Rebirth of the Burning Era

v2 Chapter 576: Take 1 step, see 1 step

There is only one telephone in this small office, and this telephone has only one function: the market.

Since the current telephone bill is relatively expensive and the company's efficiency is not good, the company has a rule: all employees are not allowed to use the company's phone to talk about personal matters, not to mention talking on the phone with family and friends. Know the company's phone number.

This rule may sound a bit unreasonable, but several people in the company are privately good friends and classmates, and they are also young people who have received university education. The public and private should be separated, so regardless of the company's bad performance, this regulation is well implemented.

So when the phone rings, it must be business.

And most of the company's official business is external business, Dazeng picked up the phone.

"Oh, okay, just wait a moment."

After listening for a few words, Dazeng suddenly covered the microphone and said, "I'm here for business, do you want to do it?"

"Ah?" Both Lao Ma and Zhidong looked at him with very strange eyes. This question made the company run out of money and have business, so why not do it? When it comes to 'doing it or not', there are only questions about whether it can be done, how to do it, and how much to do it.

"No, the other party told us to invest money." Da Zeng said.

"Investing money?" It was the first time that Lao Ma and Zhidong encountered such a thing, and they were a little confused. What is investing money? Send money to the company?

"You ask first." Zhidong pointed to the microphone.

Da Zeng nodded quickly, and then, under the strange gazes of several people in the office, chatted with the person on the other end of the phone. While talking, he took a pen and recorded some content.

About 20 minutes later, the call ended.

"What the **** is going on?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

Nowadays, the concept of venture capital is extremely rare even in coastal special zones. The Chinese do not know such an operation method at all, but the word "investment" just now was clearly heard by everyone.

Money, everyone loves it, not to mention that the company has not been making money.

"It was a mainland company that we used to sell online paging, and said it would invest 500,000 yuan for us," said Dazeng.

"Then what is he going to buy?" the old horse asked.

Da Zeng looked puzzled and said, "It's strange here, he doesn't want to buy anything, and he doesn't care what we do. He said that no matter what we do, he will give us the five hundred thousand."

"Ah? Impossible, is there such a thing?"

The first reaction of several young people in the office was that Da Zeng had misunderstood.

Where in the world is there such a good person?

However, Da Zeng is the most experienced in running the market and running the business among them. He has dealt with customers the most. It can be said that he has strong expression and understanding skills, so he is unlikely to make such mistakes.

"Eighty percent of them are liars. There are too many liars these days. If you don't pay attention, you will be caught off guard. If someone sells them, they help them count the money. How can there be such a good thing as a pie in the sky?!" Zhidong said.

"It's not that he didn't ask for it." Dazeng said: "He said that he wanted 40% of our company's shares, saying that he saw the future development of our company and made an investment."

This reason is more acceptable, but new questions have emerged. The company's current situation, even Xiao Ma Zhidong and other founders are not optimistic, how can a mainland company know about Tengxun Company, how can it be optimistic?

"Isn't it right? Now the company's business is wireless paging. If he is optimistic about the company's business, why wouldn't he buy this project?" Zhidong asked.

"It's a bit strange." Dazeng glanced at the old horse and said, "Besides, if he takes so many shares, what are we people? He's not a boss, we work for him? Then why do we still If you want to open this company, just go to another big company to find a job.”

This is not entirely reasonable, but it does speak to the hearts of several people present.

The company is not big, but everyone present is a shareholder.

At the beginning of Tengxun's establishment, the start-up capital was exactly 500,000. The largest shareholder was Lao Ma, who accounted for less than 50% of the shares. The remaining few people ranged from 10% to 20%. .

If you give 40% to others at once, then everyone's shares will be compressed a lot, and the money will be taken back. If it is divided equally, it is exactly the same as the original investment, which means that a penny is not spent, and then the part of the shares.

The problem is, since we get together to start a business, the purpose is definitely not to make these tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars, but to hope that one day the company will become bigger and everyone will flourish.

And although Tengxun doesn't make money at present, if there is no special need to spend money--the rent and staff salaries mentioned earlier are not big numbers that overwhelm the company, they write some software privately and sell it. Expenses have been spent, and even among the five major shareholders, two of them are working part-time. They once stated that if the company is in difficulty, they can not receive wages for a period of time.

Tengxun's biggest challenge at present is to find the general direction of development. In short, it is to come up with a product that is popular in the market, rather than lacking hundreds of thousands.

Don't talk about 500,000, it is 1 million. If you haven't found a general direction, this money is still sitting on the mountain.

Taking this money has no substantial benefit to the future development of the company, and there is no particularly urgent economic need at present. Instead, it is necessary to transfer a large part of the shares. After calculating this account, it is obviously not worthwhile.

"But this is 500,000 that fell from the sky." A small shareholder suddenly said, "Dazeng, I heard you call just now, Feike, isn't it a PHS, such a big company, It shouldn't be a liar. If we think there are too many shares, can we bargain with them?"

There was some silence in the office.

On the one hand, it is 500,000 real money at your fingertips, on the other hand, it is not an urgent need and a major transfer of If you are a business veteran, you may have it in a short period of time. Make a choice, or go to a more in-depth investigation and research, and then contact, choose a path that is most beneficial to you.

But these people present, after all, are still too young and have limited business experience, so it is very difficult to make a choice at this time.

In the end, the major shareholder Lao Ma said: "Otherwise, let's try the single business of telecommunications first. If it is successful, it will cost 300,000 yuan, and the follow-up maintenance costs will not be less than 500,000 yuan. To take a step back, even if It's to cooperate, if we don't have good things at hand, we don't have the confidence to bargain with Feike, it can only be what they say and what we should do, it's too passive."

"Okay, let's take a step by step." Zhidong nodded, "Dazeng, what do you think?"

Da Zeng looked at the other people and said, "You see?"

"Let's do this first."

"It's okay, anyway, didn't you leave their contact information? If you're really short of money, you can contact them again."