Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Chapter 1288: Guaranteed not to enter the hole

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Hong Dali is a very emotional person. My loved ones and friends are still waiting for themselves, but they can't go back...

"Do you hate me very much? Do you really want to go back?" The goddess of wisdom heard the loss in Hong Dali's words, and somehow, suddenly a slight distress, this is not to say that she has a feeling for Hong Dali, Just think that this young man in front of him is not too annoying. The goddess of wisdom muttered: "The original world is free and easy, but you can't do anything here. You can't even go out from the top of the mountain. Is it disappointing?"

"Yeah, very disappointed," Hong said with a grin and shook his head. "In fact, it’s still good to say that the key is that we can’t go down. If we don’t go, we don’t know what it is, and we can’t find a way to reply. Your power, very depressed, is there?"

He sat on the ground with a blank space in his head.

The feeling that nothing can be done is quite uncomfortable. The most tragic thing in the world is that people live, but they are separated into two worlds. He is worse than the two worlds, directly two planes.

Calling him such a lively, happy, free-spirited person who laughs and laughs every day, is lonely in his life, and can no longer be reunited with his family and friends. What kind of torture is this for him? It is no exaggeration to say that he is not dead, but if this is the case, there is not much difference from the death.

Zhou ~ ∧ long ~ ∧ ∧ ~ ∧ ♂ ~ ♂ 的 的 的 的 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境 环境In other words, if you want to go down the mountain, you can only jump, and the consequences are very simple, that is, become a real dead person.

I saw the drowning of Hong Kong. The goddess of wisdom does not know what to say at a time.

I think that even if he sees himself, the most dangerous time is that he is flying and dancing, and he is not afraid at all. At this time, it is so sad. For a time, the goddess of wisdom did not know that she had followed the whereabouts of the demon **** and caught Hong vigorously. It was right or wrong.

Is she winning? not necessarily. Is that Hong vigorously accounted for a big bargain? Not necessarily.

"Do you hate me?" Seeing the silence of death at this time, the goddess of wisdom also felt the boundless repression. I was restless and asked.

"Hate you? I hate what you do?" Hong vigorously sighed and suddenly laughed and said: "You have your position, I have my position. You are chasing the devil, I am protecting My family. The position is different. There is nothing right or wrong. It’s a pity that the trick seems to have nothing to end in the end. The most important thing is that the trick can only be used here as the only one of the gods. The news is that it is estimated that the two are hungry and thirsty, and they should be able to live for hundreds of years."

The goddess of wisdom adjusted for a while and finally recovered.

As one of the highest gods in the universe, she has long forgotten how to get along with others, and she doesn't know what to do at the moment. In fact, after her most intimate relationship with Hong Dali, her heart was already in chaos.

Which **** can think of being pushed by an ordinary person?

"Talk about your business," the goddess of wisdom slowly stood up. Going to Hong Dali, this time she learned. It’s two meters away from Hong’s strength: “Since you have been chosen by the devil, there must be a wonderful life? Can you tell me?”

Now that there is only two of them, they can only talk like this casually.

"My life, that can be said," mention this. Hong Dian suddenly talked incessantly: "At that time, I just passed through, and then everyone said that I was a bad boy. If you lose the family, you will lose the family. If you say that I don't care, I don't care about this. I thought then. Anyway, I have money at home. I have to complete the task and spend some money to spend some money. But I am not stupid. Although I can’t spend money on it, I just buy something more promising but everyone is not optimistic. Kind of, the result, guess what? The result is that I make money on those things, oh, I still earn a lot. But I can’t make money by making money. I have to spend it anymore. Money, it’s not a number, it’s spent. It’s money, right?”

He has been talking for more than two hours. Although the goddess of wisdom can't wait to eat Hong, he has to admit that Hong is very interesting. His experience is wonderful and people are not bad. At the very least, as long as His friends, he will take care of him.

"If, I know that you are such a person," the goddess of wisdom listened to the Hong stock market and shook her head and smiled. "I may observe you for some time and I won't be so anxious."

Her words are sentimental. Before she chased the devil, it was too anxious. She knew that Hong was so kind and so amiable. There is no need to do it. As long as he has been secretly monitoring him, why bother?

"Oh, it’s useless to regret it now," Hong Dali thought quite openly: "In fact, think about it, you are the goddess of wisdom, one of the highest gods in the universe, can follow me like this. The little guy spends two people here, is that a lot of things? When one day we can go out, I brag about others, saying that I had a happy time with the goddess of wisdom on a hilltop, only us Both of them will definitely not believe it!"

"Who... who spent the world with you," the goddess of wisdom turned her head: "I am helpless here, not voluntary."

The look of the little daughter of the goddess of wisdom, instantly called Hong vigorously to look at the eyes, muttered: "Goddess sister, you are so beautiful, sincere, I rarely praise others, even my home Xinxin and Nianwei sister I rarely praise them so much."

"Okay, take a break early." The goddess of wisdom ignored the messy guy and walked into the cave: "Warning you, don't enter the cave, otherwise I will kick you down!"

"Okay, okay, I promise not to enter the hole!" Hong Dali said in a pun, smiling at the goddess of wisdom: "Then I just want to find a place to sleep, just fine, tomorrow morning if I can get up early, give it You make breakfast."

I don't know how, the goddess of wisdom subconsciously always feels that this **** is not good, but when I think about it, I feel that I can't find anything wrong.

"When is the moon a month? I ask the wine to ask the sky. I don't know the heavenly palace, what year is it. I want to go back by the wind, and I am afraid of Qiulou Yuyu, the height is not cold. It is like dancing in the sky, why is it in the world..." Singing a song, Hong Dali also found a place to sleep. (To be continued...)(Shortcut ←)Previous Chapter|Back to Contents|Add Bookmarks|Recommended Book|Return to Book Page|Next Chapter (Shortcut Key→)

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