Rebirth of the Financial Crisis Sweeping the World

Chapter 259: 259 withdrawals of 8.75 billion, taking

  Chapter 259, 259 withdrawals of 8.75 billion, the U.S. stock market plummeted!

  At this moment, the Heishan Investment Bank, Wang Guanxi’s eyes are on the Hang Seng Index chart.

  There is no floating loss or floating profit in the No. 1 fund trading account.

  "Wait for tomorrow"

   "Look at how the U.S. stock market opens tonight!"

   "I hope that the US government's 700 billion dollar rescue plan will be shelved by the US Congress tonight!"

  If this $700 billion rescue plan is rejected or shelved, global stock markets will plummet.

  At this time, Feng Shaokun called and said that no funds were found because everyone and all institutions were short of funds.

   "Guanxi, sorry, Wing Hang Bank has so much cash, it can't let you continue to short, the money is really not enough"

   "Well, well, I also happen to withdraw money and go short the U.S. bank!"

So Wang Guanxi withdrew 8.75 billion Hong Kong dollars. There was still 6.5 billion Hong Kong dollars in the trading account of No. 1 Fund. Shorting 60,000 hands of the Hang Seng Index spent 6 billion Hong Kong dollars in margin, and 500 million Hong Kong dollars in available funds were left. If the index rarely rises by 166 points, Wang Guanxi's account will be liquidated.

  Feng Shaokun asked in surprise: "Guanxi, damn, you can withdraw HKD 8.75 billion in one go, don’t you worry about liquidation?"

  Withdrawal of HKD 8.75 billion, Wang Guanxi's account is very vulnerable. With 500 million HKD of available funds, the Hang Seng Index rose 170 points, and the account was liquidated.

  This is really not worth it, and it is not recommended!

  It is normal for the Hang Seng Index to soar and plummet by several hundred points. If tomorrow the Hang Seng Index soars by 200 points and then plummets by 200 points, won't Wang Guanxi's position be in vain during the period?

Thinking of this, Feng Shaokun continued: "Guanxi, tomorrow the Hang Seng Index will rise by 200 points and your account will be liquidated. You will lose hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars in vain, and then it will drop by another 200 points. What do you do? Actually, there is no need to withdraw funds. 8.75 billion Hong Kong dollars"

  Wang Guanxi smiled faintly: "I have never sold out, and I never worry about it."

   "The Hang Seng Index will not rise above the 20000 position!"

   Feng Shaokun on the phone was shocked by Wang Guanxi's conceited words, and took a breath.

He thought of the liquidation of many retail investors in Wing Hang Securities. The rich also liquidated their positions. Only Wang Guanxi was a special case. He had never liquidated his positions, so he opened his mouth and said: "Well, I also think You won’t liquidate your position"

  He witnessed the rise of Wang Guanxi step by step. Although he would lose money in his account, he never broke his position.

  Any situation is within Wang Guanxi's controllable range. With the increasing size of funds, Wang Guanxi can still control it freely, which really makes him look up!

   Then Wang Guanxi's HKD 8 billion of the HKD 8.75 billion was transferred to the No. 2 Fund, and the remaining HKD 750 million was transferred to the account of the Black Shirt Group.

  The 750 million Hong Kong dollars in the Black Shirt Group are temporarily reserved for the acquisition of some companies.

   The 8 billion Hong Kong dollars of the No. 2 Fund. It was intended to short Citibank, but now is not the time.

  This Citibank is the world's largest bank, and it has to look for good opportunities.

  Thinking of this, Wang Guanxi opened the mouth and said: "Begin contacting various large institutions and preparing to borrow shares of Citibank Group."

  I have already started to contact large institutions to borrow shares of Wells Fargo, and now it is the shares of Citibank. When the black shirt insurance company closes its position on the AIG Group, it will begin to short!

  Several major banks in the United States will be shorted by Wang Guanxi!

  Citibank, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo are not one less!

  Yes, it means short the world's largest U.S. banks!

  Now say hello first, and use it directly when you are free.

  Thinking about it, Wang Guanxi said again: “Ask a few more to save a certain one’s temporary remorse”

  Before the Swiss bank temporarily repented of borrowing the shares of New World Development Group, Wang Guanxi did not want to have trouble again at a critical moment.

   "Yes, BOSS!" Everyone immediately began to prepare.

  Time goes by in a flash!

  The stock market closed, and the Hang Seng Index closed at 19,869.

  There are 19 points of floating loss in the No. 1 fund account, totaling a total of 54 million Hong Kong dollars.

Today, the Asia-Pacific stock markets generally closed higher. The Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets soared by 7.77%. Financial stocks soared across the board. Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index rose by 1.58% and approached the 20,000 mark. The Bay Island stock market rose by 186 points to recover 6,000 points. After the index closed up 1.4%, the Australian stock market rose by 2.33%, and the South Korean stock market KOSPI index rose slightly by 1%.

  The Vietnamese stock market rose 2.74% to 459.86 points.

  The Pakistan stock market closed flat at 6,651 points, an increase of 2%.

  Among them, financial stocks rose the most.

  Dine at the Empire Hotel Hong Kong in the evening.

  Huang Shaokai at the dinner table couldn't help but said: "Today's stock market is still rising, but the increase seems to be smaller."

  Today's stock market is not as fierce as the previous two trading days. It seems that the gains brought about by the good news of the rescue are fading.

   Zhang Dexi echoed: "Yes, except for the rapid rise in the stock markets in Lushen and Shenzhen, the stock markets in other places have limited gains."

He also feels that the previous good news of the central bank’s rescue of the market is declining, and the US government’s $700 billion rescue plan is also under discussion. There may be a result tonight. If there is no result, it may have to wait until Friday. But this The stock market is fragile. Once there is any bad wind, it will be very scary to sell.

   Wu Zhankun also said: "I hope that the US stock market will not continue to rise tonight."

At present, the Blackshirt Insurance Company is shorting American International Group, and the Blackshirt Investment Bank is shorting Washington Mutual Bank. The variables for AIG are not big. The Blackshirt Insurance Company makes at least $1 billion or more, while the Washington Mutual Bank, It is very dangerous.

  Now Toronto-Dominion Bank, Citigroup, Morgan Bank, Wells Fargo and Spanish International Bank, a total of five banks are bidding for Washington Mutual Bank.

  Once Washington Mutual Bank is acquired at a premium, then the Black Shirt Investment Bank will inevitably be out of the game with a huge loss, or even a liquidation.

  Bai Weiqiang said: "Tonight we still have to see whether the US government's 700 billion dollar proposal is passed."

  Although the US government has a 700 billion US dollar rescue plan, it needs to be approved by Congress. Whether it will pass is unknown.

  Wang Juehao also said: “I always feel that I won’t pass, or won’t pass that fast”

  Monday tonight is the beginning of the discussion. He is looking forward and nervous.

   Wu Zhanhai also said: "I think so too"

  Lu Jianyan smiled and said: "I hope not to pass, haha"


  Wang Guanxi smiled and said: "It must be blocked, wait for a good show."

Not only people from the Black Shirt Group are discussing this matter, but Sundpur Batra from the Indian Industrial Trust and Investment Bank, Nehru from the Indian Private Pension Fund, and Ratan Tata from the Tata Consortium were having dinner. This matter was also discussed at the time.

  Tonight is the day when the U.S. Congress discusses the US White House’s $700 billion rescue.

  Sundep Batra was eating steak and said with excitement: "The U.S. stock market must skyrocket tonight. By then, these Chinese people will be completely finished at Washington Mutual Bank."

  Last Thursday, last Friday, the US stock market soared for two days. The stock price of Washington Mutual Bank has rushed to $3.00 per share. Tonight, the US stock market will continue to soar. Just think about it.

  Furthermore, there will be five banks bidding for Washington Mutual Bank in the future. One can imagine how welcome Washington Mutual Bank has been.

  While the Black Shirt Investment Bank shorted Washington Mutual Bank, then Washington Mutual Bank was acquired by at least $8 per share.

  The Indian Trust and Investment Bank, who bought more than 120 million shares of Washington Mutual Bank at US$3.00, earned US$600 million. That’s not a problem.

  "This time on Washington Mutual Bank, it must be the grave of those Chinese people"

  Nehru of the Indian private pension took a sip of butter, wiped his mouth and said: “I hope so, this time, the Chinese people must suffer hard, and they will die to relieve my hatred.”

  Recently, the global stock market has skyrocketed, and he has a good night's sleep for a few days. In his dream, he also dreamed that Heishan Insurance Company and Heishan Investment Bank were all bought by their cabbage price.

  Those stupid and arrogant Huaxia people begged them, even kneeling on the ground, begging them to raise their prices.

Ratan Tata of the Tata Consortium ate too spicy food. He wiped his nose and announced: "The U.S. government will rescue the market with 700 billion U.S. dollars. There is no doubt that this Chinese will die on the Washington Mutual Bank. Alas, I just hope. AIG’s share price can rise above $100 per share"

Speaking of this, Ratan Tata sighed. He doesn’t expect the AIG Group. The stock price can reach 100 US dollars per share. Then he will liquidate his position and remove the 6.5 million shares of AIG Group’s stock price. Empty.

  Sundep Batra excitedly said: "Tonight we will get our wish."

   "Come on to cheers!"



  At this moment, a Cantonese restaurant in Xinhe hotel, Zhang Huiming, Qian Mingyuan, Jia Baowei, and Jin Xu are eating dinner and discussing the US government’s 700 billion dollar rescue plan.

  "The U.S. stock market will continue to skyrocket, and the Hong Kong stock market will also skyrocket tomorrow."

   "Hey, of course, this black shirt investment bank will definitely liquidate its position on the Hang Seng Index"

  "Hang Seng Index will be unstoppable once it breaks through the 20000 position"

   "This time the Black Shirt Investment Bank will not last long"

  The four are very much looking forward to the surge in the US stock market tonight and the Hong Kong stock market tomorrow.

   Soon at 9:30 pm, the US stock market opened.

  The skyrocketing rise and the sharp fall did not appear, but it rose very steadily.

  Until 12 o'clock in the evening.

  Breaking news!

  Richard Shelby, chairman of the US Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, asked the US government to end the US$700 billion rescue program for domestic banks!

  This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to US Treasury Secretary Paulson, who originally expected to pass the bill this Friday.

  Richard said in a statement that the Treasury Department’s proposal is “neither feasible nor comprehensive” and that it is “stupid” to use taxpayer money to test a decision made hastily.

  In fact, the U.S. government’s largest rescue plan since the Great Depression has been opposed by the majority of congressmen, and many opponents hope to include their respective recipes in the plan.

  For example, the government should profit from the banks it controls, and the government should limit the labor costs provided to the banks that benefit from the rescue plan. It is hoped that the ruling on bankruptcy will allow the creditors of the collateral to lower the mortgage interest rate.

  In addition, there are also legislators requesting that the government's financial regulation and control functions should be comprehensively reviewed and the Ministry of Finance's management of huge aid funds should be supervised.

  Washington Post: The government’s bailout plan submitted to Congress will give the Treasury the privilege to purchase non-performing assets from any financial institution within the next two years, regardless of whether the headquarters of these institutions is in the United States.

  At the same time, the Treasury Department will be able to buy, sell, and hold residential and commercial mortgage loans and these loans to support claims with little interference from Congress.

"This is the largest and least constrained sum of money I have ever seen in my life," said Douglas Elmendorf, a famous economist at the Brookings Institution. "The Secretary of the Treasury can do whatever he wants and buy what he wants. what."

Republican Barney Frank, chairman of the House of Representatives Finance Committee, said: "Members will not agree that senior corporate officials earn taxpayers' money. If we say that we will pay for the bad assets caused by these people's wrong decisions, then let them take the count. Millions of dollars left, that would be a big mistake. The American people will not allow this to happen, and it will not happen."

  But Treasury Secretary Paulson believes that if the rescue plan is not passed quickly, the US banking system will face collapse.

  He hopes to use government funds to purchase assets of distressed banks at a low price, hoping that once the banks get out of trouble, they can start borrowing from each other again to avoid the collapse of the US financial system.

  Huge bad news came, giving the global financial market a blow!

  The securities and foreign exchange markets in the U.S. and U.K. have once again seen falling prices and selling.

  The U.S. dollar exchange rate has been severely suppressed, pushing up the prices of commodity futures such as crude oil and gold.

  Today, the price of crude oil futures for October delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange surged 16.37 US dollars, or 15.7%, to close at 120.92 US dollars per barrel; intraday oil prices rose to 130 US dollars per barrel for the first time in two months. In dollar terms, today's oil prices have created the largest single-day increase since 1984.

  Gold futures prices rose by US$44.30, or 5.1%, to close at US$909 per ounce.

  Affected by the surge in commodity futures prices, the consumer discretionary sector in the S&P 500 index fell by 5%.

  The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 372 points to 11015 points, a decrease of 3.27%.

  28 of the 30 Dow stocks fell.

The   Nasdaq Composite Index fell 94 points to 2,178 points, a decrease of 4.17%.

  The Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 47 points to 1,207. points, a decrease of 3.82%.

  The share price of American International Group (AIG) plummeted 50% from $85 per share to $46 per share, a staggering drop of 45.9%

  While Washington Mutual Bank’s stock price fell from $3.00 per share to $1.50 per share, a drop of 50% per share

  The black shirt insurance company shorted the AIG group with a floating profit of US$1.71 billion on the books.

  Black Shirt Investment Bank shorted Washington Mutual Bank's book with a floating profit of up to 180 million U.S. dollars.

Sundeep Batra from the Indian Industrial Trust and Investment Bank, Nehru from the Indian Private Pension Fund, and Ratan Tata from the Tata Consortium have just finished playing with girls in the hotel. They suddenly changed their faces when they saw this scene. Cold sweat on the back!

"damn it!"


"how so!"


   And Zhang Huiming, Qian Mingyuan, Jia Baowei, and Jin Xu were shocked when they watched the U.S. stock market plummet. The clothes on the backs of the three of them were soaked and their bodies were shaking.

  Four people jointly operated, made the Hang Seng Index, held 60,000 lots, and opened a position at 19,950!

   "Oh my God, the U.S. stock market plummeted, then the Hong Kong stock market will plummet tomorrow morning"

"How to do?"


   "Tomorrow Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index will definitely plummet, paralyzed, grass!!! Americans are going to starve to death, why don't they save the market!!!"

  Four people can’t sleep at night!

  (End of this chapter)