Rebirth of the Financial Overlord

v6 Chapter 109: Ukraine News Vision

What is an Ivy League university?

The earliest Ivy League university was a sports league of eight universities in the northeastern United States.

But after 40 years of development and operation, any university that can enter the Ivy League ranking is the world's top university.

Any Ivy League university that can be ranked is a world-class university, such as Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, Princeton University, Columbia University and so on.

The contributions made by these universities in research, technology, and academics are generally recognized by the world.

There is a joke that is not a joke.

How many people do Harvard students need to change light bulbs?


But as long as he held the light bulb and put it there, the whole world was surrounding him.

The Ivy League is known as a mysterious university leading to the elite and successful immortality.

Many students have said: If you can enter an Ivy League university, you won't have to worry in your life.

It is no exaggeration to say that the three words Ivy is the highest temple of learning in countless human hearts. Any student from these universities will be proud of his identity.

And they also have the qualifications to be proud.

Because, among the seniors from these universities, countless people stand in the top field in the world.

For example, at Harvard, there are seven American presidents who grew up in this university, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt , John F. Kennedy,

The prime ministers, vice presidents, members of Congress, and Nobel Prize winners are even more numerous.

This is just Harvard.

If we have to use a complete data to illustrate, 99.9% of the elite talents in the United States are graduated from various universities.

And these universities are ranked the same status as Ivy League universities in the world.

Knowledge creates wealth, and knowledge changes destiny.

the University.

It is one of the necessary paths for everyone to reach the ladder.

As prime minister, Kumach certainly does not understand the importance of knowledge to a country.

If you can build a university comparable to the Ivy League level, what kind of help will Ukraine have?

He also has no doubt that Shen Jiannan has such ability.

With Shen Jiannan's current terrorist status in the financial field, if he can only be ranked second in the economic and financial field, no one in the world dare to say that he is the first.

This is the result of fame and fortune.

Destroyed the Bank of England, destroyed the European exchange rate mechanism, which lasted for decades, and made billions of dollars.

As long as he is there, who dares to say is stronger than him.

If Shen Jiannan establishes a financial and economic university, the name alone can attract top-notch elites in the economic field.

And other areas.

With the wealth and power of First International Capital, it is possible to dig out the desired talents, professors, experts, and Nobel Prize winners from any university in the world.

No matter what field, no matter what industry it is.

As long as the person is an individual, Capital One can get the person.

Who can have no relatives and friends?

Who wouldn't want to have enough research funding for their research projects?

Who wants to sell their trophies and honors if their relatives are sick?

With billions of dollars of wealth as the foundation, it is enough to make any normal person tempted.

As for the world university rankings, with the participation of elites in various fields, and capital to get through the rankings? It is not easy.

Any country? Needs such a university.

People, after all, are the greatest wealth of a country.

If there is such a university? Bringing the most advanced education? It is enough to change the background and future of a country.

But Kumaki did not dare to accept Shen Jiannan's proposal.

As the chief engineer in the Soviet era, he knew exactly how terrifying a private university was.

Harvard University has seven presidents.

In the list of US congressmen, students who graduated from the University of Chicago occupy more than one-third of the seats.

Why has the United States been in the shadow of the two big families?

Just one reason.

The two big families keep investing in the university? Monopolize all talents.

If Shen Jiannan is to build a world-class university? And it is recognized by all countries, Ukrainian students, who would not regard this higher education institution as a goal of struggle.

Ten years, twenty years.

When those students get out of college? Enter business, finance, and politics.

With Capital One’s capital to promote political performance, performance, and power, this country...


A deep fear arose in Kumaki's heart. How could he not think that this young man in his early twenties? He wanted to monopolize a country.

"Shen. Your ambition makes me feel deeply disturbed."

Kumaki said without shy.

He knew very well? In front of people like Shen Jiannan, any cover-up is useless.

Shen Jiannan shrugged? Opened his hands and said, "Mr. Kumach, I don't understand what you are talking about. I am busier than the president? But I don't have the rights of the president. There is nothing to worry about."

If you are the president? What can I worry about?

Kumaki took a deep look at Shen Jiannan and said: "Can I agree to your proposal? But the shares of Odyssey University must be controlled by the Ukrainian government."

Are you thinking about fart?

Shen Jiannan shook his head and said, "This is impossible."

Kumaki said with a sullen face: "According to the law, universities must be under state control."

Shen Jiannan ridiculed: "Mr. Kumach, such legal provisions are already laws in the Soviet era. He is like a pedantic rule set by an elderly club, like companies can be privatized, why can't universities be privatized."

why not?

Don’t you know. UU reading

Kumaki didn't break through the last window paper, but just stood up and said, "I'm sorry, I don't think I can agree to your request."

What a stubborn guy.

Seeing Kumach’s gesture of please, Shen Jiannan raised his eyebrows and said, "I can give the Kumach family a 10% share."

Like a bomb, a huge wave surged in Kumaki's calm heart.

Compared with the 10 million U.S. dollars that Lazarenko mentioned to him before, it is even more trembling. If Odyssey University will develop as he expected, 10% of the shares means...

"Ukraine News Vision"

Prime Minister Leonde Lovech Kumach met with Shen Jiannan, a famous international economic and financial scientist, at the Prime Minister's Office yesterday.

The two sides actively discussed the construction and development of the economy.

Shen Jiannan said that he is very optimistic about Ukraine's future. First International Capital's board of directors will focus on investments in agriculture, technology and other areas in Kiev, Dnepr, and Odyssey.

The estimated amount is 100 million U.S. dollars and about 10,000 jobs.

Both parties agreed to strengthen economic, financial and educational cooperation. Shen Jiannan said that knowledge is the basic source of innovation and innovation is the only way to create wealth.

He will invest 200 million US dollars to promote the construction of Odyssey University, hoping to help Ukraine make new breakthroughs in education.

The two sides are willing to maintain exchanges on issues such as poverty alleviation and development.

Shen Jiannan said that he really likes Ukraine's beautiful natural scenery and people's kindness and simplicity, and he can't bear to see many people falling into poverty.

The Enron Fund, a subsidiary of Jiuding Group, will allocate one million US dollars to help out-of-school children and families in financial difficulties to regain their studies. If they have excellent grades, they can apply to the Enron Fund for full assistance until they complete their university studies.
