Rebirth of the Entrepreneurship Era

v2 Chapter 382: Exchange in Hong Kong

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Saturday, February 26.

Xu Yiyang dragged his suitcase and left the dormitory early in the morning. He and Shen Lele came to the door of the political and educational building with the accompaniment of the dormitory. The bus prepared by the school was already waiting here.

Before getting on the bus, Xu Yiyang and Shen Lele checked their documents and cash.

According to the country’s foreign exchange regulations, short-term trips to Hong Kong can be exchanged for $1,000 worth of Hong Kong dollars, so both of them exchanged more than 7,780 yuan of cash for more than 8,200 yuan according to the highest specifications.

Check for correctness and get on the train.

In the car, more than a dozen students and teachers have been seated.

This time the leader was Hu Lao and Li Yunhui, director of the Academic Affairs Office. In addition to them, there are several younger professors.

As for the students, there are a total of twelve, with three people selected from freshman to freshman.

After the two got on the bus, Hu Lao hurriedly introduced him to other teachers and students.

However, among the nine sophomores, juniors, and seniors, Xu Yiyang only knew that Xu Yanan, the president of the Student Union, had never heard of it before.

At this time, Ning Ruolin came up carrying the suitcase and saw everyone there, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, the last one arrived."

Mr. Hu laughed: "It's not too late to arrive before the departure time, don't be embarrassed."

Immediately afterwards, he said again: "Hurry to find a seat and sit down. Now that the people are here, let's go to the airport."

Seeing that Xu Yiyang and Shen Lele were sitting together, Ning Ruolin waved and greeted them, and then sat on the empty seat on the other side across the aisle.

The bus drove away from the school, and Mr. Hu introduced the general arrangement of the exchange on the road.

The reason why the exchange time is so long this time is mainly to promote the exchange and cooperation between the two schools through this exchange activity.

After all, entering the new century, the leaders of COLI hope that the students of this school will have more opportunities to go out.

So this time, they will not only engage in academic exchanges with the English majors of the University of Hong Kong, but also carry out some exchange activities with other majors, but the specific schedule and plan will also depend on the arrangements made by the University of Hong Kong.

A group of people arrived at the airport, and after passing through security and customs, went directly to the waiting area near the boarding gate.

Among the team members, only Xu Yiyang and Ning Ruolin seemed to be a little unhappy, and the other teachers and classmates were all excited.

After all, it was 2000, and less than half of the people who had flown on the plane, let alone those who had been to Hong Kong.

Xu Yiyang speculates that it is not Ning Ruolin who may have been to Hong Kong among those students who have been to Hong Kong.

But Ning Ruolin does not seem to have any feelings about Hong Kong.

Actually he is the same.

About twenty minutes before boarding, Xu Yiyang received a call from Tencent Ma.

He stood up hurriedly and came to a corner where no one was connected.

"Hello, President Ma."

Mr. Ma’s voice came: “Hello, Mr. Xu, should your school have already started?”

"Yes." Xu Yiyang said: "School has already started."

After that, he asked, "What are you doing, President Ma?"

President Ma said: "Mr. Xu, this is the case. Recently, Tencent's business and revenue have soared, which has attracted a lot of attention. In the past two days, a very famous Hong Kong businessman contacted me and said that he hoped to invest in Tencent and give The valuation conditions presented are very generous, and I plan to consider them."

Xu Yiyang couldn't help frowning: "Hong Kong businessmen? Is it convenient to reveal which one?"

President Ma hurriedly said: "It is the second son of the Li family in Hong Kong, Li Zekai."

Xu Yiyang frowned more tightly.

The time point for Li's second son to invest in Tencent in the history was last year, but it may be because Tencent first took his own six million, so he did not go online with him.

Now he finds Tencent again, it seems that it is really a fate with Tencent.

However, Xu Yiyang's evaluation of the second son of the Li family is not high, and even the entire Li family is not high.

Li Jiafa's routine of getting rich is simple and rude. The most straightforward way to pass is to drive up property prices and toss high and low to suck. It may seem infinitely beautiful on the surface, but it actually **** blood from the whole of Hong Kong.

Property prices in Hong Kong are unattainable and store rents are prohibitively expensive. Many people have worked hard all their lives for nothing more than a so-called mansion of tens of square meters. The reason is that the big families headed by the Li family put prices The more fried, the higher.

They even created such games as selling off-plan houses and calculating public pools.

Xu Yiyang sees the glory of the Li family, but rarely sees what progress the Li family can bring to society.

It is said that when the mainland invited them to promote urban real estate development in the mainland, they took advantage of the favorable policies given by the government to get the best land in the low-price circle, and then throw it for a few years or ten years.

Throw the best land there, without construction or development, but after the price of land has skyrocketed, directly sell and cash out.

This mode of operation is not to promote the development of mainland cities. It is to parasitize the mainland to nourish itself. After absorbing nutrients, it leaves the host without turning back.

As for the second son of the Li family, Playboy's image and style will not be commented. After all, there are many rich second generations in the mainland who are entangled with Internet celebrities and celebrities every day.

However, the profit-making routine of the second son of Li's family really made Xu Yiyang despise it.

He has done a lot of big-glove white wolf sales, and is even known as Little Superman, the most famous of which are Cyberport and PCCW.

The Cyberport is a bold throw by the Hong Kong government towards the future of Hong Kong. They hope to attract a large number of high-end Internet companies through the construction of the Cyberport to bring Hong Kong’s future transformation closer to Silicon Valley and become an IT center in Asia.

And after this project was acquired by Xiaochao, it was transformed into a commercial real estate project, which made a lot of money for itself, but it completely ruined the entire Hong Kong IT dream;

PCCW is another classic case of Superman.

He used a shell company, on the one hand, to make a crazy cake for Hongkong Telecom, on the other hand, he used the bank relationship to get up to 13 billion US dollars in credit loans from the bank.

Almost without spending a penny, he defeated SingTel in less than 20 days and took the century-old Hong Kong Telecom into his pocket.

and then? The speed at which PCCW can be seen by the naked eye has dropped from more than 500 billion Hong Kong dollars to more than 20 billion Hong Kong dollars. It is not known how many Hong Kong investors have trapped.

As for the Little Superman himself, he has already obtained a lot of benefits in various cash reductions.

In addition to the empty glove White Wolf, Xiao Superman also has a classic negative case of selling Tencent shares.

At that time, he invested $1.1 million in Tencent, holding 20% ​​of the shares, and sold $12.6 million a year later. If you only look at 11 times a year’s profit, it is indeed a very short-term operation. Xiao Superman himself feels that he has made this wave. Pocket money makes a lot of money.

But he never dreamed that Tencent's later market value reached more than 400 billion US dollars...

Therefore, he thought that the short-term operation was very slippery, and became the most classic "short-sighted" case in the history of the Internet.

Now that he is staring at Tencent again, do he still want to play a short wave of Sao operation?

Thinking of this, Xu Yiyang smiled and asked him: "Mr. Ma, how did you get in touch with Master Li's Second Master?"

President Ma seriously said: "Actually, their family has been investing in Shenzhen recently. Tencent's revenue last month exceeded ten million next time, which attracted the attention of many capital parties. Mr. Li is also one of them."

Xu Yiyang yelled and asked, "What do you think of this?"

President Ma said: "I think this is a good opportunity. Mr. Li's resources are still very strong, and his influence in the financial sector of Hong Kong is also very large. If we take his investment, we will go to Hong Kong to be listed in the future. Mr. Li is behind Help will definitely be a lot easier."

Xu Yiyang said: "But we are not short of money now. Mobile QQ's profit in the first month has exceeded 10 million, and it will even exceed 15 million in February, and by the end of the year, it will even be tens of millions in a year. It’s easy to make hundreds of millions of dollars, and there is no shortage of money. Why do you need to raise funds?

With that said, Xu Yiyang again said: "The two most feared things about financing are to melt the flowers and not to spend the money, and to blindly raise funds without the lack of money. In my personal opinion, it is a bit irrational."

Mr. Ma hurriedly explained: "Mr. Xu, the valuation given by Mr. Li is indeed very generous. He also recognized our development prospects this year and believed that our net profit this year is close to 200 million yuan, so he is willing to use The valuation of 10 times the net profit invests us, which is 2 billion yuan, and Mr. Li’s investment in US dollars is equivalent to a valuation of US$ 240 million. He intends to hold 20% of the stock, which is Invest US$48 million in cash."

After finishing, UU reading President Ma said: "You see President Xu, we want to make a net profit of 120 million or 200 million. We have to wait until the end of the year, there are more than ten months in this cycle, and no one knows these ten. What will happen in many months, in case of any accident, we may not achieve such a high profit, but if we now agree to Mr. Li’s financing, we can add 48 million US dollars in cash to the account, which is quite At 400 million yuan!"

Xu Yiyang sighed and said, "Mr. Ma, what are you doing with the 400 million yuan?"

Mr. Ma said: "Now the Internet industry is developing very fast. Mr. Li believes that now that the global Internet is hot, there will soon be a large number of Internet companies ushering in the rise, and now most Internet companies are still in the stage of losing money and burning money. There are very few Internet companies like us that can make money. In contrast, we are a quality project in the Internet industry, so this is one of the reasons why he is very optimistic about us."

Xu Yiyang sneered.

Now think that a large number of Internet will usher in a rise? All people who hold this view will be slapped by the Internet crash in a month.

However, the second son of Li's family is indeed the mainstream way of thinking. It is now the last carnival before the bursting of the Internet bubble. For US stocks such as Cisco and Amazon, stock prices climbed to the top in the next month and then plunged.

The second son of Li's family wants to invest in Tencent now because it is because they are optimistic about the short-term prospects of the Internet and optimistic about Tencent's profitability.

A month later, the Internet bubble burst, and even if President Ma is kneeling and begging him to invest, he will never invest.

However, President Ma still cannot see this layer.

So, he asked Mr. Ma: "They see our business is developing rapidly, so they want to come in and share a slice of soup. How do they think they are making cheap things, why do we do it?"