Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 168: Basilisk master?

   At night, Harry silently watched a ring on the viewer's finger.

   A few days ago, he was ready to kill the basilisk, but he did not expect that the ring he discovered could control the spirit of the basilisk.

   can also communicate spiritually with the Basilisk and share the sight of the Basilisk through this ring.

  The plan cannot keep up with the changes.

  In this case, he does not need to kill the basilisk.

   This was originally what Slytherin had left for his successor, but unfortunately, Voldemort did not find out that he only had shallow communication with snake monsters through snake language.

  Only by possessing this ring can we really control the basilisk.

   He does not need language communication, he can clearly communicate the command to the basilisk in a far place.

   So Harry thought of acting with Voldemort.

For example, today, Voldemort and the Basilisk communicated to let it appear to kill Mrs. Loris first, and then hurt the wizard, spread panic, and let the panic permeate the entire campus. As long as the Ministry of Magic finds that the matter is serious, Dumbledore will definitely think Incompetent, temporarily dismissed his position, then, you do not need to be so careful.

  After knowing Voldemort's order, Harry quietly controlled the basilisk, so that it only needed to petrify Mrs. Loris.

   Voldemort did not have any doubts about the things behind this, because in his view, the Basilisk had limited intelligence and could not fully understand his intentions. As long as he can achieve his desired purpose.

  Harry's plan went well, but there was a doubt that had been bothering him.

   The girl's bathroom on the second floor (huan) is the entrance to the secret room. Why should the entrance be installed there? And Myrtle was killed by the basilisk that suddenly appeared there.

  Hogwarts has never been renovated since it was built more than a thousand years ago and has remained intact. The dormitory building is always a dormitory building, the sports ground is always a sports ground, and the girls' washroom is always a washroom.

   In other words, when Slytherin established the secret room, he already knew that it was a girl's bathroom.

   Plus he can share the vision of the Basilisk.

   Gee, this gave Harry a bold idea, he had to doubt Slytherin's real intention.

   Wouldn’t it be used to spy on Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff...

   In the evening, Harry had a nightmare.

Many pictures flashed: Filch had malicious eyes, he seemed to be swearing with his mouth open, and his cat's eyes before death, and finally even appeared in Voldemort's memory during the orphanage because of the magic talent and other children Fear of disgust...

   This is an uncomfortable dream.

   But Harry had never had a nightmare.

  Nightmare, in Muggle's view, it was just because of the pressure and some minor mental problems.

   Wizards don't think so.

   That's why Harry carefully observed a freshly burned tortoiseshell at this time in the morning, and there were several cracks on the tortoiseshell that interlaced with each other.

  Harry looked at the fortune-telling prophecy displayed by Tortoiseshell while looking through the books of the fortune-teller to find the corresponding content.

   "I have."

   Harry clicked somewhere in the book.

   "This is someone cursing me." Harry got this answer from the book.

  Who can curse me with magic? And it just cursed me for a nightmare.

  In case of any inquiries about divination, Harry made a fire again and threw a piece of animal bones.


   The bones made a slight crackling sound due to burning.

   The fire gradually extinguished, leaving inexplicable marks on the bones.

   Harry began to turn the book.

   He had not thought of any useful information, because the magic of the wizard would interfere with each other. Even if Voldemort is doing divination, it is difficult for him to divination out the details of a first-year freshman, but divination Muggles is a breeze. So he did not report any illusions.

   But according to the results of divination, there are obvious instructions.

   "The man under the curse has a very low magical ability, so he was divinationd, an old man, who had just lost his only family member not long ago, but showed that his family did not leave him." A dangerous light flashed in Harry's eyes.

Ha ha……

  Just because of boredom, he spread his grievances on himself, unable to be furious.

   Is it because you look so bully?

Harry only cares about one thing. Some people are not kind to him. Although there is no harm to him, it is just that the man who casts the spell has a low level of magic. He bet that Filch is absolutely hateful and cursed. he died.

   What should he do?

  What if nothing happened? still is……


   The next day, Halloween.

   Yesterday's events started to ferment, and some people who did not see it with their own eyes also learned through information from other populations.

  It's just that everyone who spreads information in order to attract the attention of others, highlights the special nature of their own exclusive news, will take their guesses as if it really happened, and say it.

   The person who heard it again rendered it and spread it again.

   The first person who spread the word heard what others were discussing, and actually got in touch with his own. He was shocked, and it turned out that his casual nonsense was actually true.

  So, the truth is even more invisible.

   For the peaceful Hogwarts life, this is a flavoring agent, if you do not participate, it seems that it is from the country.

  Although it has been confirmed that the blood stains on the wall were written in chicken blood, not human blood that causes people to panic, plus every time a class is taught, each magic teacher will say that the Chamber of Secrets is purely fictitious, so stop talking about it.

   It seems that the matter has slowly cooled down.

   However, there are still some students who have the research spirit to hope to find the secrets hidden in the secret room.

   Hermione is one of them.

   She vaguely remembered that she had seen the words of the Chamber of Secrets in a certain biography, but she went to the library to borrow books, and she could not find the book.

   So Hermione determined that the school was deliberately concealing this matter.

  But where can I find information?

   At this time, she looked at the upcoming magic history lesson, her eyes lit up.

  History of Magic is the most boring course on their curriculum. Among all their teachers ~ ~ only Professor Binns who teaches this course is a ghost. He was very old, and his skin shrunk so badly that many people said he did not notice that he was dead. On the last day of his life, he stood up for class and accidentally left his body on an armchair in front of the fireplace in the staff lounge. Since then, all his daily activities have remained the same, with no change.

   But he is old enough and knowledgeable. Although his lecture level is really average, the entire magic world dares to say that he knows more about him than events and even legends in history.

   Today, the class is still as boring as usual. Professor Binns opened his notes and read them in a dry, low-pitched voice, just like an old-fashioned vacuum cleaner. Finally, all the students in the class were groggy, and occasionally recovered, copying a name or date, Then he fell into a half-sleep state again.

  After half an hour of class, Hermione finally could not bear it.

   She raised her hand in excitement.

Professor    was a little confused. He said, "You, what's wrong?"

   Hermione went straight in and said clearly: "Professor, I want to know something about the secret room, can you tell me something?"

So... Dean just kept his mouth open, staring blankly out the window, when he suddenly woke up from a trance, Lavender Brown’s head was raised from his arm, and Neville’s elbow from the table Let it go.

   Everyone was awake and looked at the professor with great anticipation.

Professor    was a little angry and seemed to want to reprimand Hermione, but found everyone's eyes looking at him brightly.

   He never found that what he wanted to say could attract the interest of his classmates.

   "Okay..." He gasped and said slowly: "Let me think...about the secret room..."
