Rebirth of the Financial Overlord

v4 Chapter 17: Goonan is meticulous

"Economy is a way of exchanging wealth. Hundreds of years of economic markets have shown that there will always be ups and downs in economic operations, which we call economic cycles.

Statistics from the Finnish Labor Department: In the second quarter, the national unemployment rate increased by 5% to 15%. The growth rate of gDP dropped by 6.8%, a year-on-year decrease of 2%. The data will not be falsified. It clearly tells us that the Finnish economy has reached a bottleneck. "


"As everyone knows, the Finnish economy mainly relies on export trade. However, with the drastic changes in the former Soviet Union market, it has dealt a serious blow to the Finnish export industry. Hundreds of paper mills and pulp mills have to be forced to close their doors for searching. New industries and related industrial chains have also been hit to varying degrees."


"The economic barometer of the stock market can be seen from the Helsinki heX in Finland. Since June 1991, the stock market has fallen 40% from its peak year-on-year. In the process of economic exchange, there is another transmission mechanism. Affected by the sharp drop in stock prices, Helsinki real estate prices have fallen by more than 30% in four months."


"The Central Bank of Finland has decided to lower the benchmark interest rate by 0.5%."


From the Finnish local economy to the data of the Finnish export industry, to the employment rate, the real estate market, and the stock market in Finland, Shen Jiannan scribbled hundreds of words based on the data from various departments in Finland and the status quo of the market. It is rigorous, truthful, fair and just. There is no exaggeration or fraud. All the data are officially published by Finland.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with it.

All the text is written from an objective perspective, and it is also data that everyone can see, and there is no insider to disclose or guess. However, Qina Kanowski is nurtured by Shen Jiannan and often communicates in-depth, so there is no way to see the trickiness in this article.

It is completely evasive, changing concepts, and confusing the audience. It never mentions the changes that the Finnish government is working hard to make, nor does it mention that the Finnish government and Finnish companies are accelerating to adapt to market changes and the infrastructure improvements that the Ministry of Finance is about to invest.

Qina had never heard the allusion that there was no silver three hundred taels here, but how could she not understand the meaning.

Shen Jiannan's eloquent article simply expresses a meaning, Finland is going to be finished, and the Finns themselves say they are going to be finished. These economic data, everyone can see, this is data that will only be available in economic crises.

But this is not the worst.

After sorting out and analyzing the data released by various departments in Finland, the article mentioned how the economy will affect Finland.

"From the current actual situation, it has begun to match the false hopes of some Finns, but in fact, the situation is much worse."

"The unemployment of the people and the pace of wage growth are inconsistent with inflation, and real income has begun to fall sharply."

"The sharp fall in the stock market has greatly reduced the wealth of many families. However, if the Bank of Finland wants to save the market from falling, it will inject more funds, but if the currency circulation increases, the Finnish mark will bear a huge burden. pressure."

"Many families will soon realize that their living standards will decline, they will be over-indebted, and they may even go bankrupt."


"The Bank of Finland made the same mistakes as Finnish households. It underestimated the impact of the release of water and will begin to cut interest rates periodically, hoping to save inflation."


"Finland is about to face the flashpoint of unsustainable economic growth."


"If the Central Bank of Finland insists on continuing to govern the new interest rate resolution in the near future, it must change the status quo regarding Finnish export trade. Unfortunately, there is currently no sign that Finland is ready to do so; it can change the expected improvement in Finnish trade. If this is not possible, Finland’s economic recovery will take at least five years to complete, and Finland will face more crises during this period.”


"The decline in interest rates has affected the incomes of many people."


"Economy is a process of exchange, so capital always has strong liquidity. The long-term decline of interest rates will drive some capital to leave the Finnish market and go to other countries with higher interest rates to obtain higher income."


“Not long ago, the Bundesbank raised the benchmark interest rate. The central bank’s executive interest rate reached 5.6%, and the commercial bank interest rate even reached 6.3. This is very attractive for Finnish value-preserving capital.”


"We don't want to see Finland fall into a currency crisis because of the economic crisis."


"But we have to remind the Central Bank of Finland that we now need to see the reality clearly to avoid a bigger crisis."


Shen Jiannan: Chief Analyst of Geman Investment Management of Russia, Chief Investment Advisor of Kamandi Investment Management of Russia, Manager of Hong Kong Second Joint Investment Fund. The fund under his management achieved a return of 200% in 1991. Focus on international economic and financial research and currency fields, with rich theoretical research and market experience.

After reading the documents in her hand, Qina Kanowski's whole body smiled and trembled. With her eyes, how could she not see the viciousness and sinisterness of this article, and she was extremely shameless.

Obviously I'm singing the empty market of others, and I want to provoke changes in people's hearts, but I want a gesture of sorrow and compassion.

It's just as hateful and hateful, shameless and shameless.

"Gee... Shen, you are so bad. If this report goes out, the Finns will hate you to death."

"Being a good person, I know it's hard to come by. That's why we in China have an old saying that dogs bite Lu Dongbin and don't know good people."

"Shen. Why are you so shameless."

"Qina, my baby. How can you say that I have no teeth. Have you forgotten that my teeth are not only white, but also sharp."

Shen Jiannan's joking and rogue tone made Jina Kanowski wink like silk. Holding the phone, she leaned against the back of a comfortable charmed.

"My dear. But you have agreed to accompany us to France, when will you fulfill your promise."

"Baby. Do you miss me?"

"Yes. I think your glib tongue, do you miss me."

"Of course. Every day I dream about your beauty. If I don't see you for a day, I feel like I'm going crazy."

"Then when you come back, Yulia and I are waiting for you."

"I will do it as soon as possible, but you have to give me a little bit of time. I need to go back to China."

"All right then. Honey, I bought a **** lingerie set at Chanel yesterday, um...lace, but I don't know if you like it."
