Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 155: Make a joke to the world!

   Early in the morning, Harry woke up.

   He stretched a lazy waist and felt the strangeness of his body before he remembered how he was now an adult.

   wanted to wear clothes, but found that the previous wizard's robe could not be worn.

  Harry called and said a request.

   really deserves to be a 5-star hotel, the service is really attentive, and soon someone bought two sets of clothes and sent them up.

  Harry paid the clothes and tipped, and the other party left happily.

   First tried a light gray suit, which fits perfectly, and Harry will not try another one.

   stood in front of the mirror and glanced at how he grew up, and went out.


   In 1985, Jobs was forced to leave Apple.

  In 1986, Jobs established Pixar Animation Film Studio in Galevny Asia.

   In 1996, Jobs returned to Apple, and began his career as if it were a hangout.

   is now 1992.

  Harry wondered if Jobs could invent the Apple phone at this time.

   Of course, Harry does not need a complete smartphone, he only needs a mobile phone with a camera function.

  Because Harry wants to use it to record something, some necessary evidence.

The reason why Harry looked for Muggles is because there is no magic with the ability to record images, and the second is that although the photos taken by the Muggle camera after being enchanted can make the characters move, it is only a momentary animation, and, What Harry needed was to be able to record the sound, the picture alone was not enough.


   The prerequisite for using shape-shifting is to have reached the destination once.

  Harry hasn't been to the United States, so he can't go directly.

   seems to be very troublesome, but don't forget that there is a wizard bus.

   Harry waved his wand twice.

   After a while, a huge shadow came galloping.

   But no Muggles can see this huge bus.

  Harry boarded the car, and a young male ticket seller asked, "Where?"

   "America, Galevny Asia, can you go?"

   "Of course, the wizard bus is everywhere." He chewed something while handing Harry a ticket.

   "Two gold gallons and three silver Xike."

  After Harry paid for it, he found a seat.

   The bus is not driving, but is leap.

  The cars, pedestrians, and telephone booths on the road jumped off to make way for the bus. When the bus passed, it returned to its original position.

   The bus flew at the top of the forest and paddled across the lake.

   It passes through towns, villages and cities quickly.

   It took only twenty minutes to get off Harry.

   This speed, Muggle does not know how long it will take to reach.

  Although Muggles have many things that are more powerful than wizards, there are some things that Muggles can take hundreds of years to rely on technology to achieve. For wizards, it is a breeze.

   And the same, the opposite holds true.

   For example, destroy the earth.

   "Dingling..." The bus stopped and the door opened.

   As soon as Harry got out of the car, he saw a company with a huge footprint, mostly covered in dark blue glass, and Pixar could be seen far away.


  Without any difficulty, Harry found Jobs' office.

  Security, no one of the employees noticed that just now, someone passed by them.

  Harry has been watching Steve Jobs for a while while invisible.

  How to say, Harry felt quite disappointed.

   This is a great person, looking younger than the future.

   Harry thought that he would be more or less excited.

  However, when he really saw someone, his heart did not fluctuate. He was no different from the Muggles on the street. Even if he was worth hundreds of millions of dollars at this time, he was the envy of countless Muggles.

  Harry looked at him, even with a slight taste of looking down.

   This must be influenced by Voldemort's memory...Harry dumped the pot.

  Harry didn't wait any longer, just appeared.

   Meditation basin, ready.

  Jobs was startled and was about to yell.

  Harry threw a “forbidden word” spell.

   Jobs was shocked to find that his mouth was tightly closed, and could only make a "buzzing" sound with his nose.

  Followed by an imprisoned magic, he was completely quiet and not disturbed.

   "Shut up, be quiet." Harry said softly.

   Jobs stopped moving, but his eyes were still shaking, and he seemed to be falling out, showing the consternation of his master.

   "I need you to help me build a mobile phone, oh, there is no concept of a mobile phone. In fact, it is your mobile phone in the mouth of Muggle. My request is very simple, the function of the camera is compressed into the mobile phone."

   "What I need to tell you is that the first digital camera appeared in 1995 and the first smartphone appeared next year." (Note 1)

   "And you only have 10 months to complete my request."

   Jobs' eyes turned wildly.

   "I know why you want to shout, why are you looking for you."

  Apple founder nodded vigorously.

   "It's a pity, because when I think of what I need, the first thing I think of is you, so I came to you."

   "Don't worry about you being clueless, because I will let you see exactly what I want."

  Ha used his wand against the temple and gently pulled it away. A bunch of silver flowing things were brought out and placed in the meditation basin, spinning.

  Jobs widened his eyes, which was beyond his imagination.

   "Let me show you what a mobile phone is."

  After Harry finished speaking, he dragged Jobs into the meditation basin and entered part of Harry's memory.

  Harry intercepted the appearance of many mobile phone brands, and let Jobs see how mobile phones have stepped up innovation, development, and progress.

  Jobs looked at the strange world in shock, and the mobile phone has been changing rapidly for decades.

   The unprecedented functions constantly refresh his cognition. It turned out that it could still be like this.

   Suddenly, the sky was spinning.

  Jobs discovered that he returned to his house and sat on his chair.

   He was sitting on a chair, his heart was shocked, and thoughts filled his mind one by one, as if to explode.

  Harry's magic was placed by him in the second place, and his mind was attracted by everything he saw in Harry's memory.

   He "ah" twice, and suddenly found that he could speak.

   He swallowed and said, "Is that all true just now? Can it really be achieved? The kind of thing called a smartphone."

   "What do you say?"

"You know what I want, you have to give me a finished product within 10 months. As for the camera and mobile phone company, you have to find a way for yourself. I am looking for you, just because I think you are a Muggle Genius only."

   "Who the **** are you?" Jobs asked.

   "You don't need to manage, just complete what I want, if you can complete, I will give you something you can't imagine."

   "And, if you don't complete, punish..." Harry smiled.

   Jobs shuddered.

   "Try hard, don't let me down." Then, Harry suddenly disappeared.

   For a long time, Jobs recovered.

   He snapped his face: "Not a dream."

  He just wanted to tell others this incredible thing. He picked up his mobile phone and shook his hand to make a call. (Remark 2)

   "beep, beep"

   "Fils, I..." Jobs opened his mouth suddenly, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make a sound.

   He quickly hung up his friend's phone in fear.

   After a while, he tried to speak again and found that he could speak again.

   He suddenly picked up the pen and wanted to write about it on the paper.

   But his hand didn't listen.

   Of course, Harry will not forget to use magic to prohibit Jobs from saying this.

   This spell has a silly name called "The secret is not known by the third person".

  No matter what form, even if it is a dream, Jobs can never reveal this matter.


  Jobs finally gave up.

   He dialed the secretary’s phone: "Lev, buy all of my funds to buy shares of Sony and IBM. Immediately, I want to sit on their board tomorrow!"

   "You are crazy!"


  Harry didn't care what Jobs would do, he just left the matter to the professionals.

  After doing nothing, Harry suddenly had a prank idea.

   But he searched again and again, and did not find the surveillance camera he wanted.

   However, isn't there a movie camera?

  Harry came to Hollywood.

   He found a film crew that was shooting a movie, and then played the role of a passerby exposed many faces.


  Harry smirked at the thought of what might happen in the future.

   Later, Harry went to the Muggle and Magic World photo studio and took many photos.

   grew up in advance, how can I not leave something.



   The whole world was shocked by a news.

   Reuters, Xinhua News Agency, the Associated Press have broadcast this news.

   This is the strongest evidence that proves the existence of space-time shuttle.

   A young man, he appeared suddenly on China News Network.

   He told the world that he came from the future, his space-time shuttle was successful, his first crossing was in 1992, and he left evidence.

   himself said that the reason for the announcement was because he wanted to let everyone know that he was a genius.

   Then, it disappeared again.

   Leaving only two messy hosts facing the camera, facing the world.

  The world is boiling.


   And the magic world.

  The wizards laughed and laughed: "Look at those stupid Muggles, turned around by Minister Potter." (Remark 3)


  Remark 1: In 1995, Sony released the first DV camera. In 1993, IBM released the first smartphone.

   Remark 2: In 1992, mobile phones were already in circulation.

  Remark 3: In the future, Harry Potter will dissolve all the Ministry of Magic in all countries into one, and all wizards will be registered. Wizard groups, such as the International Federation of Magicians, the Phoenix Society, etc., were all dissolved. Harry Potter became the first Minister of Magic, vigorously reforming and accepting Muggle things.
