Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 121: Lao Tzu is Virgo!

   Chapter 121 Lao Tzu is a Virgo!

  The next few days, Harry was fine.

   Except for students with normal grades, it is obvious that they are restless and unsettled. Students with excellent and poor grades all let go of their play.

  Because they all know-the result is just like that.

  Harry and Ron are their respective representatives.

  Harry has been in Hagrid's hut these days, looking after Dahei seriously.

   had to say that as the mood relaxed, Harry and Unicorn Xiaoxue were together again, and the feeling of warmth, safety, and comfort went to the next level.

  Hermione has been following Harry these days, almost more actively looking after Big Black than Harry.

   As for why?

  Zhou Qiu always appears in Hagrid's cabin for some reason, and Xiaoxue's attitude toward her is particularly intimate, while Dahei prefers Hermione more.

  Harry rarely finds the little cutie at this time.

   Little cutie runs almost every day. If it will appear in front of Harry after a while, give him a peace, spoil a cute, Harry must think that little cutie is miserable.

  Harry hugged the little cutie tightly: "It is forbidden to run again in a few days, otherwise you will leave a cat in the school and you will not see me for a few months."

The little cute heard it, and was anxious, and quickly turned over from Harry's arms, revealing a snow-white soft belly, and meowed: Master, I let you rub my belly, I know that you like to do this most, don't you **** off.

  Harry couldn't help being amused by it's cuteness.

   scratched twice, and it immediately whined comfortably.

  Is this what you enjoy or I enjoy?

  Hermione and Zhang Qiu let go of feeding Dahei and talking to Xiaoxue at the same time, looking at the little cute, after all they are girls, preferring cute and cute little things.

   After a short while, the little cutie ran into the arms of the two girls and abandoned her master.

Harry stood up from the grass and lazily climbed onto Xiaoxue's back. Xiaoxue raised his hoof and walked away gently. Harry lay on his back, humming comfortably, thinking: "I usually rub my little cute one, it is Isn't that so comfortable?"

  Through the gap in the forest, looking at the hot sun, and then thought: "It is a lazy day, I am a little jealous of myself."



   Chilo, has been handed over to the Ministry of Magic by Dumbledore.

   This tragic guy was enchanted by Voldemort, and was abandoned without hesitation when it was dangerous. The rest of his life will be spent in Azkaban.

   But Harry finally got his revenge for him, and he didn't see him too much thanks.

   But Harry didn't expect him to be so grateful anyway.

   Thanks to Kilow, he didn't know Harry's thoughts, otherwise he would desperately fight with him.

   As Chilo was arrested, his mouth was quite stiff at first.

   can only say that there is nothing that cannot be solved by a bottle of veritaserum, if there are, then two bottles.

   After hearing Chilo's words, the Ministry of Magic was naturally in chaos.

   Voldemort is still alive, planning to resurrect?

   Such an urgent and dangerous thing is naturally to be published immediately in the Daily Prophet.

   But the story about Chilo eventually evolved into another story:

Wizard Chilo was one of the principal offenders who invaded the Guling Pavilion before Christmas last year, and has been captured by the Ministry of Magic... The stolen thing is an extremely precious magic prop of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, whose purpose is not yet Know, but there may be a shadow of Death Eaters behind...

   This is the content on the front page, huge banner, eye-catching.

   No mention of Voldemort.

  Dumbledore was naturally unwilling. What he wanted was to tell the story completely and to alert the wizards that war might break out at any time.

But the Ministry of Magic naturally disagrees, let’s not say whether Voldemort is alive or not. After all, this is Dumbledore’s side. Is it true that he directly wrote in the "Prophet Daily" that Voldemort has not died, and it is very likely that he will Dongshan is coming back, is this not a rumor. Besides, even if Voldemort is not dead, then he can’t tell the truth, what if he causes panic.

  Isn't the media working at this time-confusing the people.

   The two opinions differed and there was an argument.

   The Ministry of Magic cannot and dare to get rid of old Deng directly, and says what he wants to say.

   Because he is Dumbledore-the greatest wizard of the 20th century!

One-fifth of the members of the Ministry of Magic alone graduated from Hogwarts. They are all Dumbledore’s students, and although Old Deng is not a high-level member of the Ministry of Magic, everyone knows that the Minister of Magic is almost Dumbledore takes the idea in everything.

   And if the Ministry of Magic does that kind of thing, Dumbledore can definitely make a statement in other newspapers and magazines. In his reputation, what other wizards would think, this is a blow to the credibility of the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet.

  The Minister of Magic later said: "Do you want to let all parents know that the mysterious person stays in school with their children for a year?"

   Dumbledore was speechless, the school is the hard work of his life, every student is his child.

  How can he let something extremely bad for the school happen

So the news appeared in the It should be noted that Harry Potter discovered the abnormality of Chilo and after Dumbledore was deceived from his school, he tried to steal the treasure. At that time, he bravely and wisely stopped and defeated him...


   Harry became helpless to the positive figure inexplicably to himself.

  Old Deng must establish himself as a leader against Voldemort.

  I am just a child.


The word    secret is a joke since its birth.

  Care words, some people really know sporadic facts or brain holes, but there are some inside stories that are closer to the truth in the college.

   "I heard that Quirrell was the professor who stuttered and was a Death Eater..."

   "I even heard that the mysterious man is resurrected and came to our school..."

   "I heard that there is something in the school that can make people die..."

   "Smile upstairs, how can there be such a powerful thing..."

   "Don't you say upstairs, maybe the upstairs upstairs is really true, in which book I seem to see something with this function, it seems to be called magic Xiang?"

   "I heard that Harry Potter protects an important thing in the school. What the **** is it? The newspaper of Special Mother doesn't make it clear. Lao Tzu is a Virgo..."

   These are just some rumors, not many people believe it, but after all there will be some influence, Harry's attention has increased significantly, they all want to hear Harry gossip about them.


   This day, the year-end banquet began.
