Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 134: Really good!

   Chapter 134 is really a master!

   They talk in English.

   A man pointed at the Chinese on the street and said, "Are they all kung fu? Just like Bruce Lee." Then, I didn't know where to pull out a nunchaku. I started fighting indiscriminately and babbling.

The person next to    immediately stayed away from him so as not to get injured.

   Some people hesitated and said: "This? It should be impossible, but I think they will work hard, but they should not be as powerful as Bruce Lee."

Another person said: "I watch TV, a Chinese man rubs a ball of dough dozens of times, it is so thin and so long, it is estimated to be dozens of meters long." He gestured exaggeratedly with his hand .

   Then looked curiously at the Chinese people, wondering if they could all do so.

   This is a group of children who are misled by Chinese cultural propaganda videos.

   "Hello, may I ask you to go to Potala.? Someone called them behind, a beautiful teenager.

   "Yeah." Someone replied.

   "Are you traveling alone?" a girl asked in surprise, and looked behind him to see if there were any parents.

  Harry nodded cleverly: "I saw it from the book, and was curious about the Potala Palace, so I came to play during the summer vacation."

   "You are mostly this year?" a beard-wrenched man asked dissatisfiedly, feeling that his parents were too much. Although he educated children abroad, it was not appropriate to let such small children travel alone in other countries.

  Harry said without changing his face: "I'm 15 this year."

   said that a boy about to celebrate his 12th birthday.

  No one doubts this sentence. First of all, the height problem is consistent, and it looks far more mature than the eleven-year-old bear child. The important thing is that they can’t even imagine an eleven-year-old foreign boy traveling abroad.

   "I'm a half-breed and grew up in China since I was a child." Harry said.

   They looked at Harry in surprise.

   "Really? Can you speak Chinese?"

   "Just as easy as I speak English."

   Then a bunch of questions came to Harry.

   They originally came from the Chinese culture, and what they saw and heard along the way made them have strange questions. Now that there is a China Connect that can communicate well, what kind of politeness is there.

  Harry was so sweated by their problems that it was simply strange, and it was obviously a normal daily life for Chinese people.

   So Harry temporarily became their teacher, giving them a "posture".

Finally, Harry said with a smile on his face: "Also, you must remember some common sense, every Chinese will be kung fu, every Chinese will pull the noodles into tens of meters, and every dancer will change Only clothes can fight, and they don’t wonder why the enemy won’t attack them a minute after they change clothes because they were invincible during that time.”

  Although they don’t understand what Dancing Heavenly Girl is, they feel so good.

   Seeing someone confused, it seems to be asking carefully. Harry quickly changed the subject: "I just heard that you are going to the Potala Palace. Can I go with you?"

   walked this part of the road, and they all knew and admired everything about Harry, so they agreed to say that they were all crooked people, and it felt too kind to meet abroad.

   "Jessica, what do you say?" A man who didn't have Harry handsome asked a girl, he didn't really want to listen to Jessica's words, it was just a kind of favor.

   Harry had long noticed the girl named Jessica.

very beautiful.

   She has a big wave of gold glittering, when the sun is shining directly, her blond hair is just dazzling and blind.

   Harry saw her hair first, and then her pretty face.

  Harry had to admit that he had rarely seen such pure blond hair for so many years in the UK, and the golden one had no flaws.

Not to mention the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but there is one person whose hair is more shiny than Jessica’s, that is Draco Malfoy, but he is no longer blonde, but platinum, which is biased towards silver Light.

  When everyone was scrambling to ask questions just now, she just listened quietly.

  Each small group has a central point. This small group is Jessica, and many boys express themselves in front of her, intentionally or unintentionally.

   Of course Jessica would not say no.

   So when they arrived at an agreed place, they took the bus that they had contacted for a long time.

   is a very different bus than the British railroad tracks. It is bumpy and creaky. Harry doesn't know how long he hasn't been in it.

   The journey will take a few hours, and along the way they asked Harry to tell them about his life in China.

   So from the fairy tales of famous mountains in China to spicy hot snacks by the road. Five thousand years of celebrity history, anecdotes, dynasty changes, Qin Shihuang took his little aunt to run away, Jing Ke and Gao Jianli had to say the thousand and one nights that had to be said, Wei Long spicy strips, happy sheep and gray wolf... Harry never knew himself Then it can be said.

  Every ordinary Chinese person knows something, Harry is speaking out of an epic book.

   He said that the smallpox was falling, and the group of British teenagers listened with relish and their eyes glowed.

   It turns out that China is so interesting.

   They have fallen in love with China in Harry's mouth.

   The conversation all the way, the intimacy improved a lot, even the quiet Jessica spoke to Harry.

  Several bad friends who played well with the blonde girl teased that she seemed to have a good impression on Harry, and Jessica was slightly jealous.

   Harry prayed silently: "Don't fall in love with your brother, there are two brothers who haven't taken care of it yet."

   Thanks Jessica for not knowing what Harry thinks.

   Then, Harry quietly "stay away" from Jessica without speaking to her.


   Happy time is always short.

   Although the car was slow, it was still there.

   And the crooked nuts of a car all expressed reluctance, the story that Harry told was so interesting.

   They invited Harry to play with them, but Harry refused.

   I still have business.

   They said goodbye to Harry one after another. The truth is revealed, and the people I meet on the road are always memorable.

  Jessica finally hugged Harry, she quietly asked: "Why are you lying to them?"

   Harry blurted out: "How do you know that I am not twelve years old!"

  In Harry's view, of course, only lie about age is a falsehood.

  Jessica was dull and looked at Harry, who was one point higher than her, and said hardly: "You are less than twelve?!"

  Harry smiled shyly but not politely.

  Jessica blushed: "Huh, you are a little brother."

   She suddenly kissed Harry's cheek gently: " cheater younger brother."

   turned back to the team embarrassed immediately, with red ear tips against the bright blond hair.

   came over and asked why Harry had lied to them that the Chinese would work hard and forgot.

  Harry was surprised by the blonde girl's behavior. Why was there no girl who treated me like this when she was in elementary school in the UK.

   waved with them and left.

   "Wow, Jessica, you are so active." The big breasted girl said half surprised and exaggerated.

  The blonde girl said both like explaining and telling them the facts: "Don't think about it, he just told me that he is actually only twelve years old, just a child."

   Sure enough, they were all surprised.

  The intermittent voice flows weakly into Harry's ear.

   Harry had already walked behind the magnificent Potala Palace.

  Why do you want to go back? Don’t you know that all the high-ranking people on TV will live in the back mountain, backyard, etc. As for why, it should be the common hobby of the high-ranking people.

The Potala Palace is really magnificent, standing in a huge square, and there are non-stop Buddhist believers who come to worship the Buddha. The red and white buildings that you see when you look up are just a large piece of Potala that you are familiar with in the past. palace.

   was passing through buildings with unique styles, and a monk came.

   He paid a tribute: "Donator, my family's uncle has an invitation."

   Harry looked at it, oh my god, won't there really be a master.

   Harry asked him who his uncle was, and the monk just shook his head.

   walked for ten minutes, they came to a quiet Zen courtyard behind the main hall.
