Rebirth of the Burning Era

v2 Chapter 601: old friends overseas

Liang Yifei traveled leisurely abroad, one city after another, and one company after another. From the management mode and business philosophy of the company, he saw the power structure, personnel quality, and then various modern tools, which can be regarded as a feast for the eyes.

For a person like him, what really enjoys and touches is definitely not a touching joke, a thought-provoking poem, a good TV series or something, but a higher level ahead on his way forward. mountains and how to get to those mountains.

When negotiating with IBM, the other party was really willing to help Chinese enterprises solve modern management solutions, and agreed to send a team for inspection and guidance. The same situation also happened in Microsoft.

At this point, foreign entrepreneurs, politicians and military strategists seem to have the same "passion" and always want to "help" the world.

However, the enthusiasm of foreigners comes from enthusiasm, and business belongs to business. The price of the team is not cheap. Except for the starting price, everyone in the team is billed in US dollars per day. Secretary Xiao Cheng made a rough calculation. For the transformation with Feike, including the cost of subsequent purchase of tools, Liang Yifei is afraid that he will spend 40 to 50 million US dollars in it.

Most domestic entrepreneurs are reluctant to pay this money. This is not marketing promotion that can bring immediate returns, nor is it scientific research and development that can improve hard power. Management is the impression of most successful entrepreneurs in China. , still stay at the level of 'you all listen to me and do your own work'.

However, Liang Yifei knew that just last year, Huawei had introduced a complete set of management models and tools from IBM. It was also a large team that inspected, guided, and assisted in construction, and successfully helped Huawei to complete the leap to a modern enterprise. Tens of millions of dollars.

The effect of these money, who spends who knows.

First, I reached a preliminary intention with these two companies. The disease of large enterprises is not developed in a day or two. If you want to solve it, you are not in a hurry to continue the inspection trip, leave the United States, and go to Europe.

Coincidentally, both the United States and Europe met old friends.

When I was in the United States, I met Xie Yifei.

This guy is addicted to alchemy and pharmaceuticals in the middle of Shu. The company is getting bigger and bigger, and it has become a signboard of Chinese private pharmaceuticals, but the main direction of drugs is still a bit embarrassing: more than 40% of the business still comes from male impotence.

It can be considered that the trajectory of history cannot be deviated. Even without Liang Yifei's guidance, this kid has become Viagra's agent in the mainland by some miracle. Unlike the previous life of domestic companies who stepped on the line, his agent is reasonable and legal.

This time, I came to negotiate business, and at the same time, I also hoped to buy some drugs whose patent protection in the United States is about to expire.

Xie Yifei played very beautifully. The patent protection period in the United States is 20 years. After 20 years, drug patents are not protected and can be copied at will, so the expiring drug patents are very cheap.

Although the standards between China and the United States are different, many of the drugs that have been on the market for nearly 20 years have already passed the test in China.

You must know that the time and cost required to develop a drug are staggering, so the price of many drugs is also astonishing after they are launched. If you want to be cheap, you can only wait for the 20-year protection period to pass.

India has a large number of generic drugs, and Yankees turn a blind eye in most cases, but what is unknown is that Yankees conduct drug experiments in India, resulting in pollution and deaths. The Indian government also maintains Silence is equivalent to using the country as a testing ground for the United States in exchange for the power to copy cheap drugs.

This time, Xie Yifei's temperament was obviously different from before, that is, he was much calmer and more confident. He was completely different from the unwilling son who was the fourth young master of the Xie family, but was excluded from the country.

After chatting, the Xie family and Liang Yifei thought about the same at the beginning. It was not the kind of family cannibalism described in some books, a family with persecution and paranoia that was excluded for the sake of exclusion. Xie Yifei was not directly related and could not enter the core, but the Xie family had not been too much After treating him badly, after his development in China improved, the Xie family also gave a lot of support.

If he doesn't get along well, he will complain about society and family. After getting along well, when he looks back, there is a lot of warmth. Xie Yifei can be regarded as seeing it. relationship and develop your own business wholeheartedly.

After chatting about the current situation in Thailand, and talking about Liang Yifei's PHS and mobile phone business, the two agreed to go to Thailand together next year to see if they can gain some market share.

Next, I went to Europe and met Sheng Wenfeng.

Speaking of Sheng Wenfeng, these years have been quite tortuous.

The Sheng family inevitably collapsed. In 1998, a major case, once the largest smuggling empire in China, vanished overnight.

Liang Yifei knew the news through a very strange channel: one day he was shopping by himself, and suddenly wanted to buy a pack of cigarettes to smoke. He found a roadside stall and heard from the boss that Sanwu cigarettes and Camel cigarettes were out of stock recently and could not get in. Suddenly remembered something.

After calling Sheng Wenfeng for a chat, I found out that something happened to the Sheng family. His uncle and several relatives who were still working in the group were all listed as the main offenders. His uncle fled abroad.

The only fortunate thing is that Sheng Wenfeng left relatively early. His uncle was also considered to have foresight, and he could not say that there was no trace of family affection for this little nephew. After Sheng Wenfeng established his own business, his uncle gave some secret support. However, on the bright side, the relationship between the two sides was completely separated, so Sheng Wenfeng was not greatly implicated, but only assisted in handling the case.

For more than a year, Sheng Wenfeng was relatively underestimated. No one dared to touch him, and he was in trouble everywhere. Even friends like Liang Yifei maintained a respectful attitude towards him.

No way, no one dares to touch this flame, and whoever touches it will die.

But in private, Liang Yifei helped him twice, once with money, one of his loans was greeted by Liang Yifei through friends, and once with a corporate dispute, a vice president in charge of Phoenix New Media has a very close relationship with the local government. Okay, I helped pull the line.

For Liang Yifei, these two busynesses were a big effort, but for Sheng Wenfeng, they were helpful.

If you don't say it, it doesn't mean you don't know your heart.

When he came to Europe this time, Sheng Wenfeng was preparing to cooperate with BMW to introduce its engine technology. Another important thing was to persuade his uncle to return to China and surrender himself.

It has already been discussed, he can survive, and the prison environment is not bad, as long as he explains what he should explain, if he doesn't go back, he will bear too many secrets, and even overseas, he may not be able to save his life.

Sheng Wenfeng can be considered to see it through. It is still a sentence that Liang Yifei said many years ago. Entrepreneurs must understand politics, but they must keep a distance from politics.

Coincidentally, there was an anti-corruption film many years later, which explained the meaning of this sentence in another way.

The wealth gained by using power will also be completely lost due to the reshuffling of power.

"Make domestic cars with your heart, don't think too much about other things, the future of this market is promising." When they parted, Liang Yifei told Sheng Wenfeng of his prophet in another implicit way.

Sheng Wenfeng thought about it for a long time before embarking on the flight to Canada, and told Liang Yifei that he had a lot of things to do this time, and he would not stay there for a long time. When Liang Yifei inspected the area where the factory was built, if it was convenient, he would also help him. At first glance, he also wants to establish a research and development center and a transit base for some spare parts overseas.

This saves a lot of unnecessary expenses, such as shipping.


When Liang Yifei's trip to the West was halfway through, the domestic economic headlines were almost completely occupied by Pan Jue's remarks.

In addition to Pan Jue, there are also a group of scholars who have come forward and have spoken out for discussion. The arguments are different. Some fully support Pan Jue and put forward more 'criminals' for contemporary enterprises. The detours avoided, and some directly defend the enterprise, thinking that this is a step forward in 'crossing the river by feeling the stones'. Whether it is right or wrong, good or bad, it needs to be tested by history. If you want to develop, you must encourage entrepreneurs Dare to try.

Behind every voice, there is a curtain that cannot be seen clearly.

Of course, everyone will at least support one point of view: you can't break the law, you can't harm the people, and you can't cheat the country.

However, the named Tang Long Department rarely kept silent, that is, he did not accept interviews, nor did he make any announcements to the outside world, and silently suffered the consequences of falling stock prices and hindering the progress of work in various places.

Tang Long is a person who has gone through big waves. They understand a truth very well: hot spots will be replaced by new hot spots, and attention is only temporary excitement. As long as they can survive this period of time, when new hot spots come out After that, all previous mistakes and even sins will be forgotten.

The group is forgetful, or, in other words, the group is an existence that is rolled forward by the development of history, and forgetting the past is the helpless and inevitable choice of this existence.

The problem is that some people don't seem to want the Tang Long Group to be forgotten like this.

While the discussion was in full swing, Tang Long, a subsidiary of the listed company New Agricultural Science Group, the vice president of Agricultural Science Education, Song Zhongcheng, suddenly stood up and listed a series of "crimes" of New Agricultural Science Education.

The most important ones can be confirmed by Pan Jue's list, and they are more detailed.

For example, since the establishment of the new agricultural science education, all the financing and loans that have been carried out, except for a very small number, less than 5% of the expenses for the new agricultural science education, the rest are all turned over to the new agricultural science, and there is no real A penny goes to education.

And this 5% is mostly spent on public relations, communication and so on.

As for the agricultural education itself, so far, there is no real plan on how to implement the three 5 plans in the future. All the internal plans, including the tasks of the in-service teaching staff, are all in one direction. The concept of science education, to get more money, and even asked to pull relatives and friends to raise funds, from which to return the 'handling fee';

Some of the land acquired by Xinnongke Education in various places, including the headquarters, seem to have started construction, but according to Song Zhongshi, Xinnongke clearly has money, but the funds for these projects are all in arrears.

Then there is a question. The money was turned over to the headquarters of the New Agricultural Science and Technology Group, so is it because the headquarters is preparing to concentrate funds for major events? Maybe it's just that the time and timing haven't come, and it doesn't mean that education is used to "money".

Song Zhongshi has a very high status in the new agricultural science education, and has access to some high-level secrets. According to the information he provided, most of the new agricultural science's money was transferred to the parent company, Tanglong Group.


The reputation of Song Zhongzhong is not small in itself: before, in order to carry out publicity and build an education enterprise that can compete with the new era, he once used the experiences of Song Zhongyi and Bai Song as a buying point, and hyped it up. Such a 'betrayal' is inherently dramatic.

According to Song Zhongshi himself, he took the initiative to expose this time because he could no longer do it: as the vice president of the New Agricultural Science Education Company, he had business experience before, so he could see clearly that if he continued like this, not only It's just that the company will have big troubles, and he himself is likely to passively embark on the road of crime.

And, as a private education practitioner with a 'social responsibility', the last thing he wants is to see the private education industry, which has just started in China, be so thoroughly discredited. For the sake of his own safety, for the sake of his future and the industry, he hesitated again and again. Still decided to stand up.

Some people believe this, some people don't. Even if there is no evidence, people with sufficient level will naturally think of Liang Yifei who is studying abroad at this time.

A rumor that there is no stone hammer spread in the circle, Liang Yifei went abroad, I am afraid it is not so simple, this time, it is definitely not the 'acceptance and defeat' that everyone thought before.

When people got him in the new era, his counterattack was almost crazy, and he wanted to directly bring down the entire Tang Long.

For Liang Yifei, a 'child' who has only recently entered the top business circle, there is a new understanding vaguely in the entire top circle.

If an enterprise has achieved this step, it can enter the top To tell the truth, no one wants to risk their lives unless it is a last resort. Compromise is the more suitable way for them.

As for whether Tang Long can be defeated, it is still unknown. After all, Tang Long's size is too large and his roots are too deep. It is impossible to clarify the people and things involved. To destroy Tang Long is tantamount to an earthquake. I don't know how much to be involved and how much aftermath work.

Unexpectedly, after that, a few people left from New Agricultural Science Education, and even Tang Long Group, and came forward to criticize the former owner.

Like Song Zhongshi, these people seem to have come prepared, and most of the accusations are actually proven.

In terms of public opinion, it was Song Zhongshi who gave Tang Long the final blow.

In the last episode of his "Breaking News", he threw out a super big news.

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