Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 627: Huge shadow (3 more...

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Yang Rui thought of the WestJet factory in Xibao Town.

The WestJet factory is built in the Xibao Meat Union Factory. It uses the current advanced equipment and the personnel are all domestic employees, including Tian Shichang from the Ruixue Group. They have dealt with Yang Rui since the beginning of the establishment of the factory. There is a certain degree of recognition.

In addition, Yang's family is also a local snake in Xibao Town and Xi County. The combination of Zelikan, TCM Foreign Trade, Xibao Roulian Factory, and Yang Rui was originally unbreakable, but if Yang Rui can persuade TCM Foreign Trade, Xibao Roulian The factory is very easy to fight for... Nagelica's control of the WestJet factory will become tighter.

Just like in the era when the inland areas were opened up, the county-level government smashed foreign businessmen and Hong Kong businessmen. It is too simple for the Yang family to smash a company within Xi County. Even if the government of Hedong Province comes down, it may not be able to break this. It's messy.

If it were Yang Rui in high school, he would not be able to persuade TCM to foreign trade, but now, Yang Rui has met many powerful people through Jing Cuncheng. He has money in his hands and has relationships with him, so he has a great opportunity to talk about TCM foreign trade. .

Of course, it is not easy for TCM foreign trade to sell coenzymes on the international market, but Yang Rui believes that as long as the ex-factory price is low enough and the profit is high enough, there will be shameless medical brokers who will take on such business. Luo Yin and African blood diamonds can be sold, and the ethics of the medical brokers in the international market is not much better than that of drug dealers.

However, this is a very lethal tactic. Once implemented, reconciliation will cost a lot of money. It can be said that as long as Yang Rui uses this tactic, losses will occur first.

"I have to find a way to determine Zelican's situation first." Yang Rui muttered to himself.

"How to confirm?" Jing Yulan continued to help him extend his thoughts.

Yang Rui thought about it as he said, "It's definitely not possible to make a phone call. It's best to talk face to face and find Frankie."

"Frankie, that fat Englishman?" Jing Yulan was quite impressed. In 1984, it was rare to encounter a fat man crowded with a seat in China in 1984.

Yang Rui nodded: "Frankie... is a good person overall, but I'm afraid I won't be able to call him. I can't make a trip to the UK..."

"If Frankie is in the UK, maybe you can ask someone from the embassy to help." Jing Yulan helped think of his ideas: "Guo Wei and Uncle Guo works in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He must know people from the embassy. An international student in the UK is fine too."

Guo Wei was Jing Cuncheng’s roommate at Delin Farm back then. They shared the foreign exchange coupons that Yang Rui gave back. Therefore, he is also a Deling faction who has a close relationship with Yang Rui. He helped Yang Rui several times earlier. .

And this time, asking Guo Wei for help is obviously correct.

Thinking of this, Yang Rui was already excited, couldn't help holding Jing Yulan around, and smiled: "Good idea."

Jing Yulan was extremely shy, but fortunately, Yang Rui only hugged her and put her down, but it made people irritating.

"Don't look like this anymore." Jing Yulan warned in a low voice, but the tone was slight and he couldn't hear her clearly.

Yang Rui used the ability of a junior high school student to answer the conversation and asked, "Which is not allowed?"

Jing Yulan was really ashamed and turned her head to ignore Yang Rui.

Yang Rui sighed, and pretended to say: "Ignore me, I will go out to find Uncle Guo first. I don't know if they will leave me a meal at noon."

Jing Yulan remembered how depressed he was just now, with a soft heart, and said, "I have no class today. I will cook at noon. If you are willing to eat, please come back."

"I want to eat radish sirloin, clear the fire." Yang Rui immediately demanded.

Jing Yulan's face turned black: "Boil the radish to clear the fire."

"Beef doesn't get on the heat, and the radish is cleared. Two catties with three catties, at least one catty." Yang Rui entangled wildly while putting on his shoes.

Jing Yulan couldn't help but couldn't help but say, "I will go to the market later, if there is no beef, I can't help it."

"There is a card in the first drawer under the coffee table. It says Beef Guy. There is an address and phone number at the back. The phone number is from his shop and the small shop in front of him. If you leave a message saying that it costs two catties of sirloin, say my name, he just I know, before the market closes, he will leave you two catties of sirloin." Yang Rui talked about this topic as serious as the issue of Zelecom.

Jing Yulan was silly: "Your relationship with beef sellers is so good?"

"It's hard to buy cows now. In time for weekends and holidays, you go to the line at five in the morning, and there are at least ten people lying in front of the beef and mutton shop." Yang Rui shook his head and said: "I gave a cigarette, and they promised to give it. I kept the meat secretly."

Jing Yulan said in disbelief, "You gave the clerk at the beef shop a cigarette?"

This is 1984. A cigarette is a gift exchange, and a box of cigarettes can do things. Just a day ago, Wang Yong used a box of cigarettes to help Yang Rui buy three paintings by Wu Changshuo, the ambassador of the Republic of China, which is equivalent to buying back. Three special products are available.

As for a cigarette, there are too many things that can be done. If it is in the countryside, it will be enough to fill up when recruiting workers.

Yang Rui was very proud: "The cigar smoker also needs a cigar boy to wait on the side. I will give someone a cigarette. They will not only save the beef for me, but also the best part. Come on, I will go back first. You remember to call what."

The door slammed shut, leaving Jing Yulan messy in the room: she had never heard of such a thing in the past 27 years.

Yang Rui went out and didn't ask for another car. After riding the bicycle, he was stomping all the way. After sweating heavily, he calmed down and went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to find Guo Wei.

I found Frankie in the UK and asked him a question. For this kind of job, almost all international students can do the job. However, Guo Wei still found a relatively older student representative through his subordinates and told him a few words on the phone. , And said to Yang Rui: "There will be an answer the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"Keep it as confidential as possible. If you have news, tell me to come over." Yang Rui is naturally cautious. Zeleca's attitude is related to his dividend, and the amount of the dividend determines his next deeds.

Yang Rui couldn't pay more attention to this.

Any person in charge of a laboratory pays more attention to funding channels than it does.

For the next two days, Yang Rui spent time between worry, sirloin, sirloin, sirloin, oxtail, and tripe.

On the third day, Guo Wei called Yang Rui and said: "There is news."

Yang Rui was doing an experiment, and, apart from anything else, he handed over the work in his hand to Su Xiankai, turned around and left.

If there are other issues, he will give priority to completing the experiment, but for the current laboratory, the funding issue is more important than the experiment itself. If the funding pipeline is cut off and you can't even afford experimental consumables, how can you talk about experiments?

Guo Wei quietly corrected the documents in the office. Seeing Yang Rui coming in, he immediately put down the pen in his hand, closed the door, and said, "It has been confirmed."

Yang Rui was startled and said silently: "I didn't expect to receive bad news."

"This friend of yours, Frankie, also asked someone to talk, saying that the main envoy behind the scenes is not Zelican." Guo Wei knew something about it, and his words were heavy.

Yang Rui laughed: "Returning the main envoy behind the scenes..."

Guo Wei didn't smile.

"Very serious?" Yang Rui was taken aback: "Well, the master behind the scenes is also appropriate, who is it?"

"DuPont, do you know?" Guo Wei paused, and said, "According to Frankie, DuPont requires Zelecom to suspend the payment of dividends to you in order to gain an advantage in the next lawsuit. Well, according to Frank According to the statement, DuPont will soon sue you in the United States."

"DuPont, of course I know..." Yang Rui's expression was extremely bad, and he thought to himself: It's finally here.

DuPont gives people the impression that it is mostly a chemical product group. It is indeed the largest chemical product group in the world. However, as a large-scale consortium, DuPont is also the top six giants in the in vitro diagnostics market. , The scale of this market is as much as 1.2 billion U.S. dollars, and the scale of in vitro diagnosis of infectious diseases that is most likely to be affected is 100 million U.S. dollars.

US$100 million is enough for a consortium to start a shameless offensive.

Historically, Sister Company was harassed by DuPont about half a year after launching the instrument. After another half a year, lawsuits arose. This is because technology first played a role in the field of virus testing.

Just like when Yang Rui gave a speech, he chose AIDS as a breakthrough point, claiming to be able to replicate the characteristics of HIV that cannot be replicated at present, and let researchers focus on virus testing first.

Before technology, direct testing of the virus was very limited. If you want to test whether a person is infected by the virus-either test the infected person's antibody or try to culture a sample.

Assuming that someone is suspected of being infected by influenza or avian flu, or a pig is suspected of being infected by swine fever, one of two methods must be chosen for verification. If you choose to test the antibodies of an infected person, it may take a long time for someone to be infected before they can produce antibodies. If it is avian flu or swine fever, it will obviously incur huge costs.

So the second method is to test the culture sample. Unfortunately, it takes several days to culture the sample-if it can be done.

But it is different, no training is needed, because it can directly and continuously multiply the virus. The purpose of cultivating samples is to hope that the virus will proliferate on its own and then test a large number of viruses. It is simple and easy to do and save time. With the instrument, the whole process is still automated, saving researchers a lot of time. There is no doubt how important this is.

DuPont first saw the prospect of technology, or the revolutionary power DuPont first felt. For their own benefit, they did not hesitate to take up the weapon of law-the weapon itself has no emotion.

Yang Rui can even find DuPont's lawsuit against Sister Company from the literature in his mind, because this is a classic case, an example of a small company protecting its own interests and defeating a large company.

The small company mentioned here is the Sister Company, which is publicly listed on the American Stock Exchange and has a market value of over 100 million U.S. dollars. Compared to the giant DuPont, it is of course a small company.

Even so, Sister Company did not spend less money in the litigation.

The reason for DuPont's prosecution was that they believed that the original man of technology should be a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Nobel Prize winner Horana. As early as 1971, he presented a thesis on technical principles. DuPont therefore provided two papers and a testimony from the Nobel Prize winner in the 1970s.

As a confrontation, Sister Company provided the testimony of two Nobel Prize winners. In history, this is also part of a classic case. Both sides used academic authority as a weapon to prove their arguments. After all, lawyers and judges They don't understand academics, so they can only refer to the opinions of academic authority.

The appearance fee of Nobel Prize winners is very expensive.

The defense attorneys’ verbal battles are also very expensive.

If Yang Rui gets a dividend from Zeleca, he can afford to pay the appearance fee, and he can also afford to hire a lawyer.

However, DuPont clearly wants to make things easier.

For a time, Yang Rui felt as if the mountains were exhausted.

"Is the problem serious? How can I help?" Guo Wei asked solemnly.

"Very serious. I don't know where to start." Yang Rui was quite at a loss.

"Let's listen." Guo Wei pulled Yang Rui and sat on the sand, and then made him hot tea.

Yang Rui thought about it, did not say too specific content, only said his own guess, and said: "DuPont may want my technology. They cut off the dividends given to me by Zelecom, and dried up my funds, and then filed a lawsuit... The cost of litigation in the United States is very high. I don’t have money, so attorneys won’t help me. And this kind of professional patent litigation, without lawyers, without good lawyers and lawyers, is very difficult to win. In the end, if they If the prosecution is successful, I may have to throw it away; "But you know. "

"Yes, but to prove it in court, a lawyer must prove to me that an excellent lawyer team does this kind of thing." Yang Rui has done enough preparations. He believes that as long as there is a good lawyer team, he is very good. It is easy to win the lawsuit, but if there is no lawyer team, it is too difficult to win. DuPont doesn’t even have to go to court, constantly applying for various prohibitions, and constantly applying for various legal documents. Yang Rui or Yang Rui’s petitions are cheap. The lawyer will be exhausted.

In the end, DuPont didn't have to wait for the verdict of the court to drag Yang Rui to death. Large pharmaceutical companies, or any large multinational companies, do not do this kind of thing less.

Guo Wei thought calmly, and then said for a while: "After all, it's just a lack of money."

"Lack of a lot of money."

"If you think it's cost-effective, then find a way to find money first. If it doesn't work, you can ask Peking University or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for help."

"We are talking about US dollars. Where can Peking University and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have the money to help me." Yang Rui smiled bitterly, but slowly got an idea, "It's not totally impossible."

"Where did you say?"

"It's not Peking University or the Ministry of Foreign Rui waved his hand and said to himself: "Whether DuPont is behind the scenes or if Zelican has any ideas, it will not affect my original plan. Looking for money, um...maybe, DuPont is behind the scenes, which is better than Zelican. "

Guo Wei asked: "Why?"

"It's hard to say now, I want to try it." Yang Rui turned to leave, stopped again, and said, "Uncle Guo, today's news is very important. You have to keep it secret for me, and you must not leak it out at all."

"it is good."

"Nothing can be leaked out. Frankie is quite a friend. DuPont probably had some confidential preparations before starting a lawsuit. At least he would not let the domestic know. If you help me keep the secret, I will have a little more. The space has moved." Yang Rui explained repeatedly.

Guo Wei became serious: "I am tight-lipped. In addition, I will tell him to study abroad in the UK. Don't worry, if he dares to speak out, he won't even want to pay for the public expense."

"Thank you Uncle Guo." Yang Rui held Guo Wei's hand tightly like an underground party parting and hurried away.
