Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 205: Wolf poison potion!

  October 17th.

   The night of the full moon, the top of Hogwarts.

  Harry was alone in the summit, the cold wind blowing continuously.

   The moon tonight is big and round.

   seems to be landing over Hogwarts.

   Harry lowered his head and walked through the layers of walls to look at a bright and pale yellow office.

   That is Lupin's office.

   is brightly lit, and the fireplace is blazing, feeling warm on this cold night.

   There is a water tank in the corner of the office.

   A disgusting green monster with pointed horns, sticking his face on the glass, doing various strange appearances, while constantly stretching out his thin long fingers.

   This is a kind of water monsters, they like to ambush in the swamp, raiding wizards and travellers passing by.

   Their fingers are their most powerful weapons.

  Water monsters are not difficult to deal with, because their fingers are actually crunchy and fragile.

   Without fingers, they are tigers with teeth and claws extracted, and there is no threat.

  Lu Ping was sitting in a soft chair, close to the stove, very quiet.

   dong dong!

   someone knocks on the door

   "Come in." It seems that Lu Ping has been waiting for a long time.

   The door opened, and Snape walked in, holding a slightly dark smoky goblet in his hand.

   saw Lu Ping, he stopped, his eyes narrowed.

   "I really want to see how your students react tomorrow when they find out that their dear teacher of the dark magic defense class has turned into a cold werewolf corpse." Snape said softly.

  Lupin said with a smile: "Severus, I know you wouldn't do that. Thank you very much for your medicine, will you put it on the table?"

  Snape put down his smoking glass and looked at Lupin and his room back and forth.

   "This is a Grindillo I just received. I am going to give the students lessons." Lu Ping said happily, pointing at the water tank.

   Snape said disdainfully: "Childish, do you treat them as three-year-olds?"

   "If it is me, they should learn to deal with these monsters in the first grade, and the current students are really not as good as one."

  Lu Ping said in a slightly conspicuous tone: "Sorry, Severus, now I am the professor of black magic defense class, and my students like me very much."

   Snape's face was ugly: "But no one can serve in this position for a year, you don't have to die."

   "You should drink this potion as soon as possible. I boiled a pot full, I am afraid you still need it."

   "I should probably drink more tomorrow. Thank you very much, Severus."

   "You're welcome." Snape said, his face unsmiling and stiff.

  Lu Ping said with regret: "I am not very good at pharmaceuticals, and this medicine is particularly complicated."

  He picked up the glass and smelled, "This taste is really painful, but unfortunately it doesn't work if you add sugar."

   He took a sip and shivered.

   "If I could study hard in the potion class, I wouldn't bother you."

   Snape said coldly: "This is not a potion that can be configured by just learning a little knowledge of potions in textbooks. There are not many wizards who can modulate this kind of potion, and this is my special one."

  Lupin laughed twice, and swallowed a large glass of poison like a witch.

   Then, his face was painful.

  Snape rested his mind and prepared to leave.

  Lupin suddenly said, "Well, Severus, about Black..."

  He wanted to give Snape a vaccination first. He knew that Snape was full of hatred for Black.

Snape turned suddenly: "Lupin, I don't want to hear this name again. If he dares to appear in front of me, I will make him regret living in the world. At that time he will know to live in Azkaban What a wonderful thing."

   Lupin couldn't open his mouth to say that Lily was killed by Peter, and Sirius Black was wronged.

  Because it makes no difference to Snape, neither Peter nor Bright, they are all friends of Lily.

  A friend killed Lily anyway.

   His pain will not be reduced by one point, just transferred.

  Looking at Snape's grimace, Lu Ping does not doubt if he insists that Black is not the murderer.

   I'm afraid Snape might even suspect that it was not just Black who killed Lily, maybe he was also Black's associate.


   Friday day.

  Black magic defense class.

  When the students happily pushed open the door and came in, they saw Snape's somber face.

   It's just that there was a trace of pride on that face.

  Although it is a substitute teacher, anyway, it can be regarded as a teacher of black magic defense class, isn't it?

   "Okay, sit down quickly." Snape urged.

The smile on the students' faces disappeared.

   "Your professor is a little uncomfortable, so please let me give you a substitute."

   "What's wrong with him?" someone asked.

  Snape said impatiently: "I can't die." Regret revealed in his words.

   "Remember, don't ask in my class, I don't have the patience to answer your unimportant questions like Lupin." His dark eyes sparkled.

   "I looked at Lu Ping's teaching records, there was nothing. This is probably his first time as a teacher, and he didn't understand what to do at all." Snape sneered.

   As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

  Because I have not experienced a good black magic defense class professor, compared with Chilo and Lockhart, Lupin's level is already very high, and the teaching is not bad.

   But Snape, who is enough to be rated as a super teacher in the magic world, thinks that Lupin's teaching level is very problematic, there is no outline, and casually speaking.

   It can be said at best that it is okay to interact with and to mobilize the classroom atmosphere.

  But Snape thought it was the most useless thing.

Professor    only needs to put important knowledge into students' minds.

   The others are all bells and whistles.

   So the first few minutes became Snape's criticism of Lupin.

   Snape counted Lupin’s shortcomings and shortcomings loudly, disdainful.

   has the meaning of pointing.

"I'm sorry, Professor, we learned how to solve Bogut, Red Hat, Kaba and Grindiro. He is the best black magic defense professor I have ever seen. We are still going to learn..." Hermione couldn't hear it anymore. Said quickly.

   "Ignorance!" Interrupting Hermione's words, he had expected it and should have said that he was used to it.

  He said irritably: "Did I say that he lectures without rules and regulations? Is it because you are too easy to meet, and your vision is too small."

   "Black magic defense class is a lesson that teaches you to survive in the face of various dangers in the future, but Professor Lu Ping obviously treats you as a greenhouse flower, you are too easy."

   He sneered: "He should be a professor in the potion class, he will definitely take good care of the flowers in the greenhouse..."

   "I want to say that first-year students should be able to deal with Red Hat and Grindiro. If I teach, you should have the strength to fight against the dragon before graduating in seventh grade!"



   The sound of a room sucking cool air.

  Snape said: "Okay, now we start the class and turn the book backwards."

  The students stared at Snape and turned to the last pages of the book.

   That is definitely not what they should learn now.
