Rebirth of the Burning Era

v2 Chapter 507: Cheap to take responsibility

"Brother, it's not quite right for me to think about this."

Back at the hotel, Wu Sanshou closed the door and finally couldn't help but speak.

Before he came, he and Liang Yifei had a tacit division of labor. In short, no matter what the situation was, one person sang the red face, and the other sang the white face, and in the end, he always came back, and the initiative was not lost. But they didn't expect that Wu Bingxin didn't give them a chance to sing on stage at all.

It stands to reason that it sounds like a good thing. The three brands are more valuable than the entire Huaqiang factory at present.

But the question is, where in the world is there such a good thing?

Liang Yifei and Wu Sanshou were both released from prison. People like them have an almost instinctive sobriety on some issues: Is there any friendship and loyalty in the world that does not care about interests? Or unreserved appreciation and support? Of course there is.

But there is absolutely no good thing about a pie from the sky. The bigger the pie, the more painful it will be to hit the head.

In prisons, there is no shortage of fraudsters. The essence of all fraudulent techniques is one sentence: Pies fall from the sky.

But then again, people are all greedy, especially people like them, their greed is far more than ordinary people: because they have a bigger plan for life.

So, how could one not want to eat a pie from the sky until it is confirmed that the pie is poisonous?

This is the reason why people who take risks are often outstanding people with both intelligence and intelligence, but most of the real mediocre people are content with the status quo and dare not act rashly.

"Let's take a look at his documents first." Liang Yifei threw the document bag on the table and said, "Call the hotel and ask the hotel to deliver some food, so I'll eat here. Next door, Han Lei and the others will also send a table, so don't go out today. ."

Wu Sanshou nodded, took the phone and called the front desk without asking about the specific dishes. Those documents given to look carefully.

The meal was delivered on the way, and now 288 is not a small sum of money, it is equivalent to half a month's income for a worker, but it is quite rich. There is a table full of fish and meat, and there is an old turtle.

"It's good to eat at home. Those who come out of the star hotel are not used to it." After eating, Wu Sanshou made two cups of tea and put it in front of Liang Yifei.

Liang Yifei took another document and flipped through it, and said casually, "If people don't have to eat, they probably won't have the motivation to fight."

"You don't need to eat, you don't need a woman, there's nothing left." Wu Sanshou looked down at the document and smiled.

Liang Yifei also smiled, no desire, where is the motivation.

It's just that this boss Wu has any desire right now?

The documents Wu Bingxin gave are not many, but they are all very important in the brand transfer, such as the license of the local government, the voting of shareholders, the pretense of various patents of the brand, and what he said before, about the incident of drinking the old man to death 's investigation.

It must be fair, at least according to the current data investigation, the death of the old man really has nothing to do with the three strains.

But on the other hand, in the mid-1990s, a domestic brand that hit tens of billions of dollars would actually die because of a person who was not responsible at all. Like a castle on the beach, it became crumbling overnight. The slightest risk-taking ability and cornerstone, the problems here seem to be more worthy of vigilance.

It was over after eight o'clock in the evening. Although there were no professional lawyers, based on the experience of the two of them, there should not be too many mistakes.

The whole so-called 'gift' is actually a low-cost transfer. Because of the difficulties in the operation of Sanzhu, the company is preparing for transformation, etc., the ownership and use rights of the brand of Sanzhu Oral Liquid are all related patents and secret recipes, etc., all Sold to Huaqiang Factory for one million.

Huaqiang Factory needs to accept a small group of key personnel and arrange their employment.

It is the same as when state-owned enterprises were unable to operate and sold to private bosses at low prices, but they had to ensure the employment of employees.

It seems that there is only one place that makes people less reassuring.

It is to solve the work and life problems of some employees who worked under this brand before, including employees in production and sales positions.

The reason why the three plants are today is largely because the organization is bloated, the personnel are uneven, and there is a big problem with people. If they receive too many teams from the previous three plants at once, it will inevitably become a burden, and even bring them in. bad habits.

These people can cheat on the old father, and naturally they can also cheat on the new father.

But this is not impossible to solve. This point is not written down on the document. You can keep it, or you can pay a sum of money to get them out. The number of people can naturally be discussed with the three plants. If you come all at once Thousands of people, with their butts, all know that Liang Yifei will not pick up this hot potato.

In fact, take a step back. If the three plants were still a few months ago, let alone taking over tens of thousands of people, even if they received an army of 100,000, there are also a large number of enterprises that want to break the brand of three plants.

"Brother, we said before that Sanzhu Oral Liquid has a bad reputation. Taking it over is like making trouble for us." Wu Sanshou said.

So people are greedy. Before they came, Liang Yifei and Wu Sanshou discussed Although it was not clear whether or not they wanted this account, they had already clearly analyzed the points that they could not take over the three brands. s reason.

But when the pie really came to my mouth, I couldn't help but want to eat it.

Knowing that she is a seductive woman who attracts bees and butterflies, but she really gets naked and gets into the quilt, how many men can hold back?

I am afraid that the more a man feels good about himself, the more he will think that in his own hands, he can 'train' this woman well.

The key is that they all feel that the brand of Sanzhu is too valuable. When the limelight fades this time, it will be a ready-made golden knot immediately.

"Third-handed, I think, in this matter, we can give full play to the way of thinking as men." Liang Yifei thought about it and smiled: "If you think this is a beautiful woman, then I ask you, there is really a trick A bee attracts a butterfly and can't keep a beautiful woman under your quilt, what should you do?"

"This..." Wu Sanshou didn't respond for a while.

It's a bit embarrassing, from the perspective of animal greed, it must be uncontrollable; from the perspective of human reason, it is afraid of trouble in the future.

What if this was a beautiful woman who didn't attract bees and butterflies, was diligent and thrifty, ran the house, raised her husband and taught her children to be virtuous and virtuous?

"Would such a woman be able to get under the quilt?" Liang Yifei said inspired: "You should think from a man's point of view, and think from a dark and selfish starting point, don't have any moral burden, completely release yourself, and feel happy as you please. ."

"That's simple, it's cheap to deliver to your door, you won't eat it if you don't eat it for nothing. Who the **** will accept it when you put on your pants? I won't suffer anyway." Wu Sanshou said.

Liang Yifei slapped his thigh: "Right, that's what it means. In this matter, I think we have to take advantage of it, and we are not responsible."


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