Rebirth of the Burning Era

v2 Chapter 570: Holiday

How to deal with it naturally refers to how to deal with Liu Daqiang.

Liang Yifei looked at him.

Liu Daqiang hurriedly said: "Mr. Liang, I was wrong, I was really wrong. You have a lot of people, so treat me as a fart. You can beat and scold you, and I didn't cause you any loss. No. Besides, for a little guy like me, if you get your hands dirty, it will also be a stain on you in the future and affect your career development, isn't that the truth?"

"I can't stand it, this person's speech is so annoying!" Yuan Xinran slapped her forehead very distressed.

"Boss Liu..."

"I don't dare to be, I don't dare to be, you can just call me the big strong son, it looks affectionate, how can I dare to call the boss in front of you!" After being punctured, especially after being rectified by Han Lei, Liu Daqiang's true identity was revealed, and he was completely changed.

Liang Yifei is not a big brother on the Tao. Apart from his identity as a boss, he is not much different from ordinary people. I learned before that Liu Daqiang was a liar, so I wasn't angry at all. There are all kinds of people these days. Since there is no loss, if I am angry for such a person, I will be angry sooner or later. Now that I see Liu Daqiang like this, I have already felt in my heart. Not ready to do anything to him.

He also knows that this kind of double-faced face change is a means used by this kind of person to save his life. Once he is really shameless and kneels down to beg for mercy, most serious bosses will not really do anything to him. Just detained for a while.

Killing and maiming is not enough, but I can't just let him go like this, or spread it out, and everyone will dare to deceive me in the future.

"Da Qiang, you are so brave, how dare you come to ask for money?" Liang Yifei lit a cigarette, thought about it, took out another, and threw it to Liu Daqiang.

"Thank you, brother!" Liu Daqiang beat the snake and climbed down the pole, and the address for Liang Yifei changed to 'brother' again. He took the cigarette and touched his pocket, and found that the lighter did not know where he had left it. Hippy asked Han Lei with a smile: "Big brother, is there any fire?"

Han Lei ignored him with a straight face, and Liu Daqiang smiled embarrassingly, but he didn't feel ashamed.

Liang Yifei casually threw the lighter to him.

"Thank you brother, brother Liang, you have a lot of adults, this is it!" Liu Daqiang hurriedly picked up the lighter with both hands, and first hurriedly gestured with a thumb.

Then he lit the cigarette, took a deep puff of cigarette, and looked very enjoying, squinted and said, "Hey hey, Brother Liang, someone like me earns this amount of hard-earned money, and I don't have much ability. It's just being brave. There's no way, who makes our life worthless. It can't be compared with a big boss like you. Take a risk, if you do, your wife and children will be able to live a good life. Get in."

"Yo, listening to you, you are still a good man in the new era?" Yuan Xinran snorted disdainfully, "If I do anything to you, it will make it look like we are bullying goodness?"

"Sister, sister, isn't it all for living." Liu Daqiang said with a smile: "I am not a person who dares to be others, but as a father and husband, I dare to say that I am serious and competent."

"Serious and competent, right?" Liang Yifei smiled and said, "Is there a child in the bottom, and is there an 80-year-old mother in the top?"

Liu Daqiang was stunned for a moment, and said, "That's not true. My mother and my father died early. Brother Liang, I also came from a poor child with no education. I dropped out halfway through middle school, or I couldn't do it. You say yes."

"Yes." Liang Yifei nodded, put out the cigarette butt, got up and said, "Let's go."

"Okay..." Liu Daqiang nodded subconsciously, followed by a glimpse: "Where are you going?"

"Go to your house and see." Liang Yifei said, "We are not friends. It's what I should do to care about your family."

Glancing at Han Lei, he said, "Where does his family live?"

Han Lei reported two addresses with expressions, one was Liu Daqiang's house, and the other was Liu Daqiang's wife's family.

Liu Daqiang stayed where he was, the cigarette in his hand trembled slightly, and a piece of soot fell.



Next, Liang Yifei stayed in the capital for more than half a month. He didn't care much about the Rose Garden project. After the general direction was formulated, he handed it over to Yuan Xinran to take Deng Zhiguang to work.

There is only a slight change in the plan. Regarding the future use of the rose garden, he is not going to use it as a villa for sale for the time being. Once it is sold, the land will not have much to do with him in the future. I want to transform it into a resort, including a villa area, and build some new resort facilities, which involves acquiring new land and continuing to communicate with Changping.

He even called Sun Hongwei, who was far away from Binhai.

Sun Hongwei can be regarded as the first group of people to follow Liang Yifei after he made his fortune. He was the middle-level cadre of Lanyun Lake in the Zhou Universe Era. After Liang Yifei took over, he was the first group of people who took the initiative to fall back to Liang Yifei, helping stability inside and out. The situation has done a lot of things, so this is why Liang Yifei has always handed over Lanyun Lake to him to manage.

In the next two years, Sun Hongwei didn't have any particularly outstanding 'achievements'. It could be considered that he was more than enough to make progress, and sometimes Liang Yifei felt that this guy was a bit of a mess. He once thought that once there is a suitable candidate, replace him.

Afterwards, no particularly suitable person could be found, and Liang Yifei did not touch him either. Sometimes I think about it, I can’t blame Sun Hongwei entirely for this mess. I work by myself and spend most of my time in Lanyun Lake. All units and companies come and go to report work in Lanyun Lake. The leader of Lanyun Lake is more like an invisible man, facing the big boss all day long, and he really doesn't have much room for exertion.

From another point of view, after so many years, Lanyun Lake has been stable and stable, which is a credit in itself.

Employers can’t be blamed for perfection, and it’s impossible to meet all-rounders often. It’s nothing more than taking the elders, avoiding the shortcomings, and honing talents. Therefore, Liang Yifei has not changed his mind any more in the past two years. Sun Hongwei is still a steadfast man A person who does some practical work.

Calling him here saved some tempering thoughts. If a resort is really built in the future, then Liang Yifei thought about it, and Lanyun Lake should be placed in the same basket and belong to the same leisure and vacation project. In the early stage, a person is needed to specify the details. Responsible, Sun Hongwei, who has experience in the construction and management of Lanyun Lake, is a good talent.

Looking further afield, the leisure and vacation area, when appropriate in the future, can also be included in the subordinates of real estate companies.

When Sun Hongwei was called, Liang Yifei said a few very clear words to him.

The first is to affirm his credit. From any angle, he is a man of merit, which cannot be denied; secondly, it is clearly told to him that, as the first person to follow him, although he has merit, but the speed of the growth of this merit, It seemed slow; in the end, he didn't blame him, but said that he hasn't made much progress in recent years, and that he has been deliberately pressing him all the time. Figuring it out, and waiting for it will be of great use in the future.

This time, it was his chance to make a contribution to his career. In the future, Deng Zhiguang may worry more about the rose garden, but he is Sun Hongwei who is really in charge.

Even knocking and beating, giving pressure and motivation at the same time, moved Sun Hongwei a little, and vowed to issue a military order.

Sun Hongwei is not an unmotivated person. In the earliest Lanyun Lake era, he was still a vice president. At that time, Wu Sanshou and Dao Mingcheng were both there, known as the troika. He also thought about working hard to make achievements, but in the later period , As Liang Yifei realized, although Wu Sanshou was no longer in charge, and Dao Mingcheng went abroad, Liang Yifei, the great god, was in Lanyun Lake. Even if Sun Hongwei had an idea, he couldn't let go of many things.

Besides, Liang Yifei didn't expect Lanyun Lake to be "famous in the world", but asked to keep a low profile. The only thing he can do as a general manager is to manage the daily operations.

Lanyun Lake does not worry about the customer market, and does not worry about people from all walks of life making trouble. In terms of daily operations, there is really not much to worry about.

Liang Yifei's presence here can be said to have saved Sun Hongwei a lot of heart from the wind and the rain. From another angle, it also 'obstructed' his growth. It is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. of nutrients.

After a long time, Sun Hongwei naturally had some troubles, but at the same time, he also knew that Liang Yifei was not a person who supported idlers, and he had always been a little uneasy, but for these reasons, it was absolutely impossible for him to directly tell Liang Yifei.

Unexpectedly, Liang Yifei pointed it out. Not only did he not blame him, but he also gave him a chance to practice outside.

Sun Hongwei put down a big stone in his heart, and also expressed gratitude. In the past few years, although they have not made any great achievements, the middle-level cadres of Lanyun Lake have really used it and trained them. After explaining to them, they immediately came to the capital to participate in At work in the rose garden.

In this way, Liang Yifei has completely freed up his hands. He spent a few days in the not just wandering around. In the past few days, he really chose a group of courtyard houses through Deng Zhiguang. There are so many 20 sets, a total of 7 sets, but they all have some historical origins, the house is also large, the smallest set has two in and two out.

In addition, I went to Zhongguancun for a walk.

Two years ago, a road sign was erected outside Zhongguancun, with the words '500 meters from the information highway' written on it. China's earliest Internet company, Yinghaiwei, was officially established.

Two years later, when Liang Yifei began to turn his attention to the Internet, he naturally thought of this company first.

"Mr. Liang, I know that Ying Haiwei, it's really not good, it's going to go bankrupt! And the personnel relationship inside is very chaotic. My second uncle's daughter-in-law works there. I heard that there are many hills, so it's not a good project."

It was not Wu Sanshou or Deng Zhiguang who spoke, but a guy who was not tall, had a big head, and looked like a successful person in a neat suit.

Liu Daqiang.