Rebirth of the Entrepreneurship Era

v2 Chapter 307: The sample came out

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December 22.

Just after Xu Yiyang arrived in the classroom, Li Xuan, who was in Ningcheng, called him and said, "Mr. Xu, the sample came out last night. Two models and two colors came out. I think the effect is good, so I ask the workers to work overtime. Has produced a batch of 32 articles in total and has arranged for them to be delivered to you. "

Xu Yiyang said: "Ah? Sent from Ningcheng? Isn't it enough to send a courier?"

Li Xuan said: "I have consulted. From Ningcheng Road to Zhonghai, the postal service may take about five days at the fastest, and the parcel post may take half a month."

"Oh ..." Xu Yiyang suddenly realized.

This year, the express delivery industry has not yet sprouted.

In the early days of the express delivery industry, it was like suppressing Sun Wukong at the foot of Wuxing Mountain. Ordinary people did not know how much potential he had, it was nothing more than a monkey.

However, once the express delivery industry meets his Tang monk, the industry will skyrocket 90,000 miles.

Before 2000, the Chinese people seldom mailed parcels other than letters. In most cases, they had to take things from Zone A to Place B, and asked friends who had just gone to Place B to help carry the human flesh.

It is possible that a family will not mail a package all year round.

But after 2000 and after the rise of e-commerce, how large is the express parcel volume of the Chinese people every year? A family, hundreds of packages a year is not a problem.

Even the express delivery between many cities can be reached the next day. This timeliness is strong and the world is leading.

But now ...

As Li Xuan said, it takes several days to mail a few hundred kilometers. Therefore, human express delivery is much more reliable and can be done in a day, which means that the cost is a little higher.

Li Xuan said that the person who sent the trousers was a young man who made a passing train at three o'clock in the morning yesterday morning and should be able to reach Zhonghai at more than nine o'clock this morning.

However, this guy does not have a cell phone, so when he arrives, he will find a public phone to contact Xu Yiyang.

After the first class, Xu Yiyang's cell phone rang.

It came from a local landline.

Upon answering the phone, I asked, "Is this Mr. Xu?"


"Oh, hello, I delivered it to you. I am now at the door of this China Overseas University."

Xu Yiyang hurriedly said: "Then wait for me, I will come over now."

After talking, Xu Yiyang greeted Shen Lele: "Lele, you follow me."

Shen Lele did not know why, but she got up and walked out of the classroom with him.

As he walked outside the school, Xu Yiyang said to her, "The pants I made are here. Try with me."

Shen Lele exclaimed, "Is it the jeans you made with Sister Xuan? Has it been produced?"

"Yeah." Xu Yiyang smiled and said: "The samples have been sent, a total of two styles, two colors, one for each color, you try your own first.

"Really!" Shen Lele said happily: "Send me so many pants, enough for me to wear for two years!"

Xu Yiyang said: "You can rest assured that for every style and color in the future, I will also send you one, and I will cover your jeans in the future."

Shen Lele smiled like a flower and said, "Mother, how happy!"

At the entrance of the school, a young man with a large trolley was standing outside the school gate.

Xu Yiyang stepped forward and asked him: "Are you Li Xuan asking for delivery?"

"Yes, yes," the lad said quickly. "Are you Mr. Xu? Sister Li asked me to give you this box."

Xu Yiyang nodded and said, "Let me open it first."


After Xu Yiyang opened it, he found that the pants inside were all being packed in plastic bags. The plastic bags are half transparent and half are red. SuperX brand logo. Interestingly, the letters of SuperX are also transparent. See the pants inside through the letters.

As for the hand-held packaging bags, they are all flattened together.

Xu Yiyang counted, and thirty-two was okay, so he said to the young man, "Okay, no problem, hard work for you!"

The other party hurriedly said, "You're welcome, you're welcome, then Mr. Xu, I'll go to the train station first."

Xu Yiyang nodded and said, "Pay attention to safety on the road."

Then he pulled the suitcase up and said to Shen Lele: "Go, go to Zhonghai Yujing."

When he came to his home in Zhonghai Yujing, Xu Yiyang couldn't wait to pour all his jeans out of the box and spread it on the floor of the living room.

There are two styles and two colors in total. Each style and color is eight.

The two styles are 101 and 102, one is tapered trousers and the other is pencil pencil trousers.

The colors, one is dark blue and the other is washed light blue, belong to the most classic two colors.

Xu Yiyang opened one of them and looked at the work.

The colors, feel, stitches, thread ends, zippers, trouser pockets, and logos are all very fine, and are definitely good craftsmanship.

As for the style, version and tailoring, you can only see the good or bad after the upper body.

But looking at it flatly, these two pants are thinner and one is very thin.

Xu Yiyang said to Shen Lele: "Choose a size that suits you, and look at the effect from the upper body."

Shen Lele nodded and said, "I'm wearing trousers. Will wearing such thin pants look fat?"

Xu Yiyang laughed helplessly: "Fool, loose pants will only make you fat. If your legs are not particularly thick and ridiculous, wearing thin pants will make you look thinner than usual."

As he said, Xu Yiyang said: "It doesn't matter if you wear trousers. Everyone in the winter is very bloated. If your pants are slim, you will look thinner and taller. I don't believe you try it on."

Shen Lele chose 101 models washed in light blue, and said, "I should fit this size. I will try it in the house."

"Huh." Xu Yiyang nodded: "Go ahead."

Soon, Shen Lele put on SuperX jeans and came out with a red face.

At a glance, Xu Yiyang thought that these pants were perfect!

Shen Lele is 1.5 meters tall and has relatively long legs, but her previous dressing made it difficult to make her long legs stand out as thoroughly as those net reds of later generations.

This is mainly because there is no suitable pants.

Even Levi's, which she bought from abroad, was only a little thinner, far from being very slim.

The girls 20 years later, in order to set off their legs, wear skinny jeans in winter, and in summer wear super shorts that can't cover their hips.

Now, the jeans of Shen Lele's upper body instantly led the aesthetic standards for more than ten or twenty years. These slender beautiful legs are fully covered by such a pair of elegant jeans!

When Shen Lele saw Xu Yiyang looking a little stunned, she couldn't help but shyly said: "Is this pair of pants too thin, behind ... is the back too warped?"

Xu Yiyang hurriedly said: "You turn around and I will see."

Shen Lele's face was as if she was dyed, leaning on her heels and turning back 180 degrees.

Xu Yiyang glanced from the back and immediately exclaimed: "Perfect! It's really great!" Shen Lele heard Xu Yiyang's heartfelt compliment, and she was very sweet.

The only thing I feel a little embarrassed is that I always feel a little ashamed to wear jeans with such a figure.

The thin Levi's worn by Ning Ruolin before was not as thin as these pants.

Xu Yiyang continued to praise at this time: "I said to myself, I used to think that your figure was very good, but I didn't know it would be so good. Not only did the upper and lower body proportions be perfect, but the legs were long and straight. The problem is that the hips are also just right, so one can imagine how important a pair of jeans is for girls. "

Shen Lele has never been so bluntly praised by the boy, and he is still praised by the boy he likes. His face is blushing, but his heart is very happy.

She tentatively asked Xu Yiyang: "Is it really as good as you said?"

Xu Yiyang nodded and sincerely praised: "You are the best girl I have ever seen."

Xu Yiyang is not kidding.

Gu Sijia, Tong Yuewei, and even Ning Ruolin, who is regarded as the super goddess, are all thin girls who look good and look good, but they do n’t have much of a figure.

Shen Lele is different. Shen Lele's figure has matured, not only in vertical development, but also in three-dimensional development at the same time. Every place is just right, and there is even a somewhat surging feeling.

Shen Lele never felt how good she was and never regarded it as her advantage ~ ~ But after hearing Xu Yiyang say this, she felt complacent for her body for the first time.

She also finally realized what the meaning of the phrase "female favors herself" was a bit shameful in the last second, but after listening to Xu Yiyang's words, she only wanted to wear it in the future. As long as he can always like it.

Subsequently, at the request of Xu Yiyang, Shen Lele tried 102 models of pencil pants.

Pencil trousers have thinner legs and of course more elasticity. It will make jeans tighten the legs of women with their own elasticity, but this kind of tightness is not uncomfortable, compared to the thin body of girls to wear thin legs Pantyhose, the tightness of this hoop is negligible.

Many people have seen the pictures of some fat girls who are desperately wearing thin pants. These pictures fully show how intense women's pursuit of beauty is.

After Shen Lele changed to the 102 model, I felt that the tightness was indeed stronger than before, but I felt really good.

She looked in the mirror herself and found that her legs were straight and slender, even thinking that she was looking at a thin haha ​​mirror.

Xu Yiyang couldn't help but sigh. If Shen Lele wore 101 or 102 and went to the school for a walk, all the girls in the school would be rushed.

Shen Lele asked Xu Yiyang: "Which one should I wear? 101 or 102?"

Xu Yiyang thought for a while and said, "Wear 101 first, then wear 102 in a few days, step by step."

Shen Lele nodded and hurriedly said, "You give Gu Sijia of your class, and Tong Yuewei of class four, you can also send a few, don't you know Ning Ruolin? Give her a few, they are all prettier than me After putting on the body, the propaganda effect will be better. "

Xu Yiyang said: "I really intend to give them a few and send a few, but who told you that they are prettier than you?"