Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 203: Different stories in different classes

   Soon, the black magic defense class became a very popular course.

   Malfoy has changed a lot, with his taunting skills, although Lupin is no longer ragged, he loves his old wooden box.

   Malfoy should have mocked this, but he has been quiet recently.

  Honest class, honest homework.

  Without the two cancers of Gower and Crabbe, fox friends, Malfoy was approaching a normal person.

  Even the rest of Slytherin, Malfoy couldn't be bothered.

   The only person who can say two things to Malfoy is Pansy, who was also a member of the small group of Malfoy.

  Lu Ping finally let the students know what the black magic defense class is like.

  He is a very qualified teacher.

   The next few lessons are as lively and interesting as the first one.

  After finishing Bogut, they learned Red Hat again.

   This is an ugly little thing similar to a goblin, lurking in the place that once bleeds, such as the dungeon of the castle, the tunnel of the abandoned battlefield, waiting to attack the lost people with a big stick.

   After the red hat, they started to learn Kaba, a reptile living in water.

   looks like a scaled monkey with webbed hands, ready to strangle unguarded people wading in their pond.

  The students finally learned the real practical magic.

  In the potion class, Snape was very irritable.

   The reason is, of course, because of Neville, who put Snape on his grandmother's clothes, which could not be concealed.

   How happy Neville smiled at the beginning, and now when he was in the potion class, he was so sad that he cried.

  Hermione used to think that Snape was too unfair to Neville, always embarrassing him, so in the potion class, she occasionally helped Neville solve some problems,

   Recently, she didn’t even dare to touch Snape’s mold.

   Trelawney's divination lesson. Since the first session, Harry and Hermione have never gone.

  Let's not find it easy.

   However, it seems that many people have been bewitched and can no longer find the North, and many students respect the professor almost admired.

Parvati, Lavender, and Ron like to go to Professor Trelawney’s tower classroom at lunch. When they come back, they always have a nasty and unpredictable expression on their faces. It seems that they know some others. Things I don't know.

   Moreover, now they were speaking down with their voices down, and looked at Harry with strange eyes, as if Harry was about to die.

   Hermione rose up angrily at the table, staring at the three whispers over there.

   looked down guilty.

   "Harry, they absolutely didn't say anything good about you." Hermione said angrily.

  Harry held Hermione and asked her to sit down again and said, "Hermione, I have only pity for them, and I have no desire to laugh at them."

   Hermione said: "But do you know what Trelawney said in class."

  Professor Hermione was too lazy to call her.

   "Navi told me that she orchestrated you in class so cowardly that she didn't have the courage to face death. If you can respect her, she doesn't mean to tell you some ways to survive."

   "Moreover, she said that I obviously didn't have the talents needed for noble divination studies. Although I only saw it once, the brain of a student who had never seen it was so mediocre and incurable like me!"

   "She also said that fortunately we have self-knowledge."

"Do you remember what she said before,'some classmates will leave us permanently', and now a group of people said that it was her who had long predicted that the two of us would leave divination classes, and more believed that she worshiped her. She was at that time The meaning is clearly that someone will die!" Hermione looked disgusted.

   "Why do we have to force ourselves to see the unknown from nothing, so stupid!" Hermione's angry little face blushed.

  Harry said: "For the stupid people, my kindness will always be more than a trace, they are willing to do licking the dog that is their fun."

   "Don't take Trelawney in her heart, she is just a pesky little stone, just kick it."

   "At Christmas this semester, you will prove to everyone that Trelawney she is just a liar who knows nothing, and the rest of her life will be spent in poverty." Harry said softly.

  Hermione nodded: "Yes, I will defeat her in the field of divination, and debunk her face as a liar!"

  Hermione immediately buried her head and read hard.

   At this time, her mind was not only because of Harry's words, but also because she was so despised by Trelawney.

  Hermione, who had always been proud of her cleverness, was hairy.

  Hagrid's class of protecting magical creatures brings new and exciting to students.

  Because of each class, Hagrid will exchange a new creature for students to know.

  After Harry solved that little problem, Hagrid's class of protecting magical creatures went on smoothly and smoothly.

  Malfoy liked this lesson very much, he performed very well, and dealt with people. He found that dealing with animals was simpler and more pure.

  Hagrid was initially surprised at Malfoy because he knew how arrogant Malfoy's father was.

   But he will not refuse a wizard who is willing to get close to magical creatures.

   "This slender, twig-like "tree guard pot" is a very shy plant that can turn into the shape of any leaf." Hagrid introduced a green and tender sapling in his hand.

   Tree protection pots, their role is to protect the trees that produce wands.

   ""Thunderbird" has a pair of powerful wings that can perceive supernatural danger".

  Invisible beast, looks like a monkey, can hide itself in any environment.

  Bird snake is an animal with a bird's head and snake body. Its ability is to grow or shrink with the surrounding space in order to adapt to its living place.

   Hagrid opened the eyes to the students.

  Harry was very pleased to see Hagrid's class of protecting magical creatures in a completely different direction.


  In October 1993, the Quidditch season was near.

   Each of the four colleges started training.

  Because the venue is limited, the training time of each academy is is every Thursday.

  Ravenclaw is every Wednesday.

   So there was one more thing in Harry's schedule, watching Zhang Qiu training on the field on Wednesday night. That is, he just sat in the auditorium and watched it.

  Ravenclaw is confident of winning the Quidditch title this year.

  Because their seeker Zhang Qiu has one of the best fire arrows.

   They re-planned their plans and tactics, centered on Zhang Qiu, and wanted to take full advantage of the speed advantage of fired crossbow arrows.

   And they have been hiding Zhang Qiu's possession of a fire crossbow arrow, preparing to hit the other three colleges by surprise.

  Because the Quidditch team is a team of 7 people, Harry named their tactics "six-guarantee-one tactics", all relying on a C to fly.

  Harry was not allowed to watch at first, because he was from Gryffindor College.

  What if the training plan reveals what went out.

   But after they knew that Zhang Qiu's firebolt was a gift from Harry, they had nothing to say.

   Not long after, Gryffindor's Quidditch captain Wood found Harry.

   said in his words that he is in the seventh grade this year, and the last time he played, he did not want to leave regrets.

   Harry didn't understand what he said at first.

   Don't give up yet? Want to pull me into the team?

   Until he said politely, let Harry tell him the content of Ravenclaw's training and let him do some targeted programs.

  Wood looked pitiful and pleading.

   Harry suddenly realized.

   He smiled and said: "Go!"

   When Wood left, his eyes were vicious.

   A few days later, only within the range of Gryffindor, the ruthless rumours about Harry spread.
