Rebirth of the Entrepreneurship Era

v2 Chapter 257: Big news

Seeing that Xu Yiyang did not want to say the name of the school, Lu Di thought he was deliberately low-key, so he said: "Mr. Xu, I asked an off-topic. Your investment in this Internet cafe should be large. As a college student, what do you do? With so much money? Is it supported by the family? "

Xu Yiyang said with a smile: "We all make money for opening an Internet cafe together. If we make more money, everyone will take out the money and open such an Internet cafe together."

"Ah?" Lu Di was even more surprised: "Mr. Xu, let me tell the audience in front of the TV, how did you make so much money?"

With that said, Lu Di added: "If business secrets are involved, then forget it."

Xu Yiyang said with a smile: "There is no commercial secret, that is, when the university military training, the school does not always send out the camouflage military training uniforms, the military training uniforms work well, and the materials are very solid, but for college students, there is nothing after the military training It ’s used, so we bought it from the students at a low price, and then increased the price a little and sold it to the construction site. "

Immediately afterwards, Xu Yiyang again said: "For the workers on the construction site, we sell at very cheap prices, absolutely high quality and low price. For them, wearing work is not only resistant to dirt and wear, but also protects against sun and camouflage. The construction site is also more eye-catching and can increase the degree of safety to a certain extent, so it is very popular. "

Lu Di's eyes glared at the boss. With the business model Xu Yiyang said, she could immediately hear the huge business opportunities and feasibility in it, but why did nobody think of doing this business when she was in college?

Later, Lu Di directed the topic to the awareness of fire protection and said to Xu Yiyang: "You have equipped Internet cafes with more than forty bottles of fire extinguishers. It is precisely these forty bottles of fire extinguishers that played an important role in the fire tonight. To save more than 20 people, I would like to ask, why are you equipped with so many fire fighting equipment in your Internet cafe? "

Xu Yiyang seriously said: "I think that in any public place or business place, the personal safety of customers should be the first priority. Among these, firefighting facilities are the most important one, especially in crowded places such as Internet cafes and hotels. in this way."

"But many operators lack the awareness of public safety in order to save costs. In my opinion, this is no different from the life of Kusuga, because in the event of a fire, there is no guarantee for the personal safety of customers."

With that, Xu Yiyang gave a slight meal and continued to add: "For fire extinguishers, ordinary fire extinguishers can be bought for only about one hundred yuan, or even dozens of yuan, and the validity period is at least one year, that is, the operator prepares A batch of fire extinguishers can ensure the personal safety of customers to a greater extent in the coming year. This is a very cost-effective and very necessary investment. "

"What happened tonight is very sudden, but in my opinion, it is not accidental. The hotel has almost no firefighting measures, no escape routes, no fire extinguishing equipment, no alarm phone, and even installed a strong anti-theft privately. Windows, these are the embodiment of no fire awareness; "

"In this case, an aging circuit, an unextinguished cigarette butt, and an old electrical appliance are all likely to cause a fire. Once the fire spreads, the hotel has no ability to put out the fire and can only let it go. It is getting bigger and bigger. If the fire is from the fourth floor, people from the first to the third floor still have a chance to escape, but the fire is from the second floor. In this way, the people on the second floor are on the third floor during the escape process. Almost all people on the fourth floor are trapped, and their lives will be threatened greatly; "

"If the operators of public places do not pay close attention to raising fire awareness and take good fire protection measures, then it is a hotel that is on fire today, and it may be a ktv, a restaurant, or an internet cafe or a bus tomorrow. , Or even a market, a building ... "

"So, I personally feel that no matter what kind of industry or place, fire protection awareness and measures must be strengthened. At the same time, I also hope that our fire department, as well as the industry and commerce department, can handle various operations Conduct in-depth and thorough fire-fighting inspections in sexual places to completely eliminate hidden fire hazards in public places. "

Xu Yiyang knew that if his self-talk was broadcast, he did not know how many self-employed people would scold themselves for doing more business in the back, because once the fire control was strictly investigated, it would mean that they would make money.

However, out of being responsible for conscience and being responsible for the public, he felt that since he had the opportunity to face the media, he must say this.

Today's fire, he didn't have any memory in his last life, but, a few years later, he couldn't be more aware of the fire in the blue speed internet cafe.

In that fire, more than 20 people were killed and more than 10 people were injured. Most of them were college students around Internet cafes.

It was an artificial fire, so the arsonists must bear most of the responsibility, but the black Internet cafe itself also has to bear the responsibility.

If they have enough fire-fighting measures, they will probably not let the fire spread, and besieged more than 30 people.

As long as they have three or four bottles of fire extinguishers, the fire is likely to cause no casualties and property damage.

Unfortunately, they do not have any effective fire protection measures.

The moment the flame ignited, the people inside no longer had any ability to confront.

If you say this today, you can allow self-employed people to pay attention to fire safety, and allow black Internet cafe owners such as Blue Speed ​​to take the initiative to buy a few cans of fire extinguishers. Then, in the future, 25 fresh lives may not disappear!

When Lu Di finished the interview, it was already half past two in the morning.

Although the time is already early in the morning, Lu Di's heart is still surging.

Even the driver and cameraman Zhang, who has always been calm, is the same.

When the two returned to the car, they could see each other's excitement. Lao Zhang even shook his right hand.

They all know that today they caught a very big news!

And what excites them most is this terrible fire, no one actually died!

This is a lucky luck, enough to comfort all kind hearts.

As a reporter, I have seen all kinds of accidents and disasters, and my favorite is this kind of "false alarm".

The word "no death" is simply the most anticipated result in an accident or disaster.

Moreover, Lu Di's luck is really good.

She even came earlier than the fire, police or 120.

She and Lao Zhang used the camera to capture a story that was enough to move the city.

A group of college students, with a group of young people playing games in Internet cafes, used their own efforts to save more than 20 lives.

If you just use words or words to narrate, no one can imagine that shocking picture.

Fortunately, their cameras captured most of the fires of these young people.

At the same time, the camera also witnessed how terrible the fire was before, and also witnessed the process of being subdued by these young people.

Major news must be treated specially.

Lu Di didn't speak, and Lao Zhang didn't speak. The latter started the car and drove instinctively to the TV station.

He knew that for such important news, the material must be sent back as soon as possible.

On TV, the hardest part is the people on the news.

Because they have to deal with and track any breaking news, their front-line reporters have been on standby 24/7, just like firemen and soldiers, they are always ready to go out quickly when they receive a phone call.

Not only the front-line reporters worked hard, but the workers behind the scenes also worked very hard. The other departments were basically gone as soon as they got off work, but the news department was in three shifts. At any time, the office area of ​​the news department was on duty.

On the way back to the stage, Lu Di made a phone call to his news source, the barbecue stall owner, Pharaoh. As soon as he spoke, he was grateful and said, "Pharaoh, you just made that call too timely! "

"Haha!" Lao Wang Shuanglang's laughter came and said proudly in Mandarin, mixed with dialects: "How about, I can work hard?"

Lu Di didn't understand too well, and asked, "What's going on?"

Lao Wang said, "Is it me?"

"Great!" Lu Di said with a smile: "Wait, I'll go to the stage today, and I will send you money when I'm busy."

Lao Wang smiled and said: "Oh, don't be polite with me. We don't want to make money for this, just because you are a good girl and a friend."

Lu Di said: "Make friends and make friends ~ ~ The money should be given."

The old king said: "Don't give me money, I must have made more kebabs than you."

"One yard owned by a yard."

The old king said: "Then you come free, I invite you to eat lamb skewers."

"OK, have you confiscated the booth?"

"No, my business is very good, and there are a few tables of guests. It is estimated that it will take more than three to close the booth."

At this time, a shout came from the phone: "Boss, let's have another ten yuan lamb skewers."

"Good!" The old king responded and said to Lu Di: "Go ahead, I'll go to the kebab."

Lu Di returned to the stage, and the news department was still brightly lit. The first thing she came back was to go to the deputy director's office.

The top leader of the news department at night is one of the deputy directors of the department.

In addition to the regular directors' daily classes, the three deputy directors sit in the department in three shifts to ensure that there are leaders who can decide major events anytime, anywhere.

It is Chen Zheng, the deputy director, who is in charge of the duty today. At this time, Chen Zheng is reviewing the materials sent by several frontline reporters in the evening.

But picking it up and down, did not find any valuable news.

Actually, the performance evaluation of the news department is under great pressure. Not only is it necessary to complete the news collection and do a good news program, but also be responsible for guiding the positive trend of the society.

Positive examples and negative examples, as long as they can represent a certain social phenomenon, and can be used to promote the positive trend of society and criticize and criticize the unhealthy trend of society, they are their favorite materials.

At this time, Lu Di knocked on the door.

Chen Zheng said without looking up: "Come in."

Lu Di opened the door and a head popped up and said, "Director Chen, I have a fire news material. Please take a look at the reading room."