Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 801: Squirrel shakes the tree

"You, go and draft a motion to challenge the jurisdiction of the court."

"You, make a motion to ask the court to prohibit Huarui from selling pr meter in the United States, and find your own reasons.

"You, go find someone from DuPont now. We have to find a country in Europe and counter-sue Huarui. We can't let them continue to be proud."

Kenneth stood in the office and roared loudly, urging the lawyers one by one, making them turn like a wheel.

"Our goal can be reconciliation, but reconciliation is not that we go to them, but that they come to us. We have to make them understand that this is a general battle destined to be impossible to win. Therefore, we don’t want to be cannon fodder. Move me up." Kenneth's voice was so loud, the glass in the shaking office seemed to tremble.

The first lawyer who was accused was very hesitant. When the room was almost gone, he asked in a low voice, "Now that we are now, can we still challenge the jurisdiction of the court?"

"How to question the jurisdiction of the court, do I have to teach you? Find a way to question, understand? Otherwise, what do I want you to do! Tom, Tom, let someone teach him how to write motions, I want a lot of motions, Jiang Hua Rui drowned." Kenneth shouted loudly, waving his arms non-stop.

"Okay." A young lawyer ran over and pulled the young lawyer away.

When everyone was gone, the senior partner of the office on the same floor walked over and said, "Kenneth, the law firm commissioned by Huarui is Benjamin Law Firm. It is impossible to use a motion to destroy them."

For small law firms, or small lawyers, a large number of motion attacks are terrible. A motion attack is like a ds attack commonly used by hackers. Through a huge amount of communication or connection requests, it attacks the network and computers and exhausts the other party's resources. The difference is that the lawyers’ motions consume the resources of the opposing law firm. If it is a small law firm, it will be too much to deal with the motion alone. Naturally, the lawsuit will not be able to proceed. What kind of trap, it is normal to lose the lawsuit.

However, Benjamin Law Firm is a large-scale law firm. They are smaller than the law firm where Kenneth works, but they are also a few law firms. Moreover, they have not yet used all the resources to serve Yang Rui. Even the most massive motion attack is easy to prevent temporarily.

Kenneth was silent for a moment, and said: "We want to show our attitude."

"What attitude?" the senior partner asked.

"We will not admit defeat. War is a continuation of politics, and courts are a continuation of business. If they know that they will spend a lot of money, so that the gain is not worth the loss, they will not stick to it. We must tell them to stick to it. The gain is not worth the loss."

"Before yesterday, maybe so..."

"Today, the situation has not changed!" Kenneth snapped off the senior partner's words.

The latter was a little unhappy. In a law firm, named partners are more senior than senior partners and are usually senior managers, but this does not mean that named partners can talk to senior partners.

Kenneth also realized his mistake and had to apologize in a low voice: "Lambert, I'm a little impatient, sorry. But the fact is that the Chinese witnesses Benjamin found were indeed beyond my expectation, but they were The judge’s influence is temporary, and the judge will not consider their testimony too much. Um... I should apply for a motion to cancel their testimony..."

"Kenneth, the key at the moment is public opinion, and public opinion will affect whether we can file a lawsuit in other countries."

"What do you say in the newspaper?" Kenneth sat down tired.

"The Wall Street Journal didn't report it. I haven't read the newspaper since I arrived at the company." Lambert shrugged and said: "There were so many reporters here yesterday, it's impossible to fail to report."

Although a newspaper can't explain the problem, Kenneth's eyes were a little strange and said: "You read the Wall Street Journal for breakfast? How can you eat breakfast and sleep?"

Lambert glanced at him even more strangely, and said: "I have read my father's Wall Street Journal since I was a child. I eat deliciously and sleep like a baby."

Kenneth then remembered that Lambert's family was rich from head to toe. They had been in aristocratic schools in private schools since childhood, and their uniforms all had a tail. In contrast, Kenneth’s childhood conditions were not very commendable. His father opened a small shop. In order to pay for the tuition of three children, his mother had to go out to work while taking care of the children. The family was always there. Busy with the bills, so much so that Kenneth heard the most ironic jokes about Wall Street.

People in their 50s and 60s recall their childhood life, either warm or irritable.

Kenneth's mood is obviously bad.

"Tom, Tom? Tom!" Kenneth opened the door violently and shouted to the outside: "Tom! Where is the newspaper I want?"

"I'll be ready soon. I'm asking the interns to sort it out." Tom walked over quickly, replied, and said hello: "Mr. Lambert."

Kenneth said impatiently: "Let them deliver it quickly. Didn't I ask you to sort out the newspaper yesterday?"

"I thought you wanted news about DuPont and Huarui's lawsuit, so let people screen..."

"Nonsense, of course I want news about DuPont and Huarui's lawsuit. Why is it so long?" Kenneth looked at Vacheron Constantin on his wrist and said, "Send it to me in ten minutes."

"That..." Tom hesitated and nodded.

Ten minutes later, a trolley was pushed into Kenneth's office by Tom.

"What are you doing?" Kenneth, who was still talking to Lambert, was surprised.

"This is a newspaper covering the lawsuit between DuPont and Huarui. The other half will be finished and delivered immediately." Tom replied very seriously. In order to screen these, the trainee lawyers of the firm started as early as the newsboy.

"How many?" Kenneth suppressed the surprise and shock in his heart.

"More than 70."

"More than 70 newspapers reported on Yang Rui?"

"There are about 140 newspapers in total. These are the newspapers we can buy." Tom looked down at the piles of newspapers and said in a low voice: "We have marked out the number of pages of the report. By the afternoon, it should be possible to make it. briefing."

Kenneth waved his hand and asked, "How many newspapers have reported with headlines?"

Tom hesitated for a moment, and said, "Sixteen."

"Sixteen out of 70 or 16 out of 140?" Lambert was questioning this time, with a nervous tone.

Public opinion is like biogas. When its quantity is small, it is basically worthless and has no influence. It is basically equivalent to a fart. However, when its quantity is large, its value and influence are reflected. When it comes out, it can smoke people down, it can also make a fire to cook, it can even explode.

16 headlines reported that this is already a huge mass of biogas.

Tom replied: "It is 16 out of 140. We checked the headlines first."

"Fortunately." Lambert breathed a sigh of relief.

Kenneth didn't think it was okay. Yesterday, he predicted that there would be no newspaper headlines about Yang Rui. This was obviously wrong, and the chain reaction caused was extremely troublesome.

"The 16 newspapers are not too many, it can only be said that they are somewhat famous." Lambert comforted himself and the others.

"Count them lucky."

"Kenneth, you have to deal with it seriously." Lambert reminded him.

"I know that this case has received additional attention from 16 media, and that's it..."

"It made the front page of the New York Times." Tom added.

"How can it be!"


Kenneth and Lambert Zizzi cried.

If the front-page headline of an ordinary national newspaper is equivalent to a person's cocky, the New York Times's front-page headline is equivalent to the cocky of an elephant.

And the noise is loud.

"Show it to me." While Kenneth was talking, he bent over and checked out the New York Times from the cart.

No need to expand, the front page headline in the upper right corner reads "Squirrel Shakes the Tree" impressively, which immediately reminds Kenneth of the countless metaphors between Huarui and DuPont.

Kenneth hated this analogy very much. It was the lawyers of both sides who were debating, when can Benjamin Law Firm be called a squirrel?

"I saw genius, sweat, and Reagan. To death!" Lambert yelled.

The feast of the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries has only been on the table after Reagan's New Deal. The New York Times represents the mainstream media plus Reagan, and it still has a considerable deterrent effect.

"These leftists." Kenneth glanced at the headline once, couldn't help throwing the newspaper out, and cursed: "If it were twenty years ago, Reagan would tear them apart without me."

"We have to think about the strategy again." Lambert thought about his own law firm. He was a partner and had to divide the money at the end of the year. He didn't want DuPont to leave.

"I'll look at it again." Kenneth picked up the other newspapers and read them one by one.

There are national newspapers and regional newspapers. They are far smaller than the New York Times in terms of scale, but they add up.

Kenneth frowned.

"Tom." Kenneth called.

"Yes." Tom raised his head alertly.

Kenneth didn't speak for a long time.

"Should I go and get the rest of the newspaper?" Tom asked thinking about it himself.

Kenneth shook his head and said, "No need to look."


"Pour me a cup of coffee."


"Add less sugar and more milk."


"Add a waffle and maple syrup."


"Make a settlement agreement."

"Yes... Um?"

"Do it."

"Oh, yes!" Tom rushed out of the office. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL: