Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 17: My Hermione can't be so nasty

   Chapter 17 My Hermione can't be so abominable

With so much food, Harry was unkind. After eating, Harry's stomach became very big. He touched his stomach and smiled on his face: "It is really happy to come to Hogwarts School. what!"

   "You are such a pig." Hermione looked at Harry contemptuously, why? Because Harry ate all the things in front of him, and then hit her mind on Hermione...

   After most people ate well, the food suddenly disappeared, and various puddings appeared. Harry looked at the food with his eyes wide open, and finally understood what it meant to be weak and weak!

   "It's miscalculated! There are even desserts!" Harry looked down at his stomach, and looked at Hermione, who was eating happily.

   Hermione was surprised: "Wow, so many, this is ice cream! This is apple pie, chocolate sponge cake, and marmalade pudding, strawberry, jelly..." Hermione pointed out one by one.

"Why, Harry, what's wrong with you? I don't think you have a good complexion." Hermione looked at Harry with a worried expression, and at the same time, she did not forget to stick out her pink colored head and lick the ice cream in her hand. If you want to be as pure as you are, then the expression must be as cute as you can.

   She is definitely intentional!

  Harry said strongly: "I'm fine..."

Hermione understood, "I see, do you think your dessert is not enough, it doesn't matter, you can eat me, I don't mind!" Hermione said while pushing a plate of creamy pudding to In front of Harry!

  Harry raised his head silently, trying not to let tears flow out of his eyes: "God, why do you torture me like this!"

Hermione saw Harry's unwillingness and couldn't help but smile: "Huh, let you eat mine just now, regret it!" Harry could only silently look sad, looking at the dessert in front of him with a sad look Sorry, I let you down!

  After Harry's various losses, Hermione's various flaunts, and the new students' various excitements, the dinner was finally over!

  The dessert on the plate suddenly disappeared, and Hermione said disappointedly: "How come there are no more, I haven't eaten enough yet."

   Dirt! Harry growled inside!

   Hermione was definitely not disappointed and didn't eat enough dessert. She was disappointed and couldn't continue to show off in front of Harry!

  Hermione didn't really eat much, but... "This is so sweet, Harry, don't you come one?" Hermione squinted, a look of enjoyment.

   "...What is this, I haven't seen it in the Muggle world, and it looks delicious..."


  Harry suddenly remembered a Western story: a priest said, don’t put down your fork, because you don’t know if there is a dish you like behind!

  He drew a conclusion from it, he must have a good appetite, no matter how big the feast in the future, he can eat from the beginning to the end!

  Gryffindor freshmen have started to communicate. They are talking about their families. Neville is introducing his family to do a series of devastation to prove that he has magic!

  It's really not easy for this child to survive!

  Professor Dumbledore stood up, and the hall seemed to be under pressure, and it was quiet.

   Harry yawned, really, it turns out that Western schools also have this set! He just wants to go back to the dormitory to rest.

What Dumbledore said was not to cast magic in the aisle, where to prohibit it, etc., Harry was not interested in listening, but Hermione had listened carefully and seemed to want to record it, but in Harry's wanting to laugh The idea was cut off.

   "Now, let's start singing school songs!"





  Please teach us knowledge,

  Whether we are the old man Xie Ding or the child with a broken knee,

  Our mind can accept some interesting things.

   Because now our minds are empty,

   Full of air, dead flies and chicken skin,

  Teach us some valuable knowledge,

   Forgotten by us,

   back to us,

   Just do your best,

   Leave the rest to ourselves,

   We will study hard,

  Until it turns into dung.

   "This broken song!" Harry didn't sing at all, he was just listening to how others sang this song into Divine Comedy!

   "Now the freshman is led by the senior to the dormitory to rest." Dumbledore announced loudly.

  Harry was about to jump, he waited too long.

  Percy took them out of the hall, through the attic, stairs. Harry sat in the car for 10 hours, desperately wanting to lie down on the soft bed, and then wake up naturally.

   But some people don’t want to...

   Percy stopped suddenly, his face ugly: "Pippi, what are you doing."

   A transparent ghost appeared in front of them and floated in the air. It was a little man with a pair of evil black eyes, a large mouth, and crossed legs in the air, holding a wooden stick in both hands.

   "Haha, the freshman is so fun." He screamed and walked through the middle of the freshman, making people feel cold all over. The freshmen all looked scared.

  Hermione was hiding next to Harry, her hand tightly holding Harry's arm.

  Harry said softly, "You know, my arm hurts." Hermione blushed, but she still didn't let go.

   "Aren't you not afraid of ghosts at all, you saw the blood man Barrow in the lobby just now, and you are not so afraid."

   "There were so many people in the lobby just now, and it was so bright, I certainly would not be afraid." Hermione explained in a low voice. Now only their children are in a dark walkway, there are still photos of pale people on the walls whispering, the darker atmosphere is more intense.

   Pippi seems to haven't played enough, and frightened a flock of sheep.

  Ron's teeth trembled: "Brother, can't you use magic to drive that thing away?"

   "Did you just care about eating just now? Principal Dumbledore said that students are not allowed to use magic in the aisle, and that if they want to hurt ghosts, they need black magic. How could I!" Percy said angrily.

  Everyone who blocks me from enjoying food and sleeping is an enemy! Oh, except the beauty!

   Harry looked at the cheerful Pipi ghost flying in front of him, and thought of a sentence: "no作nodate!"

"Hey, Pippi, yeah, I have something for you!" Harry said suddenly, Pippi froze for a moment, then shouted: "It turned out to be the famous Harry Potter!" he rushed Come here, hehe seems to want to scare Harry.

   Hermione, who stood beside Harry, saw the scary-looking ghost rushing towards her. As soon as her body was soft, she was about to fall. Harry hurriedly supported her.

   Then he lifted his left hand, and suddenly a ray of light appeared on his left hand, which was very warm. He threw the light towards Pippi, and...

   "Ah..." Pippi screamed suddenly, the voice was terrible, and it was horrifying. Pippi stepped back suddenly, looked at Harry in horror, and fled through the wall quickly.

   "This..." The students were all blinded and did not understand what happened.

   A Muggle world student said: "Is it a flash bomb!"

   Hermione asked, "What was that just now?" Harry was exhausted and seemed to fall on Hermione: "My dear, I really want to sleep. I will tell you if I can do it tomorrow."

  Harry fell on Hermione intentionally, or was really dozing off, no one knows.


Percy took them to the dormitory with his head full of curiosity. The sleepy Harry didn't observe the place where he lived, but when the boys and girls were separated, Hermione whispered quietly against Harry's ear: "Good night! "That warm feeling reduced Harry's sleepiness a little, and then he lay on his bed and fell asleep.

   Luobei: When I watched Harry's friends, I always found a lot of copy and paste plots. For example, in these two chapters, all of Dumbledore’s disciplines were copied, with a few thousand words, and when singing school songs, Ron’s brother sang “The Funeral March”, and Dumbledore specially directed them to rhythm. These plots, we have everything! I’m speechless, it’s better to read these readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in phone users please read .