Rebirth of the Burning Era

v2 Chapter 534: advanced advertising agency

In later generations, there is a type of 'media' company, which is specially responsible for hype, publicity and other work. It can create the focus of news and public opinion in a very short period of time, enough to make a little-known person, or a second- and third-line obvious, become popular overnight. .

If a media company with stronger capabilities can start from various aspects, it can cause the whole society to pay attention to a certain event and a certain person.

When Liang Yifei asked Zhou Feng to set up Phoenix New Media, he talked to him specifically.

Phoenix's responsibility is not only to have good relations with various places and media, to get advertising space, and so on, it is just a daily job.

Phoenix should be able to use a full range of media means quietly in a short period of time to focus on the hot spots that it needs as soon as possible, and then enlarge it, and even become a feast for national discussions.

This theory and goal are very advanced concepts for the current advertising companies and the vast majority of media professionals, although from the beginning of learning media, all students and practitioners of this major have learned that 'media can be used to Guiding public opinion is the most basic knowledge, but in practical application, there are no relevant courses and skills that can be learned like studying in school, and there is no systematic way of learning.

However, after 20 years, this set of methods has become very mature. Although there is no systematic theoretical knowledge, it is the ability that practitioners have. Even Liang Yifei, who is not in this industry, often has to deal with the media. Entrepreneurs know a lot about it.

These seven, seven, eight, eight, in the present, are very powerful and effective means.

Zhou Feng followed Liang Yifei, not only made money, but also learned a lot of 'new things'. There is a specialization in the art industry. In the media industry, in addition to the room for advancement, the 'skills' also need to be continuously improved, but how to improve? Improve photography and videography? Improve your writing skills? This is obviously too superficial, but since talking about this with Liang Yifei, Zhou Feng vaguely feels that a new door has opened in front of him, leading to a world he has never thought of before.

This time, he had a chance to practice his hands.

Before that, Liang Yifei had created a good opportunity for him and paved a smooth road: burning PHS, so that the object that needs to be promoted, Feike PHS, has a hot topic that no other company in the country has; sponsorship The leap of the Yellow River gave the people of the country a preliminary impression of 'Feike PHS' and knew the existence of such a thing; pushing Pan Jue on CCTV, that is, it introduced what PHS is, and even more closely related to Feike and national enterprises, nationalities Rise together.

Next, we need Zhou Feng's Phoenix New Media to make a fuss.

This is a task that Liang Yifei gave to Zhou Feng, and it is also a test for him. If the road has been paved so smoothly, he has been continuously handing over the current 'skills and ideas' that can be dimensionally crushed in 20 years. , he still can't do it well, then Liang Yifei may also consider other arrangements for him in the future.

Liang Yifei was generally satisfied with the answer sheets handed over by Zhou Feng.

After the CCTV hot interview ended -- actually, before the end, because this was not a live show, the show was recorded ten days before it was broadcast.

At almost the same time as Feiyue and the recording of the program, Phoenix New Media started the action secretly.

Since it was the first time to 'manipulate', Zhou Feng was not very sure in his heart. He couldn't handle many things for the first time, so he made a plan in advance and reported that Liang Yifei was here.

There are about a few.

First, conventional routines, advertising.

Although telecommunications in various places are in a wait-and-see attitude towards PHS, and they dare not introduce it for the time being, but the media in various places do not have such concerns: it is just advertising, as long as you give money and it is not an illegal product, people will naturally be willing to take orders. .

Several first-tier cities across the country, most second-tier cities, and key third-tier cities have launched advertisements.

There is also a reason for sending a report to Liang Yifei and the plan: this amount of money is quite a lot, and it is so much that Zhou Feng has no right to use it, and it needs Liang Yifei's approval.

On this point, Liang Yifei agreed with a wave of his pen.

There are no amendments, but just added a sentence "As a low-priced product, after opening the market in big cities, you can properly pay attention to backward cities."

The first item can be said on the surface, then the latter items can only be included in the report to Liang Yifei.

Release the video of Feike burning the defective PHS.

Liang Yifei was naturally prepared for this 'show', and arranged for people from the market to shoot very clear videos.

After Feiyue and hot interviews, Feike has become quite famous, but after all, it is a newly established company, and the information that can be obtained by the outside world is limited, but this is the most hopeful time to get information about Feike.

These videos are very can catch the eye. When they are released at this time, many media will take the initiative to become 'tap water' to help promote it.

Liang Yifei instructed below that this video cannot be released by Phoenix, but leaked from the market.

In addition to the video, Phoenix also used some personal connections - mainly the pens and microphones in the media, to talk about Feike, PHS, and even Liang Yifei's own entrepreneurial history from the front.

Liang Yifei himself is young and handsome. He has a legendary entrepreneurial experience and even went to prison. From the perspective of publicity, he is a very eye-catching point. He is also very down-to-earth and very popular with young people.

In fact, according to Liang Yifei's character, he doesn't want to show this limelight at the moment. If possible, he would prefer to be a quiet Q horse in the future, rather than a flamboyant Jack Ma who appears in the media all day.

But after all, it is the beginning of the company's creation. This battle is of great importance to the future. All available resources, including myself, can be used to shine.

The following instructions are relatively more, a total of three.

First, since you want to use yourself as a help, you must be grounded, and you can't package yourself as a completed image. You might as well reveal some small "problems" to the media.

For example, I am single so far because I can't fall in love, and I can't handle the relationship between men and women...

Article 2: In the process of asking the pen and microphone to speak, you should pay attention not to leave any direct evidence to prove that Feike or Phoenix was behind the scenes.

They are all smart people, just say a few words, and when the benefits arrive, people will naturally do it.

The third and most important one: propaganda must play the national card, and Feike must be firmly tied to national enterprises and national rejuvenation!


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