Rebirth of the Financial Overlord

v4 Chapter 91: They have money, we have God



   fell 28%!

   A long string of green six-six-six-six-sixs, like the green eyes of the devil, tranquility can't help but feel the sky spinning around.

   Devil, devil... Is it really the devil here?

What does   666 mean?

   In China, six and six are smooth, and six represents smoothness and auspiciousness.

   But not in the West.

  666 sets of numbers represent the devil and Satan.

   Textual research, the Jews who copied the Bible a long time ago wrote it in Hebrew letters, and each word is equivalent to a number.

When the Hebrew text is translated, "3" represents God, and "6" represents man, because God created man on the sixth day, and the hundred combinations of "666" are interpreted as human self-reliance. God.

   "If people come to me, if they do not love me more than their own parents, wives, children, brothers, sisters, and their own lives, they are not worthy of being my disciple."

  According to Christian doctrine, God is the supreme and overcomes all things, and man is God’s servant. Seeing that gods don't kneel down and are not demons, let alone people stand up as gods.


The one hundred combinations of   666 stand alone as gods, and "6*3" means that the magic power surpasses people, so this number combination is also called the devil. And 666666666, nine sixs, means the Supreme God.

   But human beings call themselves the supreme god, and that is undoubtedly the most evil devil.

   This is the charge of the devil, this is the greed and bloodthirsty of the devil.

   The entire trading room suddenly became silent. Everyone looked at the numbers on the spot market quotation system with fear and confusion in their eyes.


  Dare to describe yourself as the Supreme God?


   He Ning's face is full of horror and horror, looking at Anning, hoping to find a trace of spiritual support.

From 666 to 66666666 to the current 666666666, he was really scared, from the little devil to the big devil, eroding the wealth of the Finnish people a little bit, and now there is another super devil, which collapses in one second by Mark. In his teens, Ning's confidence was almost completely defeated.

   He would rather be so, the traders in the trading department are even more unbearable.

   At first, they thought 666 was just a joke, but now, the central bank has lost countless 666.

what does this mean?

   means that God abandoned them?

   Otherwise, why can the devil win?

   This is ridiculous!

   If a Chinese person is there, he might say that he can only eat if he believes in his own hard work. No matter how pious the faith is, he will starve to death if he doesn't work.

   People are desperate and ask God, who should God ask if they are desperate!

   But for 80% of Finnish people who believe in Lutheranism, they obviously don't think so.

   The capital and religious beliefs of the evolution of theocracy and imperial power have long been rooted in everyone's hearts. Faith is broken and shattered in the face of absolute strength, and the atmosphere of fear, despair, and anxiety permeates the entire trading room.

   Looking at the Finnmark that was still beating rapidly, everyone even forgot to organize a counterattack. With a pair of eyes, they hoped for peace, just like looking at the gods of the world.

What should I do?

   Anning's face was green, and he did not expect that in less than ten minutes, the drastic changes would be so bad.

   Damn media, **** reporter.

   Anning has never wanted to be the same at this moment, and can't wait to kill all the reporters outside.

   He is not a fool, and I don’t know. If it weren’t for the media organization’s help, it would be impossible for Mark to become like this.

  The uncrowned king...

   glanced at all the colleagues in the trading room, and then at the Mark's quote on the market, An Ning forcibly restrained the anger in his heart, his face was resolute, and the brown eyes also flashed with confidence.

   No matter how terrible the enemy is, as long as they are united, there is no reason to fear. Now, the first thing to do is to stabilize the hearts of the people.

   Finland still has millions of people and four allies. As long as it can soothe the people's hearts, Finland can completely cover the water and earth.

   Facing the crisis, An Ning finally came up with the decisiveness and dedication that a central bank governor should have.

   "Don't ignore them, don't forget, if they have money, we have our people, and our god. No matter how powerful the devil is, under the glory of God, it will definitely disintegrate."

  Believing in this thing is very scary.

   Following Anning's words, everyone in the marketing department gradually stabilized, and there was a look of determination in their eyes.

   Yes, the devil has money and we still have gods. What are you afraid of?

   "President. What shall we do now."

   "How much foreign exchange do we have now available."

   "Three billion."

   "Now, push me the price back to above 4.8, we must keep this bottom line for me."



  4.8, a very common number.

   But for the mark price, this price is very unusual, because it is the gold support position of the Finnish mark at 0.618.

   To understand better, in war, it is actually a war gap, a trench that must be guarded, and a defensive city. Although Mark has missed this position now, as long as he takes it back, his momentum will win.

   As the governor of the central bank, An Ning Bufei is an excellent commander. In the shortest time, he made the choice that was most beneficial to him.


   The sacred song was played in the trading room of the central bank.

   Facing the invasion of Devil 666, this sacred and passionate melody is undoubtedly the most exciting.


  Markka, 5.2122 buy 2000

  Markka, 5.2022 buy 2000

   Markka, 5.1922 buy 2000

  Markka, 5.0922 bought 2000...


   "Markka, 5.28 bought 200 million."

   "Markka, 5.18 bought 200 million."

   "Markka, 5.08 bought 200 million."


   "Markka, 5.01 bought 20 million."


   In the majestic and solemn melody, the minds of traders seem to have been washed. As Taning’s instructions were reported, their fingers sent instructions to the futures market.

   The price of the Finnish Mark for the month was pushed up by more than a thousand basic points within ten seconds.

   In the spot market, hundreds of millions of cash purchases hit, and the once avalanche Finnish mark price also rose like a rocket, and instantly returned to the integer position of five, which is only two thousand basic points from the 4.8 dividing line.

  East Second in the morning.

  The Bank of Finland announced that it will raise the short-term dismantling rate to 70%.


  The basic principle of the Fenglin volcano’s fire is the basic principle of the Fenglin volcano’s fire.

   Firstly, using funds to raise the price of the Finnish mark, using the fact that it has caused a fire, and then taking the opportunity to raise interest rates is a magical touch.

   Snap slap——


   In the passionate melody of "Messiah Cantata", Shen Jiannan used the most sincere voice to cheer for the magical pen of the Bank of Finland.


Soldiers who, deception also! Shen Jiannan admired An Ning's reaction, and he had to do what he should do.


   glanced at the numbers on the computer, Shen Jiannan's dark eyes flashed crazy, murderously picked up the phone.


   The call was connected.


   William’s call came from the encrypted phone clearly, and his voice was steady, but he could still detect the slightest depression and excitement.

   Shen Jiannan laughed dumbly, stopped Qina's slender waist, and joked.

   "Are you nervous, William."


   "Is it cool?"

   "It's so cool."

   William's honesty made Shen Jiannan laugh wildly.

   "Now, let's start to feel better. Perform the opposite."