Rebirth of the Burning Era

v2 Chapter 451: Mrs Bezos


There is a saying in the West: fools use their ears, wise people use their feet. It means that stupid people often make decisions based on what they hear, while smart people step up and go and see for themselves, do some fieldwork, and find out the truth.

There is also a popular saying in the East: Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Human nature and wisdom always have something to think about, whether in the East or the West.

Jeff Bezos and his wife, especially Jeff himself, had a good chat with Sun Dawei, and they also very much welcome a "capitalist" from China to invest in Amazon. However, all this is only based on an intention, whether it is feasible or not, and how to act? This is all discussed in detail.

Since it is a detailed discussion, we must find someone who can call the shots. Since Sun Dawei has visited Amazon on behalf of Liang Yifei, Amazon requested that he also visit Liang Yifei in China.

Interestingly, it was not Jeff Bezos himself, but his wife, McKinsey Bezos.

"His wife is here?" On the phone, Liang Yifei's tone was somewhat puzzled and questionable.

Probably because of the existence of Taobao in China, Chinese people are far less familiar with Amazon, the world's Internet giant, than other big companies at the same level. Liang Yifei is also limited to knowing Amazon's limited information, mainly by Jeff Bay. Some important deeds of Spen and Amazon.

But Liang Yifei really didn't know anything about the wife of this bald boss.

Behind every successful man is an extraordinary woman who is rarely known to the public, if not for something very special.

To put it politically incorrect, Liang Yifei knew about Yu Minhong's wife, or because he was really afraid of his wife, and knew Zuckerberg's wife, mainly because he felt that he would have found such an ugly wife, at least in China. In the eyes of people, the most famous Liu Qiangdong's wife is the first generation of Internet celebrities in China.

These ideas are, of course, extremely wrong, but in good conscience, that's how they are.

As for Jeff Bezos' wife, Liang Yifei knows nothing.

I only heard about people who went back to their hometown and pretended to force their wealth to bring their wives, but I didn't hear about sending people to inspect and send their wives.

"Mrs. Bezos is Mr. Bezos' first assistant, she is a very deep and intelligent woman, even..." On the other end of the phone, Dawei Sun hesitated and said, "Even I think, to a certain extent, Mrs Bass is the one who decides."

"How did you feel this way?" Liang Yifei didn't believe in Sun Dawei, but if Sun Dawei was telling the truth, then this Mrs. Bass was very important, enough to attract 12 points of attention to her reception. And communication, should also prescribe the right medicine.

Sun Dawei said: "In the process of our chat, Mrs. Bass was always by the side very quietly. She didn't talk much, but it was definitely not a foil or a vase. She would often speak at a few key points, and I was careful afterward. After thinking about it, her several openings were supplements and reminders to Mr. Bezos."

"How is the relationship between their husband and wife?" Liang Yifei asked.

"I have investigated, they are all from Wall Street and met at a financial conference. When Mr. Bezos resigned as an executive to start Amazon, many people didn't understand it, but Mrs. Bezos was very supportive of Mr. Bezos, while Bezos was very supportive. Mr. Zuos also has great respect for his wife..."

On the other end of the phone, as Sun Dawei said, he suddenly let out a chuckle, looking very unserious.

Without waiting for Liang Yifei to ask, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but I think of the two of them... Principal, this is not polite to them, but I really think they look very like husband and wife, and their looks are a bit funny. Like a pair of comedians."

"At least it's better than someone who looks serious." Liang Yifei also laughed. Sun Dawei is really an authentic Chinese. Foreigners generally don't judge others' looks, except for celebrities, but Chinese people have these gossip minds, even if The so-called successful people like Sun Dawei and the so-called successful people like Liang Yifei all have a vulgar side.

After making a little joke, Sun Dawei straightened his breath and continued: "If you compare the Amazon to a ship, and Mr. Bezos is the captain who leads the ship forward, then Mrs. Bezos, I think, is more like keeping the ship alive. Stable rudder and anchor."

"Your evaluation is very high." Liang Yifei hummed and said, "When will you come?"

"Will it work this weekend?" Sun Dawei probably felt that it was too fast, and explained: "Principal, I think the sooner you can do this kind of investment, the better it will take a long time. Who knows if any investment bank is interested in Amazon and injects capital. A large amount of money goes in, and when you want to invest again, the difficulty will suddenly increase, just like Yahoo before. Although Mr. Adams does not want investment banks to enter for the time being, it will be a matter of time.”

"There is no problem with the time. Come with me. By the way, you are still studying and running around like this. Can you coordinate the course?" Liang Yifei said.

"I go to the professor to coordinate, but Stanford is more supportive of students' club activities." Sun Dawei said.

Liang Yifei thought about it and said, "As for the school, you don't have to worry too much. If there are problems with the curriculum, which causes you to postpone or even fail to graduate, I will arrange it for you. Also, what are the current financial difficulties? ?"

"There is no difficulty, the start-up capital you gave is sufficient, and our support for international students is not free, but low-interest loans. These loans are assets in themselves. If I really have no money, I can use these loans to mortgage the bank. , loan out again."

Sun Dawei is very suitable for the set of gameplay of the capitalist economy.

As for the academic concerns that Liang Yifei mentioned, he really has nothing to do with it.

The cultural relic skills that I learned, selling it with the emperor's family, and I came out to study, didn't I just want to have a good future? I followed Liang Yifei in the sea transfer meeting, and I can get rare experience in all aspects. I have already started talking about multi-million dollar business. ; Step back 10,000 steps, even if the Haitiiao meeting is not done well, Sun Dawei absolutely believes that Liang Yifei will not abandon him.

With such a rare opportunity, I don't want to seize it.

"If you don't have to, don't do this. Foreigners may think it's normal, but after all, the Haidiao Conference is mainly for international students, and there are many international students in Asia. If you do this, it is easy for people to think that we are a leather bag company and use them to make money. It deviates from our original intention." Liang Yifei said.

Sun Dawei was slightly terrified. It was originally a little clever of him, but he really didn't expect this.

I chatted with Sun Dawei a few words about the current development of the Haidiao Conference. After all, the time for him to go back was too short, so he could only get started, and recruited a few people to start the preparatory stage.

The main expenses now are the rent of the apartment, the purchase of two second-hand Fords, the daily food and drink of a few people, and a small allowance.

The biggest expense, instead, is communication.

There are also some 'temporary workers' who help with errands.

Among the first few teams, except Sun Dawei, one woman and three men.

Two of the three men went out in the new era, and they were very familiar with Gu Wenming. They had seen Liang Yifei and knew that they were helping Liang Yifei. The two little boys expressed two positive emotions;

The girl’s family is an intellectual, and she was sent out without training. For ordinary people, sending a person abroad would almost be ruining the family. The little girl worked and studied abroad and lived a very hard life. She originally worked in a pizza restaurant, but several times He was bullied by black people when he almost passed by the black neighborhood. In addition, the salary of the Chinese in that place was only half of that of white people, and there was no tip to take. After Sun Dawei learned about the situation, he directly hired this girl as a secretary.

This opportunity was not easy to come by. The girls were quite able to endure hardships, which helped Sun Dawei relieve a lot of chores.

The last man was a serious 'American hukou' called Jerry Chen. His grandfather is said to have worked with Kong Xiangxi in the Ministry of Finance before liberation. He immigrated to the United States before liberation. After three generations, Jerry Chen is already a true American kid, more familiar with America than China.

However, some things are hard to change. Jerry Chen is a library staff member at Stanford. He is relatively leisurely. He heard that the Haidiao Association was established to help international students, especially Asian Chinese students. He took the initiative to ask for help.

Sounds like nice guys.

"I see. Economically, there is no need to save too much. As long as it is not extravagant, it is still necessary to use it." Liang Yifei said.

"Well. In addition, there is a situation, I don't know whether I should touch it." Sun Dawei said.

Not all Chinese abroad are international students, including those who have passed away a long time ago like Jerry Chen, those who have green cards, and some who have smuggled in without identity, and those who have passed through family immigration, investment immigration or other methods. Identity but not studying.

After all, Chinese in the new era are still very few in the United States.

Then it is a hassle for Chinese people abroad to find a job. Even the wealthy people who immigrated by investment in the past have difficulty finding a job due to reasons such as concepts, language skills, identity, education, etc. The treatment is also better than the same in the United States People should be low, and most of them can only do very low-end jobs, such as washing dishes.

There are several Chinese handymen in Stanford, who do complicated cleaning. After learning that there is a sea transfer meeting, I asked Sun Dawei if there are some better job introductions, or if I can help them.

Liang Yifei and Sun Dawei made it very clear at the beginning that the purpose of helping people is not only because they are compatriots, but also to cultivate talents, make friends with talents, and help talents when they are in difficulty;

However, these people seem not to be within the scope of Liang Yifei's target group, and Sun Dawei did not dare to make his own decisions.

"That's true." Liang Yifei thought about it and said, "It can't be said that these people at the bottom are definitely not talents. Talents have high education, and there are also people with low education who started in the rough and tumble. Now they are not talents, and there are suitable opportunities for training. , maybe the future is talent.”

"Then we...?"

"That's it, black households and people who smuggled in, don't get involved. For other people, you can leave relevant information on Haitio. If we have this resource, we can help him recommend it. That's all, but loans don't work, loans don't work. It can only be issued to international students from prestigious American universities, and in principle, it is mainly based on science and engineering.”