Rebirth of the Burning Era

v1 Chapter 317: people who can foresee the future

Leaving Yangcheng, when he parted with Xie Yifei at the highway intersection, Liang Yifei specially warned him again, and he had to pay attention to the fact that once the Buddhist entrepreneur in Thailand 'exited', he immediately informed himself and rushed to Thailand to win the Red Bull. agency.

Seeing that the end of the year is approaching, although the Xie family is in Thailand, they still adhere to some Chinese traditions. During the Chinese New Year, if a group of children in the family have no particularly important business, they still have to go back to the Xie family mansion: the big manor-like palace reunion.

After parting with Liang Yifei, Xie Yifei climbed from the back seat of his own cruiser to the front co-pilot, took out a box of Thai idol cigarettes, took one by himself, and handed one to the driver.

The driver was silent along the way. Whether Xie Yifei and Liang Yifei were chatting or eating, he always did his own thing silently, without saying a word, almost no sense of existence, almost like a servant, but at this time He took the cigarette from the 'boss', but he didn't look unnatural, he didn't even say thank you, he skillfully pressed the cigarette lighter on the car with his left hand and lit it.

"Tony, what do you think?" Xie Yifei asked.

Called Tony, the driver with a mixed-race face pondered for two or three seconds before answering Xie Yifei, saying, "This boss Liang's ambition is very lofty, and it is definitely not something that health care products can satisfy."

"Of course I know that he has great ambitions, young man, if he has no ambition, what's the difference between him and a rotten mango?" Xie Yifei shrugged his shoulders very European and said, "I mean, if we cooperate with him in the future ,what do you think?"

"Don't he think his foundation is too weak?" Tony said.

Xie Yifei rolled his eyes speechlessly and said, "My dear brother, I'm asking what you think now."

Hearing the word 'brother', Tony showed a somewhat sarcastic upturned expression and said, "I'm not Xie."

"After so many years, you can't let go of your resentment towards our common father. He doesn't recognize you as his son, but I always treat you as a real brother!" Xie Yifei said.

Tony snorted, thought for a while, and said, "The two of us, especially me, will never be able to enter the core layer in Thailand Chia Tai, you and I know this, and your three brothers and uncles are also very clear, Tens of thousands of employees of CP Thailand know that there is only one chance for us to develop our own business in the mainland, so we must find a strong mainland partner.”

"You don't agree to cooperate with Liang Yifei?" Xie Yifei asked.

"When I say "powerful", I mean not only the foundation, but also a comprehensive measure." Tony said with a clear mind and tone while looking ahead and driving. "The current enterprise scale, human resources , the relationship with the upper level is very important; the quality of the person itself, including brain, ability, etc., is equally important; also, the future, vision, and pattern of this person may be more important, because we are still young, what we need is A partner with great development potential, as long as he has the potential, the current weakness will only benefit us. If he is too strong, maybe later, we will work for him. After all, the Xie family and Chia Tai, For us, it's just a... Well, in Chinese words, it's just a ferocious tiger skin. If we can do well, the Xie family will be willing to support us. If we don't do well, the Xie family will not pay for it. Too much to pay."

"Do you agree?" Xie Yifei said.

Tony nodded and said, "I have followed you to China for three years. In the past three years, you and I have met hundreds of outstanding entrepreneurs in various fields, and we have secretly inspected each of them. But This Liang Yifei makes me feel different, he has something completely different from the current mainland entrepreneurs."

"What?" Xie Yifei asked. After speaking, he nodded thoughtfully and said, "This person is quite different. I feel... how do I put it... I can't say..."

"He seems to be able to foresee the future!" Tony said something horrifying.

This is really scary, Xie Yifei shook his hand slightly, turned his head and stared at Tony for a moment, but Tony continued to drive without expression.

After several seconds, Xie Yifei's expression returned to normal.

Tony is the illegitimate son of his father. He was a 'product' of a street scene when he was young. He has been living in the bottom of Thailand since he was a child. He was brought back at the age of 17. Unlike the mainland people and the upper-class people in Thailand who have been well educated since childhood, the people at the bottom of Thailand are different. , not only regards gods and Buddhas as a kind of spiritual sustenance, but many even believe that they exist, and their religious beliefs are very strong. They are very superstitious about things like 'reincarnation soul boy' and 'previous life and future life'. , I dare not say that I will believe it, but I do not completely deny it.

Tony's "being able to meet the future" is more of a mythical view of Liang Yifei's ability.

"There is some truth to saying that. This person seems to be able to clearly see the trend of this country, and every action is accurately in line with the general trend of this country. It is rare that he also seems to be able to detect the whirlpool under the trend. "

Xie Yifei met Liang Yifei through Pan Jue. At first, he was strong with Pan Jue and studied Pan Jue's articles. The deepest impression was that this writer was able to find what the mainland really recognized and needed among the many colliding thoughts every time. This makes him feel that Pan Jue is very remarkable, quite a scholar who knows the world without going out.

But as he deepened his understanding, he realized that it was not Pan Jue but Liang Yifei who knew the world and grasped the pulse of the times.

There are thousands of successful entrepreneurs in contemporary times, but there are not many people who can accurately locate their identity after success, correct their relationship with the country and the market, and grow steadily with the development of the country every time. .

Whether it's Jianlibao, Feilong, or the big bosses who re-sold batches and speculated in stocks, most of their successes are focused on one thing, one career, and Liang Yifei has been in continuous operation in just two or three years. Different fields have proved themselves, and the follow-up development of each field is still very healthy, which shows that his grasp of the national trend is not a tone of voice, but a 'predictable', or at least a 'very accurate judgment and grasp' .

"When doing things in the mainland, the policy influence is too great. We need a partner like this. Moreover, in terms of personal feelings, I don't hate this Liang Yifei. He is a very interesting person." Tony said.

Xie Yifei nodded, Tony was his important assistant, on such a major event, he had to take into account Tony's opinion, leaned back in his chair and said, "I mean the same as you, maybe there will be better choices in the future, but I don't want to wait any longer."

"If you really decide to cooperate with him, put aside the illusion of 'there will be better choices in the future', it will only affect our cooperation with him. I think once selected, we should decide that this is the The best choice." Tony said firmly.

Xie Yifei turned his head and glanced at Tony, and then said seriously: "So I need your help, Tony, although you haven't read any books, but you understand the truth no less than anyone who has read a doctorate."

Tony said lightly: "It's just because of poverty."



The two cars parted ways, each talking in its own way.

On Liang Yifei's side, Wu Sanshou was also asking, "Brother, are you really ready to make a drink?"

"What, is there anything wrong?" Liang Yifei said.

"It's not wrong, I just think that we have only just started on the health care products side. This year, it seems that it is two hundred million yuan in difficulty, but 150 million yuan in sales is definitely there. According to our survey, people like us It is very easy to double a product with a good start every year, and it is possible to double it tenfold in three years. We only took a bite of this piece of meat, and it is a pity to give up now.” Wu Sanshou said.

"I'm not giving up. Drinks will be made, and health care products will be made, but separately, so I told you just now that after we go back, we will immediately count how much money we can use. Health care products and beverages are counted as one and the same. Industry In addition to slightly changing the assembly line, the rest can be copied, and it is very easy to cross the past."

After a pause, he said; "Of course, the center will gradually shift to beverages in the future, which is certain."

"Oh, oh, so I understand. Don't worry about the funds, Lanyun Lake and the new era are not counted. Just Huaqiang Factory and Huideli have enough funds on the account, they are very rich, just The interest in the bank is enough to build a new beverage factory." Wu Sanshou said.

"Actually..." Liang Yifei nodded, then smiled, and said, "I always say these things in public, and I have a purpose. We still have to eat health care products, as you said, if you don't make money, you won't make it for nothing. It’s not free, but the competition is too big, I always say in public that I don’t want to do it, and if I don’t like it, those people won’t take us as the biggest threat, and we can eat this meal to live in peace.”

"It's the same reason." Wu Sanshou smiled and then said; "By the way, Lu Renkang called me yesterday, and told me to bring some friends to Binhai City to play after the New Year, let us welcome you."

"What's so interesting about Binhai City?" Liang Yifei asked indifferently, "I'm afraid there are other purposes."

"Apart from money, what other purpose can I have? I guess I want to talk about the price again." Wu San paused and said, "I heard that the Lujia Army has been unstable recently, and several champions have lost money with them due to bonus issues. Lu Renkang is very stiff, brother, if we make drinks, I am afraid it is not suitable for them to speak for them."

Of course it is not suitable. Health care products are purely deceptive, but beverages are a long-term project. Naturally, he cannot destroy his own brand. Liang Yifei thought about it and said, "We will receive you first, and watch as you walk. There is no need to make trouble if you cooperate with one another. stiff."


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