Rebirth of the Burning Era

v2 Chapter 600: expose the shady

The enterprise of Xinnongke really entered the public's field of vision, just after the turmoil in the stock market with the new era, or in other words, after this turmoil, the behind-the-scenes boss of Xinnongke, Tang Long Group, began to exert force. Apex Novel X23UOM

Taking land, acquiring companies, restructuring and merging, various operations in the financial market, a series of combined punches, dazzled.

Take the education portal as an example. After announcing the five three plans of 3, 3, 3, 3, and 3, immediately sent people to many second-tier cities and agricultural counties and townships across the country to contact and negotiate with the local government, and use the negotiation to come out. The results: favorable advantages of land, policies, etc., loans to local banks, and private fund-raising.

Borrowing chickens to lay eggs, using other people's money, and doing your own thing, this step is going very smoothly.

However, if you are careful, you will find that there are some things that are not quite right.

Xin Nongke did send people to various places to have detailed discussions with the local governments, and they also had a clear plan, but each time they discussed in detail, certain similar conditions would be attached;

For example, take a piece of land cheaply from the local area and use it as a future workplace;

I fell in love with a local small and medium-sized enterprise and hoped that the government would help with work communication, investment and acquisition;

Ask the local government to come forward to guarantee, loan from the bank...

and so on.

As an enterprise, this is of course understandable. It needs policies, benefits, and discounts. The company is not a philanthropist. Even if it is a major event that benefits the country and the people, it cannot be done according to the original plan. There is only win-win or multi-win. It's the long way.

But a few months later, Xin Nongke negotiated a lot of good conditions, got some loans and land, and even started to build fences in some places, but a so-called school and study class have been officially put into operation.

Of course, this can also be explained clearly. The five 3 plans are very clear. It takes three years to do these things, build schools for teaching, set up study classes to go to the countryside to popularize education, build large farms, industrial parks, etc. It is not something that can be done in a short time, it takes time and is gradual.

For example, the current headquarters of the New Agricultural Science Education Company has already reached some scale. Although the enrollment has not yet started, the construction of the office building has begun. Although the office building has not been capped, the surrounding walls have been built. There is also a gate that is ten meters tall. The signboard hanging at the gate has been successfully completed. Several large characters larger than people are hanging on the gate with golden light.

The negative news disappeared inexplicably shortly after it appeared, while the positive news was quietly amplified, and appeared in the stock market, private fundraising and other financial fields, and appeared on the desks of local governments and banks.

The stock price of the entire Xinnongke rose again.

But at this time, Pan Jue, a well-known domestic economist and scholar, published a highly controversial article in Caijing, one of the most influential economic newspapers in China.

The name is a bit long: "The right and wrong of corporate diversification: diversification or multi-faceted deception"

This title is quite emotional and provocative, a bit like the style of the title party of some later generations. It stands to reason that it does not match the status of an expert like Pan Jue, who has a reputation and has been recognized for his professionalism. The biggest function is to attract attention.

But the content is still relatively dry.

The article mainly talks about that since the reform and opening up, many domestic private enterprises have gone through the initial stage of primitive accumulation and formed a certain scale. Therefore, expanding production and operation and diversifying development have become the only way for enterprises to grow further.

But on this road, there have been many behaviors that are "worthy of discussion". Whether these behaviors are diversified development or multi-faceted deception is worth discussing.


Enterprises make a lot of money. Common methods include obtaining legal person shares at a low price, and then controlling a company, or influencing a company, by releasing good news, bad news, etc., through corporate mergers and reorganizations, etc., to manipulate the stock price and profit from it;

The most extreme way is to use the means of high stock bonuses to increase the stocks in the hands of shareholders on the surface, but it does not allow shareholders to get cash, which drives the stock price to rise, and then insists a lot.

The stock market is one of the fastest and most violent areas for money, and it is also the one that hurts ordinary shareholders the most.

This method not only hurts shareholders and makes them lose confidence in the stock market, but more importantly, it will completely disrupt the financial market, causing the financial market to lose the basic function of “corporate financing to expand production and investors to get returns”;

The second method is equally simple and straightforward. It attracts high-interest loans. By creating concepts, it uses controlled funds, insurance, wealth management and other products to give amazing returns. Legal or illegal, gray absorbs private loans, and there are some returns on loans. The rate is even more than 30%; through the promise of high returns, a large amount of money can be accumulated in a short period of time;

The drawbacks of this method are also very obvious. In order to meet the unrealistic rate of return, we can only constantly find ways to fill the gap, and use the money of the latecomers to fill the previous loopholes. The money raised cannot be used for real production. Instead, they are constantly running out in a game of 'ten cups and nine lids'.

When one day, this game can no longer be played, the consequence is that the funds will be broken, the previous financing will be meaningless, the people will suffer huge losses, and social unrest will be caused.

The third is to 'mix the water and fish for gold' in the real economy, and use various methods to control some companies with good returns and bright futures.

If it is only to control the enterprise, there is nothing to say. In the market economy, the integration and merger of enterprises and even bankruptcy are very common, and they are all business rules.

However, after some people took control of the company, they did not remove the clutter, nor put the company on a better development path. Instead, they used these companies as financing machines, eventually dragging the company into the quagmire and destroying each and every one of them. A high-quality company that could have grown.

The article also gives an example. A group purchased a theme park in the special zone. After some operations, all sectors of the society are very optimistic. With an investment of 300 million yuan, in that year, three years of ticket contracting, team ticket operation, tour guide contracting, etc. were passed. In other ways, 600 million yuan of funds were recovered, and the profit was doubled.

But then, the group did not use the money for the construction and management of the park, but transferred it to the group headquarters in the name of 'uniform use', and used the park as collateral to borrow 8 from the bank. 100 million.

As a result, this park, which was originally favored by all walks of life, should have no capital investment, and the situation has worsened. After more than a year, it has become a mess.

And the previous billions were used by the group company to fill the deficit, carry out financial operations, and carry out the next cycle of 'mixing the water and fishing for gold', which harmed one company after another.

The article specifically pointed out that this group, with similar behaviors, projects ranging from several hundred million to more than one billion, has occurred almost every two or three months from the beginning of 1998 to the present.

The fourth way is to take advantage of the local government's eagerness to develop the economy and attract investment, come up with so-called 'big project' plans, obtain land at low prices from local governments, and defraud loans. As a result, the local government gave the policy, the bank gave the loan, but the enterprise left the land idle, used the loan for other things, and even walked away, declared bankruptcy, and let the local government bear the loan loss.


After the article appeared, it quickly attracted the attention of professional circles such as the business and financial circles, aroused extensive discussion, and then entered the field of vision of the common people through various media and channels at a faster speed.

What kind of group are the people?

These people do not have wealth, but they yearn for wealth; they want to pursue wealth, but have the ability to obtain wealth; most of them are simple people who can endure all kinds of injustices and grievances in life, but at the same time they are the most angry and angry about all kinds of injustices. dissatisfied.

If such a common man is a shareholder, he will be full of anger at the banker; if he is a once brilliant but now lonely enterprise employee, then he will not think that the decline of the enterprise is also related to his own mess, and He will vent his anger on what he thinks is the 'bad guy who brought down the company'; if it is a young man who wants to change the future through his own efforts, then when he learns that the society does not need his own efforts, he will No matter how hard he works, it will only be the food on the plate of these liars, then his hope for the future will be fatally hit, and the anger in despair will converge into a volcano;

At present, shareholders, enterprise employees, and naive young people who are full of hope for the future can definitely be regarded as the mainstream of society.

Therefore, the repercussions of this article among the people have never been greater.

Immediately afterwards, the Southern Weekly News invited Pan Jue to do an interview.

In this interview, there is a very important issue, or in other words, the issue that the whole people are most concerned about.

Who the **** is doing these things?

In the interview scholar Pan Jue, with an attitude of 'holding the belief of martyrdom to expose the dark side of society', pointed out directly and strongly that many domestic enterprises have embarked on this strategy. Among the wrong paths, the biggest, the most typical, and the most complete of all five poisons, is undoubtedly the famous Delong department, and a project currently being operated by the Delong department is the new agricultural department.

"Mr. Pan, do you have any evidence? Are you exposing this for personal interests? Are you worried that your personal safety will be threatened?" The host couldn't help asking three questions in a row.

Pan Jue's face showed the expression of Jesus' martyrdom and said: "As a scholar, I study the economy, not a boring experiment in the laboratory, but to contribute to the healthy development of the country's economy. As an ordinary person, I do not I am willing to watch this ugly phenomenon become the norm and harm everyone's interests. I like money, but people have to face their own conscience. If it is just for money, I don't say these words, and someone will give me a lot of money. I can’t sleep in the middle of the night. I can take responsibility for everything I said today, and I have prepared for the worst. My wife and children have even been sent abroad. I am not afraid to offend by saying these words. anyone!"

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