Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 464: Shaking hands

Amidst hundreds of people cheering and cheering, Yang Rui's team lost heartily.

The students didn’t care much, one by one, panting for breath, and then slapped each other on their backs. Several class cadres organized a sparse crowd and shouted various freshly-made slogans, which attracted bursts of cheers. With laughter.

Bai Ling organized the girls and lined up a desk on the sidelines to provide tea. Now there is no mineral water or sports drinks. It is not bad to be able to buy a pound of tea with class fees.

The boys who did not play were responsible for transporting hot water. Seven or eight bottles of water bottles were delivered. They were empty after a while, and they were all too busy to sweat.

Yang Rui talked a few words with his opponent and came to the sidelines together. Seeing him coming, Bai Ling immediately offered a cup of filtered tea and smiled: "This cup is cold, you drink it first."

"Thank you." Yang Rui took it unceremoniously and drank it in one fell swoop.

Bai Ling looked like a cat, squinting to deliver another cup.

The boys in the next class were envious. The tallest center smiled and said, "We are thirsty too."

"Go get your own cup and pour water to drink." Bai Ling smiled.

The center forward sighed: "Our class didn't prepare you to be so good. That...Bai Ling, you see I am bigger than Yang Rui and lose more water. I don't drink any more water. If I fainted, no one will lift it."

He assumes a posture holding the table. In 1984, his handsomeness was about the same as that of a wall dong.

However, not everyone can pose a handsome posture correctly, just like most wall dongs ended in sad failures, a girl behind the table also muttered in a dissatisfied tone: "Don't Being so close, you sweat more than others, and it smells bad. This glass of water is for you."

She gave the center forward a public enamel cup, which can be scalded in boiling water after drinking. However, the focus is not on the cup and water, but on the girl's expression.

The center forward was injured and said: "Yang Rui sweats more than me, so no one said he was stinking."

"You want to compare with Yang Rui?" The girl curled her lips, looked at Yang Rui and then at the center forward, the expression on her face was self-evident.

The center said helplessly: "I just scored twice as many points on the court as Yang Rui."


"A lot of rebounds."


"Forget it." Comrade Center gave up.

"I'll help you refill the water." The girl also gave up the center comrade who almost got the mvp of the audience.

Yang Rui almost drank half a pot of water before catching a breath, patted the center forward on the shoulder, and said, "There is an old saying that this is an era of looking at faces, but you don't belong to this era..."

"Where is this old saying?" The center was trapped.

"The Tujia dialect?" Yang Rui named it casually.

"Really? Impossible, it's not like the language grammar of the Tujia nationality. I had to check it out when I went back, and it was quite interesting." The center was shocked and asked the person next to him: "Have you heard of it?"

"Have not heard."

"No impression."

"Is there a problem with the translation?"

The forward and defender began to scratch their heads together.

Yang Rui raised his eyebrows and said, "Have you never heard of it?"

"We are studying ethnology. We don't know what is so interesting, but it was told to me by a biology student..." The center was extremely self-blaming, as if he lost a key ball and lost the game.

The forwards and defenders were not much better, and the sweat on their necks could not be wiped off, so they discussed together.

"This is not a student from the Department of Biology, this is Yang Rui!" The female teacher who had always stood on the sidelines waited for them to rest for a while, just stepped up to take the conversation, and praised Yang Rui by the way.

The sidelines of the steaming steam are instantly cold. Everyone is still a little uncomfortable with the teacher's flattery.

"Mr. Jin." Bai Ling greeted her, and the surrounding school life became popular.

"Mr. Jin," the basketball players studying ethnology lowered their greetings by two octaves.

"Hello, hello." Teacher Jin smiled and turned to Yang Rui and said: "I have received a package here, Yang Rui, do you see if it is signed now."

"Oh, how come to the stadium? Wait a minute." Yang Rui said with a smile, signed the registered letter to the parcel, thanked him, and carried the parcel in his hand.

"I was looking for your dormitory. They said you came over to play." Teacher Jin paused and looked at Yang Rui's posture, and had to say, "Don't you see what the other person sent here?"

"Huh? Now?"

Teacher Jin pouted to the side.

Yang Rui only noticed at this time that Dean Liu and others appeared on the side of the basketball court, obviously not to watch his basketball game.

"Well, it shouldn't be so anxious for practical use." Yang Rui wiped his sweat, wiped his hands, and began to tear the package on the spot.

He has great strength, but the package is even tighter. After binding, he does not know whether it is two or three layers, and he is strong against Yang Rui's brute force.

The muscular masses on Yang Rui's two arms were prominent, and the lines were graceful.

Teacher Jin shifted his gaze unnoticeably for a moment, then set his gaze on the package, and whispered: "Dean Liu asked me to send it over. He thinks you should know the situation as soon as possible."

"Oh? Oh, like this." Yang Rui smiled, really feeling very considerate. Who said that school leaders only do shit, and when profit-driven, anyone can become a sweetheart chocolate.

Some chocolates are better-looking, some chocolates are uglier.

Dean Liu saw that Yang Rui was beginning to unpack the package, and he greeted him. He pulled a dozen or so teachers from his department, and directly crossed the basketball court and gathered.

The students around were very curious about why so many teachers came to watch the game today. At this time, their curiosity soared to the level of nine cats.

The ball game was over anyway, and the students on the opposite side of the field crossed the field and circled around Yang Ruizhou.

Most people don't know why they want to watch, but where they need to watch why.

"Use a knife to dismantle a little bit, don't break the inside." Dean Liu was let in and stood beside Yang Rui.

"Okay." Yang Rui glanced at the English address on the outside of the package, and cut the innermost kraft paper with a knife.

Almost two books with thick dictionaries were exposed, the covers and spine of the books were all in English.

"Take it out, take it out." Dean Liu muttered, staring at the desktop.

Yang Rui took it out according to words.

The publication on the top is fancy, but the font in the middle of the top is the most important-cell!

With four letters, the dazzling Dean Liu was dizzy, and then, his whole body seemed to emit light, his eyes were as bright as a child, and he read: "cell! It's really a cell!"

Hearing the sound, he was even more excited than Yang Rui.

In fact, the same is true. Every paper Yang Rui sent, even if some shortcuts were taken, was done one experiment after another. He knew what he paid and what he would get.

Dean Liu is different. For him, a freshman published a paper in a top journal, which is as happy as winning a lottery.

Ma Wuye is not fat, and people are not rich without windfall, and Dean Liu feels that he is going to get fat.

"What is it?" a large group of people who didn't know the truth whispered.

"What does "Cell" mean? A book sent from abroad?" Someone was close, and I could see the text on the spine of the book, but I couldn't figure it out.

However, the most present were students from the Department of Biology, after all, the word "cell" came out, and the clever students had an instant association.

It's just that Lenovo's conclusion is so surprising that no one shouted it out.

"Can I read one?" Dean Liu was extremely polite.

Yang Rui nodded and took the top copy of "cell" to Dean Liu, but he pulled out a white paper from below.

The white paper is a separate book, that is, a small book that only publishes Yang Rui's essay. He has also obtained this stuff for several papers published abroad.

Pamphlets are used for dissemination of paper authors, or to show off, or to share academic achievements, or to collect and commemorate, and are widely used.

And its most important use right now is to determine the length of the paper.

Long essays and short essays are still a few-sentence communication. The value of a paper is very different. For papers published in top journals, it cannot be more important.

Top journals including "Cell", "Nature", and "Science" have a limit on the number of papers in each issue. As far as the 1980s are concerned, it is usually within ten to fifteen, and the total number of pages does not fluctuate more than 10 pages.

However, the author of the manuscript always hopes to write as long as possible. The essay is not a work of art. The longer it is, the clearer it will be, and the more it can express the author's original intention.

However, just like competition for paper publication, papers that can be published will also compete.

The best of course can be a long story, published in eight pages, ten pages, twenty pages or even thirty pages in one go-some people will publish longer, some people will reduce the length and be selected into two or four pages of papers. Each issue is available, and their value has been reduced to a minimum. They can only briefly explain the author's research direction and research conclusions. Interested colleagues often have to re-contact the author to figure out what he has done.

The worst is that it was reduced to a newsletter, that is, the editor explained the research in a few sentences. As for the detailed content, please refer to the supplement or other journals to read it.

If the skin is thick enough, a few-sentence communication can also be said to be on the "Cell". Some professors even include it in their resumes. However, the real papers are at least eight pages long and have charts. There are data, which can perfectly show the author's research situation.

The 8 pages in the journal should be 16 or 18 pages in a separate book. Yang Rui didn't turn to the last page directly, but turned over page by page.

Yang Rui is like a picky eater, eating the staple food almost every grain of rice.

The project he made paper he published, from the beginning to the end, seems to relive the hard work and struggle of the past six months.

After eight pages, it is still a thesis.

Turning over sixteen pages, it is still a thesis.

On page 20, a full set of data appeared, which happened to be the end of the first phase of the project, proving the success of inducing mutant genes.

Richard also lost his competitiveness at this stage.

Yang Rui smiled unconsciously on his face, and there are still two stages of experiments to be written. It seems that the long article is correct.

On his right side, Dean Liu's hands were shaking.


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