Rebirth of the Football Tycoon

Chapter 486: League or Champions League?

When setting goals for the new season club before the season, the Big Three actually have some differences.

Coach Luff, starting from the actual situation of the team, wants to defend in the Premier League and try to train newcomers through the domestic two cups. After all, there are too many young players in the team rotation. The average age is to participate in the Olympics. More than enough.

As for the Champions League, because this season is the first time Knotts County participates in this top European competition, so it is still based on the training team. After all, it is impossible for the Champions League every season to be the same civilian as the previous season.

However, David does not think so. With the main lineup configuration of Notts County, there is still a very good chance to go to the final in the Champions League. The long game system of the league really tests the depth of the team’s lineup. The season has tasted the taste of the league champion, so in terms of gold content and importance, the league champion can't beat the Champions League champion.

So David’s idea is to strive for the Champions League this season, the league is rotating to train newcomers, after all, the Premier League is far more training than the League Cup and the FA Cup.

As for Soriano, he naturally wants the team to win all championships. . . . . .

Of course, in the end, David succeeded in persuading Luff, and the Germans also prefer the Champions League. The coach of the Champions League and the coach of the league championship sound different.

As for Soriano, who is still fighting for his reason, they were directly ignored by the two. . . . . .

So in this European Super Cup, Notts County used a semi-principal and semi-replacement starter. Loew didn’t want Deschamps to figure out what’s happening in Notts County. At the same time, he also had to stay in the league three days later, which was more important. What's more, the most fundamental thing in Notts County this season is to train newcomers. When these talented young players grow up, who else is the opponent?

Perhaps this may be one of the most grassroots European Super Cups in history, so everyone’s eyes are not fully focused on this game. After all, the leagues in various countries have already opened the curtain, so more media from other countries are just carrying After a while, I didn't pay special attention to it. Even the media in England didn't pay much attention. Only the public opinion in France regarded the game as very important.

Although the Ligue 1 is among the top five leagues in Europe, it is the tail of the crane. Many people even prefer to mention the four leagues instead of the five leagues, which makes the French feel very uncomfortable. Who gives the strength of the French club It's really not awesome!

The Ligue 1 club is the weakest in the UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Cup. It takes luck to see the Ligue 1 club in the quarterfinals of the UEFA Champions League.

This time Monaco’s historic Champions League has made Ligue 1 a big hit. Even though Monaco does not belong to France, it does represent the Ligue 1 league and the level of the Ligue 1 league. The French media are all proud and excited. Not good.

Now Monaco participates in the European Super Cup, against the UEFA Champions League Notts County. If Monaco cleans up Notts County, would it not only prove the strength of Notts County, but also prove the strength of Ligue 1!

That's why the French media is so hard-working. It started to warm up from a week ago. From the historical results of the two teams, the results in recent years, the summer transfer situation, the current player configuration, and the careful introduction of the players on both sides, it is almost necessary to dig the ancestral grave. Too.

However, Monaco has rarely found a sense of superiority in Notts County. In the long history of Notz County over a hundred years, there is no honor that can be obtained, that is, it has only emerged in the past two years. Anyway, Monaco is also a Ligue 1 giant. !

Even though Notts County has achieved good results in the past two years, it still can’t keep up with Monaco, because Monaco has already reached the top of Europe!

Regardless of the gold content of this Champions League champion is not high, the champion is the champion, such a season, the king of Europe!

How can the UEFA Cup champion be the opponent of the Champions League!

Besides the recent situation of the two teams, although Monaco has lost two players, there are natural substitutes, and the strength has hardly declined;

As for Knotts County, so many important players have gone in a summer. Even the transfer income of more than 150 million is already higher than the sum of the starting players of most teams. Can the combat power be maintained?

In comparison, it is clear that Monaco's chances of winning are even better!

Even if Notts County has the strong European golden boots of Villa, how can a person's strength be equal to a team, Monaco's crazy attack will make Notts County ashamed!

After such a fermentation of media opinion, the fans of the Ligue 1 all believe that the winning ticket is in hand, even the most cautious and sensible fans will inevitably be affected, and a lot of fanaticism!

Because of this, the Monaco fans did not think that Notts County would pose any threat to their team, so they were very friendly to Notts County. They did not have any pre-war battles, even outside the training grounds of Notts County. And, the Monaco fans cheered on Notts County to a great extent, making the Notts County players a little surprised.

Perhaps in the hearts of Monaco fans, the stronger the strength of Notts County, the better. Anyway, they are not opponents of Monaco. The stronger the Notts County, the more exciting the two teams can dedicate to the fans!

It can be different from the current fanatical state of the whole Monaco coach Deshang is not so stupid and arrogant. Even if he has confidence in his team, he has self-knowledge. Last season’s championship was not only due to Monaco’s play. Excellent, it is because the powerful teams happen to be thin, Monaco is not yet invincible!

If you simply compare the value, Notts County is many times more than Monaco. Even if there is a factor of the high price of Premier League players, it is undeniable that Notts County players are definitely the hottest European players, otherwise Notts How could the county earn more than 150 million with just a few players?

Researched the video of Notts County, especially the two recent Premier League games. Even though the players were not in the early stage of the league, he still saw a lot of things.

Regardless of the technical and tactical impact of the two teams, on the player's ability, Monaco is really not an opponent of Knotts County, even if Guli and Morientes are the same.

In terms of technology and tactics, Notts County is also very clever in controlling the game. Monaco’s crazy attack may not be able to achieve much effect. Loew, the same young coach as himself, has been very good at Notts County’s training. Admiration, Knotts County is definitely not as easy to deal with as imagined, the media have nothing to listen to, it is all misleading! (To be continued.)