Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 745: Publication day

The news that Yang Rui signed a publishing contract spread like wind, from Peking University to Tsinghua University, and from Beijing to the whole country.

In the next few days, the phone calls in Yang Rui’s office were blown up, and there was even a congratulatory call from Kun~Ming—the young rich professor Kang Hong of Yun~nan University went to Yang Rui to find his passion. I became familiar with the bacteria, but it was the first time I called specifically.

For the domestic academic community at this time, the importance of publishing books, especially books abroad, is obviously easier to understand. In contrast, it is not easy to congratulate the Nobel Prize nomination that has not yet been received—it cannot be said. , Congratulations, you may be nominated for the Nobel Prize. There are too many possibilities, and it is too inconsistent with the thinking mode of science students.

Of course, it can also be said that most of the congratulations that Yang Rui gets now come from possible Nobel nominations. People superimpose the parts that are not easy to celebrate into the parts that are good to celebrate, so that after signing the publishing contract, Yang Rui ion The reception volume of the channel laboratory has increased by more than ten times.

Yang Rui had some enjoyment, but also a little hypocritically bored.

Being celebrated is naturally a matter of enjoyment. Although there are more people celebrating and there is a little trouble, in fact, his heart still longs for someone to celebrate. Therefore, the so-called depression is a kind of hypocrisy after all.

There are not many things that are worth celebrating in a lifetime for doing scientific research. The first paper, the first, is almost all the achievements that an ordinary scientific researcher can celebrate in his life. Forcibly, everyone like marriage and having children can celebrate. They can also celebrate happily.

As for the first academic monograph, it is naturally more worthy of celebration, but those who are qualified to celebrate are not regarded as ordinary researchers.

Yang Rui was so painful and happy. He stayed in the laboratory for a few days and only returned to the dormitory after feeling that the celebration was nothing new.

In the student dormitory, although many people knew that Yang Rui had published a book, the attention of the numb students was not on Yang Rui.

What everyone likes to discuss every day is still the "Hello Xiaoping" story.

"Hello, Xiaoping" is a slogan put up by Peking University students in the mass demonstration on November this year. It is not a well-designed slogan, but it occupies a large number of news pages. It can be said to be one of the most important political stories of the year.

In the words of the news, it is a simple and unpretentious title, which reflects the changes in the Chinese people and the Chinese leadership.

As the instigator of the slogan "Hello Xiaoping", the students majoring in Cell Biology and Genetics of the 1981 Department of Biology naturally have reasons to be proud.

The colleagues in the Department of Biology, more precisely, the students of Peking University, are all very interested in it.

Yang Rui returned to the dormitory. After Cai Guinong, who was sleeping in the same power system, expressed his congratulations for 10 seconds, he excitedly talked about the exciting news: "I asked for a letter."

"What's the matter?" Yang Rui had just entered the dormitory without a sip of water, a little confused.

"I asked Chang Sheng to write a single word for me again, that is,'Hello, Xiaoping'. I am going to collect it." Cai Guinong said seriously: "I think it is boring to collect stamps. This is more fun."

"Written by Chang Sheng?" Yang Rui had also met him, but when it came to familiar and unfamiliar history, he suddenly felt a little magical.

Cai Guinong nodded and said, "They wrote a banner the night before, and they hacked a mop stick from our bathroom on the second floor and left. The next day is eleven... I think the usual writing is good, I collect it. One pair."

"Xiaoping, your good banner, is it lifted with a mop stick?"

"Yeah, it's the one in the toilet over there. By the way, do you want the adverb? If you want me to say, you want it now, and it will be written next year after next year, not in 1984. "Cai Guinong said very seriously.

"Forget it, don't make people too busy." Yang Rui lay down on his bed, closing his eyes and rested.

Today's school dormitory allows him to rest easily.

Yang Rui still enjoys his current university life. The environment of Peking University is good. No matter how expensive the community is, the environment and atmosphere of Peking University will not be found. The students of Peking University are also very good. Although there are limitations of youth and age, if it is pure In chatting, it is not easy for science students like Yang Rui to get ahead in the chaos of astronomy, geography, history and politics.

What Yang Rui prefers is the ideal atmosphere in the dormitory of Peking University.

Ideals are never wrong, and young people who work hard for their ideals have an enviable life.

What is even more different from the ideals of later generations of young people is that the young people in the 1980s finally practiced their ideals.

Whether it is successful or not is one thing, but practicing the ideal itself is a very different experience.

There are a few more young people in later generations who have the opportunity to practice their ideals.

There are a few young people in later generations who will affect the whole of China and the world in the process of practicing their ideals.

Changing the world has become an exclusive term for the people of Silicon Valley in the 21st century.

But in the university dormitory in 1984, the students were serious about studying and discussing their ideals...

However, Yang Rui was not prepared to join these ideals. He just lay on the bed, watching other people's ideals, and listening to other people discussing their ideals...


Yang Rui was rested energetic, and when he walked out of the dormitory, he saw Linden who was smiling.

"Mr. Yang your book has been printed." Linden said proudly: "We completed the printing work as quickly as possible, and now..."

Linden looked at his watch and said, "It should be said that they were listed in the United States a few hours ago."

"So fast... is it selling well?"

"Oh... this... is not clear, but it should be very good. I brought you a few copies. More sample books will be sent over after a while." Linden said as he put together a colorful "Genomics" Give it to Yang Rui.

Yang Rui saw the big "" signature on the cover for the first time.

Yang Rui smiled unconsciously, and then turned inside.

It has to be said that there is no doubt about the exquisiteness of the book with a price of 130 US dollars, and Norton Publishing has completed a lot of preparatory work ahead of time.

"This time may not be enough for you to typeset." Yang Rui took the heavy color "Genomics" and began to read the words inside.

Linden smiled: "This is the advantage of Norton. We can always achieve results faster than others."

After that, Linden said again: "We want to hold a publication introduction conference for you. Can it be in Peking University?"

"You want to publish a book introducing me in English at Peking University?"

"Students in Japan and Singapore also read the English version of the textbook directly. I don't think there is any problem." Linden smiled and said, "If you have no objection, just let me apply."
