Rebirth of the Burning Era

v2 Chapter 441: Health Products Annual Meeting

The truth that little girls know, adults must know, the key is, knowing does not mean believing, and believing does not mean obeying. If everyone in the world has the same three views, how can there be contradictions and disputes?

But if everyone's three views and perceptions are exactly the same, then the world will be meaningless.

Liang Yifei is willing to admit and appreciate the diversity of the world, but if this diversity comes at the expense of his own misfortune, then he certainly can't.

"After all, health products are too lucrative."

As Zong Qinghou said, he took a piece of Dongpo meat for Zong Fuli. Zong Fuli used chopsticks to remove the skin of the meat, and kept the skin for himself to eat. The lean meat was put into Zong Qing's thick bowl, and there was a little left The fat in the middle was left untouched on the plate.

Seeing this very lifelike little gesture, Liang Yifei couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly. Zong Fuli just looked up and saw this strange uncle smiling, and grinned, revealing a small white tooth.

Zong Qinghou looked at his daughter and laughed as well.

Everyone at the table was laughing, and only Wu had three hands left. It seemed inappropriate for him not to laugh, so he could only laugh along.

With such a smile, the atmosphere suddenly softened a lot, not as heavy as before.

Zong Qinghou continued: "The last Jianlibao annual meeting, Shi Yuzhu, do you remember?"

"Remember." Liang Yifei nodded.

"He is also making health products now, and the stall is still open. What is the group army combat mode, and a weight loss medicine is promoted, what is it called..."

In the second half of the sentence, he asked Zong Fuli, who said crisply, "Is it fat!"

"Yes, Huge is not fat." The name is a bit funny, Zong Qinghou smiled helplessly and shook his head and said, "Shi Yuzhu used to be a computer Hanka, that thing is so lucrative that he almost closed his eyes to collect money, but now Even he can't help but change and end up eating health supplements, just think about it."

"Being wealthy is like killing one's parents?" Liang Yifei said strangely.

Zong Qing said kindly: "If you change the city, it may not be like this. But don't forget, the three plants mainly target towns and villages. The special zone, the Shanghai stock market, the capital, and even cities like Jinling are not the key targets of the three plants. Areas like Anhui are good places to develop the peasant movement. I heard that among the three key provinces of the three plants this year, Hunan province ranks first.”

Liang Yifei rolled his eyelids slightly. It seemed that Zong Qinghou was not idle when he ran back and forth in such a day. Once people like them were determined to investigate something seriously, the efficiency was amazing.

Maybe Zong Qinghou also had someone in the three plants.

"Boss Zong, what do you think about this matter?" Now it's of little significance to worry about the gains and losses of one city and one place. The three Huaqiang factories that were at the same time at the same time this time will always have a solution in the end.

Communication with Boss Wu of Sanzhu is obviously not meaningful. The internal document is basically compiled from Boss Wu's speech at the internal meeting, so you can see a lot of colloquial words; Sanzhu's style is also entirely because of Boss Wu's personal style, if I go to talk to him now, I will never be able to talk about an ugly person.

Liang Yifei wanted to hear Zong Qinghou's opinion on this matter.

"What do you mean?" Zong Qinghou asked.

Liang Yifei thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Harmony is the most precious thing."

"Huh?" Zong Qinghou was stunned for a moment, squinting his eyes and looking at Liang Yifei, Liang Yifei smiled, calmly took a chopstick of glutinous rice lotus into his mouth and chewed slowly.

The sweetness is really an authentic Hangbang dish. It is very distinctive. The glutinous rice lotus in other places is also sweet, but most of them rely on the prepared syrup. The syrup on this dish is very thin and does not cover the taste of the lotus root itself. . Zong Qinghou looked at Liang Yifei for more than ten seconds before shaking his head and said, "I thought you were going to fight against Sanzhu, everyone said that you are young and energetic, this time you suffered such a big loss, how could you endure it? down?"

He paused, then continued with a smile and said: "Before you look at you, you don't seem like the kind of person who swallows his voice. I heard that there used to be a boss in Binhai City who was against you, and now he's in prison. Why, everyone is doing more and more business. The bigger you get, the more anger you get, the more money you make, but... instead, it becomes peaceful."

The content of these words is not bad, it sounds like Liang Yifei is exaggerating.

But if Liang Yifei is really a young man in his twenties, especially in his twenties, he has achieved such amazing achievements as he is today, then these words will be a bit thorny when they fall in his ears.

Maybe, just for the sake of betting, you will be able to face the three plants.

When he came out to hang out, there were no people who were completely honest, kind, and heartless. Liang Yifei understood it. Zong Qinghou was actually encouraging himself to go to the front with Sanzhu.

What do you mean by 'you suffered such a big loss this time? ', who is at fault? It's not Hua Qiang, who had already given up on Changsha and Changde's advertisements, but wow haha, who was about to take over but was beaten by a time lag.

Who is at a loss? Who should start? Calm down and think, it's not obvious.

I couldn't help laughing in my heart, thinking that the **** old fox is all a routine.

This incident, although it seems serious, is a malicious business struggle in its nature, and it hits a red line, but it is not out of the ordinary, especially in the current environment where professional ethics has not been mentioned as an important workplace quality , The manager Huang did this, and it was spread out that many people might say that he was awesome.

In the end, this matter can actually be left alone, strengthening internal defenses and self-construction.

Vicious commercial competition will make the relationship between enterprises worse, but if every vicious commercial competition will lead to a full-scale war, there will be few companies left in the world.

Entrepreneurs are the group that knows how to compromise, make concessions, alliances, and exchanges, and they are also the ones who don’t like the life and death of the bayonet.

But he came all the way, and made a pitiful look of sincerity and fear, as if he was a bullied young man who came to see the big brother; the words he said along the way always led the topic to the three trees, the purpose and Zong Qing Thick as the same; encourage the other party to come forward to do it.

Wow, hahaha is a big company, Liang Yifei is not a small minion, either one of the two of them is in the early stage and the three plants are in front of them, and the three plants have to spend a lot of energy to deal with, then the other one can 'buy time and develop peacefully' .

Of course, no matter which one did it with the other, the other one would definitely provide support behind it.

Unexpectedly, both sides wanted to fool the other into charging, and they waved the flag behind them.

After listening to Zong Qinghou's words, Liang Yifei thought for a while, and with a very exaggerated expression, he spread his hands and said, "Where do I have the capital to work with a big company like Sanzhu, they will make 10 billion this year. Big brother, otherwise, wow, haha, and I will follow behind to wave the flag and shout, and do my best, how about it?"

Before waiting for Zong Qinghou's answer, Liang Yifei suddenly lowered his voice again and said very seriously: "Brother Zong, don't worry, if the wah ha ha is completely killed, then you come to me, you come to be the general manager, I will be the chairman of the board, You are in charge from now on!"

Just like what Zong Qinghou said before, Liang Yifei's words sounded sincere and righteous!

But Zong Qinghou's confident 'light and friendly smile' that he had always had on his face disappeared, instead he burst out laughing.

"Brother Zong, don't laugh, I'm sincere!" Liang Yifei, like a little girl whose courtship was rejected, said very aggrieved: "It's not easy to be a business, if you really want to come to me, I will If you really let it go, if others don’t believe it, can they still believe you…”

"It's alright, alright, I can't stop talking." Zong Qinghou waved his hands helplessly, the two big and small foxes looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time.

Liang Yifei could see that Zong Qinghou was fooling him, and deliberately told such a serious incident that was absolutely impossible. Zong Qinghou could understand it.

go to your place? work for you? Maybe!

Also wow haha ​​completely yellowed? ! Why don't you say that the essence of Chinese soft-shelled turtle is yellow?

Since no one can fool anyone, there is no need for extra temptation. Zong Qinghou said sincerely this time: "There are so many health care products in China. Don't do anything else, just be a firefighter every day."

This is true.

But what to do? Others want to compete, they want to send commercial spies, they want to be yin, they have to be wolf-like, what's the best way?

"Do you think this will work?"

Zong Qinghou pondered and said: "Do you remember where we met? Jianlibao's annual meeting, that day Feilong's President Jiang was there. At that time, he said that if there is a chance, our health care products industry can also hold an annual meeting, I think Now the time is ripe, there are more and more health care products on the market, it's very messy, let's get together and meet, chat and communicate."

After a pause, he added: "It's not specifically for the three Liang Yifei thought about it, this is a way, not the best way, but it's definitely not the worst way, since he also I can't think of the best way, and it seems that it is the only way.

There are so many bigwigs of health care products, many of whom do not know each other or are familiar with each other. It is indeed easy to cause conflicts. The market is so big. If the bigwigs in the industry can sit down and have a good chat, they may be able to set a default that is beneficial to the entire industry. good rules.

He even suddenly thought that if the health care product industry can gradually become formalized, then in the future, it may not be completely withdrawn, and it can still be used as a cash cow.

Maybe even more milk.

Health care products began to heat up in the 1980s. After the 1990s, it reached a market of tens of billions, one of the largest private markets. However, at the end of the 1990s, it experienced a cliff-like decline, and it is difficult to be brilliant after that. Occasionally, there are a few big companies that make money in silence and risk being yelled at at any time.

Moreover, it is also a more interesting challenge to be able to do something that changes the history of a previous life.