly. His ability has been proven. As long as the bodyguard can buy his loyalty, even if Liang Yifei has found a treasure, he will dare to use it with confidence.

"What are you jumping for, don't be so excited, no one said that he was not in self-defense." Zhao Dajun consciously felt a little wrong, and calmly appeased Liang Yifei, saying, "But, the situation is a bit special now."

"Why is it special?" Liang Yifei said.

"In the first place, after all, there is no one else at the scene, just the two of you and the kidnapper. Are you the victim or his employer, and he is the party involved. The theoretical credibility of your testimony should be discounted; As soon as he made a move, one was killed and two seriously injured, and the impact was too bad."

Zhao Dajun paused and continued: "The key is, if he is considered a legitimate defense, the impact will not be good!"

"What? Bad influence?!" Liang Yifei looked inexplicable.

Fighting bad guys, will it affect bad? When you see a bad guy, you tie your hands and wait to die. Does that affect you?

"That's not what it means." Zhao Dajun explained: "You are a rich boss, and he is your bodyguard. Do you know how many rich bosses are in the country now, and how many bodyguards are around? This time, I know the inside story. , I understand that Han Lei is indeed self-defense, but if this is the case, have you ever thought about it? The bottom line of defense."

When Zhao Dajun said this, Liang Yifei understood. According to this line of thinking, the whole thing is not a simple self-defense problem. It may indeed cause a social atmosphere, and make some bosses and bodyguards who are already very arrogant to change. be more reckless.

To tell the truth, it's already too much for the rich to bully ordinary people, and it's certainly not good to start this trend again.

"Xiao Liang, I will go further and consider it for your consideration, the mentality of hating the rich in society is a bit serious now. You are a big boss, and you are already envious. If you are sentenced to self-defense this time, think about it, those who don't know What will the insider talk about behind your back? It may not be good for your reputation. This time, you should take the overall situation into consideration and make sacrifices. You can rest assured that we are fully confident that Han Lei will get a reprieve, nothing. The difference, anyway, Han Lei is not going to work in a state unit." Zhao Dajun persuaded.

Liang Yifei sighed in his heart. It was originally a very simple and clear thing, but it often involves a lot of things that are submerged and extended. In turn, whether the matter itself is right or wrong is not the most important thing.

Zhao Dajun's words have some truth. Han Lei's judgment of justifiable defense is correct, but he is judged to be excessively defensive, and there are reasons for this.

After pondering for a moment, Liang Yifei said, "No, Chu Zhao, you can't look at it this way."

"I said why are you so stubborn, you weren't like this before." Zhao Dajun said: "You are not so stunned that you don't understand anything, I'll tell you for a long time, whether to harm you or for your own good, you I don't understand myself!"

"Chu Zhao, you don't understand what I mean. When I said 'you can't look at it this way', it wasn't a matter of self-defense." Liang Yifei said.

Zhao Dajun was taken aback: "You? What do you mean?"

"The whole thing, I remember it should be like this: four kidnappers, one died in infighting, and the other three, weren't the comrades who handled the case, who arrived in time to capture them? During the arrest process, they resisted and were arrested by the police. Use force to subdue them. These people have knives and guns. When using force, in order to protect the safety of the hostages, they did a little harder."

Liang Yifei smiled and said, "For example, could a sniper shoot and kill the kidnappers in order to protect the safety of the hostages. This is considered excessive defense? This is considered meritorious!"

Zhao Dajun's mind lit up and said, "What do you mean?"

"It's not what I meant, it's what I saw." Liang Yifei said lightly: "Captain Ren and the others didn't lose track of the kidnappers who got money through They found the construction site and fought fiercely. Afterwards, the kidnappers were killed and injured, and the hostages were successfully rescued, that is, me. From beginning to end, Han Lei didn't have anything to do with him."

Zhao Dajun's mind quickly turned around. Liang Yifei's words may sound a little unreliable, but after thinking about it carefully, it is actually good for all aspects, and it is a good way to achieve everything.

Han Lei, of course, is not used to take responsibility; in society, there is no need to worry about negative effects; Liang Yifei will not be slandered behind his back because of his hatred for the rich; the police also have benefits. In such a big case, the police car is lost, but the An unofficial bodyguard rescued the hostages. Once the news spreads, it is impossible to say.

But if you really do this, you must not deceive the superior and the inferior and report the incident falsely. On the contrary, you must report the truth, difficulties, and real situation to the higher-level leaders. After all, this is a last resort. The kidnapping case itself should also be in the media, try to downplay it as much as possible.

"Chu Zhao, this is my suggestion anyway. If it doesn't work, I will pay to help Han Lei file a lawsuit and hire the best lawyer." Liang Yifei said.

Zhao Dajun rolled his eyes, is this kind of thing a lawyer can do, and said: "Okay, don't talk to me, you are the best lawyer, the best lawyer probably has both the tongue and the brain. Why don't you, let's do it this way, I'll report back and ask for instructions, and try my best. This matter is indeed more complicated and needs to be discussed."

After finishing speaking, I sorted out the materials in my hand and said, "You have a good rest, I will go first."

"Okay." Liang Yifei nodded.

In the next few days, Zhao Dajun did not show up, but there was an endless stream of people who came to ‘visit’.


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