Rebirth of the Burning Era

v2 Chapter 404: Can't see through

?There are two different forms of literary expression from the script. There are many words, long paragraphs, and the content should be left blank. The greatest strengths of literature are used, leaving room for readers to think. At the same time, in terms of the plot, it must be twists and turns. The ending may be seen at the beginning, but through the development of the story, the characters and conflicts are unfolded layer by layer.

The same story, written as a script, is two different things.

What is the script? It was directed by the filming. During the filming, every move, every word and deed of the actors was based on the script.

So relatively, the script is more direct, clear, and normative. The first part is a few paragraphs that are not literary, but a very straightforward introduction to the story. In a few minutes, you can understand what the story is about, whether the protagonist and supporting roles are good or bad, and what is the ending of the character? .

In the subsequent development, the script should also be clear and direct, rather than making people guess.

Generally speaking, the script seems to be easier and faster to read, but it is not as entertaining.

Therefore, it didn't take long for Liang Yifei and Wang Shuo to read each other's scripts, and Feng Gang and the others also read their scripts.

For a while, the atmosphere was a little silent, and no one spoke.

But the expressions are different.

Yang Yuying looked at Liang Yifei a few more times with undisguised admiration in her eyes.

Wang Shuo and Liang Yifei's books, who is good and who is bad, which is better, speaks conscience, Yang Yuying can't tell, but as an ordinary 'audience', she thinks that these books are very good.

Wang Shuo's book is good, that's a matter of course, just like Liang Yifei can make money in business, it's not surprising; but Liang Yifei's book is good, it's worthy of praise, which is surprising, because Liang Yifei is not in this line of work of.

In other words, Liang Yifei is not a professional, and Wang Shuo is a professional master. At this time, Yang Yuying can't tell whether Liang Yifei and Wang Shuo's books are better or worse. This itself explains the problem.

But because of her status, Yang Yuying, who is half-legged in the entertainment industry, looked at Liang Yifei a few more times with the eyes of a fan girl, but at the same time, she did not forget to give Wang Shuo the look of "Mr. Wang is really amazing".

Yang Yuying had scruples, but Sheng Wenfeng had no pressure. He directly put Wang Shuo's notebook aside and held Liang Yifei's notebook.

He doesn't really think about who wins and who loses.

Different positions and positions, different angles of thinking about the problem, Sheng Wenfeng is too clear, like him, like Liang Yifei, how can he really take such a trivial matter of winning or losing too seriously?

Liang Yifei was frivolous once, and he gambled with Wang Shuo, either for other purposes, or just for the sake of his tense business career, to find some medicines and deliberately cause trouble to relax.

Just like that sentence: idle is idle, play chanting.

But after seeing Liang Yifei's two stories, Sheng Wenfeng felt that his eyes were opened.

Two perspectives.

One is the vision of 'movie'.

He didn't expect that such a thing could be photographed.

Liang Yifei's two books have changed the characteristics of the mainland and even Hong Kong movies in the past: family and country hatred, social humanity.

Without these things, it is purely an entertainment film. Don’t look at it as if it has something to do with social phenomena and human nature, but it gives people the feeling that there is no serious or serious pressure at all, and it is very relaxed and happy;

But if you say it is like some nonsensical comedies in Xiangjiang, it is different. These two books are very rooted in terms of the story environment, small plots, characters, and conflicts. Yes, that's it, haha' sense of resonance, in the resonance, you can find a touch of moving or absurdity.

It can be said that this is an entertainment film with a strong mainland flavor.

The second eye-opener was to Liang Yifei.

Sheng Wenfeng is completely speechless. He has seen many capable people, but he has never seen someone like Liang Yifei. How can he be at the top of everything?

Is this guy a genius or a monster? !

His confidence in Liang Yifei was built up bit by bit, not only by him, but also by many people in contact with Liang Yifei, so Liang Yifei sometimes casually remarks and thinks, and those who are close to him will take it seriously. to consider.

The most difficult thing in the audience right now is Feng Gang.

Feng Gang first read Wang Shuo's book, and after reading it, his heart sank.

This is troublesome, Mr. Wang is really unwilling to save Liang Yifei's face at all, these two books are not only his true level, but even extraordinary!

The greater the pressure, the greater the rebound.

No matter how Liang Yifei writes, can he write something comparable to this?

But when he saw Liang Yifei's two scripts, Feng Gang's heart skipped a beat.

Here's to trouble!

What are you most afraid of? Don't be afraid of strong and weak, who is stronger and who is weak, it will be clear when you compare.

I am afraid that there is no difference, everyone is about the same strength, then there are only two outcomes, either the two tigers will be injured when they fight, and the one who loses will be defeated, and the one who wins will not be much better;

From a professional point of view, Liang Yifei's two books are more entertaining and more suitable for filming, but Wang Shuo's two books have more depth.

This is where the trouble lies! Feng Gang never imagined that the level of the books he took out was almost the same.

According to the tempers of the two of them, none of them would take the initiative to admit counseling, and then some of them would be wrangling.

Feng Gang's current attention is not even on 'Liang Yifei can actually write such a contrived script', but on his relationship with Wang Shuo, or that sentence, he doesn't want to offend either of them, but this matter, But because of him, at least he brought Wang Shuo here.

Therefore, the three people who acted as judges had more ideas at this time, but none of them spoke first.

They didn't open their mouths, this matter had to come to an end, or Liang Yifei did. Chong Wang Shuo smiled and said, "Mr. Wang, do you think my two books are okay?"

Wang Shuo's expression was different from the others.

Since reading Liang Yifei's script, he has been frowning.

That is, there is no surprise at Liang Yifei's talent, nor any negative emotions such as anger and anger.

He was puzzled, very puzzled.

"Boss Liang, do you really like reading my books?" After holding back for a long time, he asked something that sounded rather arrogant.

"Hehehe..." Liang Yifei smiled embarrassedly and said, "I'm usually busy and a little free. I usually read information books, and other books are rarely covered."

"That's weird!" Wang Shuo rubbed his temples and said, "How come I am so familiar with your two books?"

Sheng Wenfeng coughed and said, "Mr. Wang, it's inappropriate to say that. You can't say that he copied you."

"No, no, that's not what it means."

Wang Shuo waved his hand, frowned, let it go again, and then frowned for a few seconds. After finally choosing his words, he said, "These two books are very good, and there is nothing to say. But I always feel that the style is the same as Mine is so similar, even the way of thinking is the same, as if I wrote it myself!"

As soon as these words came out, the thoughts of several people present were different. Yang Yuying suddenly despised this literary giant in her heart, thinking that winning or losing is nothing, you are boring like this, isn't this a rogue? Sheng Wenfeng was curious, are these two really the same? Feng Gang was very concerned. When he read these scripts just now, he did have the same feeling as Wang Shuo.

Only Liang Yifei couldn't help but laugh.

In the eyes of several other people, his smile has different meanings, and it is quite unpredictable. Only he himself knows it.

It’s okay to be very undisturbed or not to leave. It turns out that there is indeed a shadow of Wang Shuo behind the empty space. Although Feng Gang became a screenwriter in the later stage, he learned a few brushes from Wang Shuo. , also have obvious Wang's brand.

Liang Yifei suddenly remembered that in a movie Charlotte Troubled in his previous life, the protagonist Charlotte plagiarized Jay Chou's songs and became famous, but Jay Chou was buried because of this.

In this situation, Liang Yifei understood Wang Shuo's feeling of living under the shadow.

"Mr. Wang, let's not talk about these two books. Do you still think I copied the previous Party A and Party B?" Liang Yifei laughed.

Wang Shuo thought for a while, then raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said, "It's probably just a coincidence."

Wang Shuo is not the kind of shameless person. Liang Yifei's ability to write these two books is enough to prove that he has the ability to write good scripts, so why should he copy?

It's just that the tone in his heart was really panicked, and he said a little depressedly: "I never thought of it before, how could such a coincidence happen, Boss Liang, you've robbed me of my job."

Wang Shuo is arrogant and arrogant. To be able to tell such a joke is actually equivalent to admitting cowardice. Feng Gang quickly saw the needle and said, "Where will Mr. Liang take your job, and besides, UU Reading are all friends. Well, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, just solve it! Otherwise, it was decided before, Teacher Wang will help to change the script, and then we are ready to launch?"

"I'm fine, admit defeat." Wang Shuo shook his head, still smiling bitterly, this is so **** weird.

"What kind of bet is it? It's just a joke." Wang Shuo gave in, and Liang Yifei, the real plagiarist, was not prepared to ignore others, he laughed and said, "I don't have any idea of ​​developing into the entertainment industry, in my opinion. , the screenwriter of this play is still under the name of Teacher Wang, Director Feng will direct it, Boss Sheng and I will invest, and Miss Yang will make a cameo, so it's decided."

Although there were some small twists and turns, the result was a happy one.

After settling down, let's eat, drink and sing together.

In the evening, I was entertaining Wang Shuo and Feng Gang in the ballroom. Wang Shuo drank too much and put his arms around Feng Gang's arm. He said that I was so big, and it was the first time that I was so popular that I was speechless. can't see through.

Feng Gang laughed and said that you can see through something. You are not an X-ray, so why do you see through? What's the benefit of seeing people through? Confused account, confused too.