Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 250: Missing 2

Zhang Qiu and Hermione took great pains to accept this fact.

"Look, I told the truth, but you don't believe me, alas, it's so sad."

"That, Harry, isn't it because...well, I don't think I should be like this." Zhang Qiu apologized frankly.

Harry smiled: "Well, if you do something wrong, you will be punished. Hermione, you agree. Just now your laughter was not small."

Hermione said: "You say, how can you apologize to satisfy you?"

Harry said: "It's easy, tonight... how about spanking?"

Hermione and Zhang Qiu immediately stepped back and said nervously: "No."

Harry said as expected: "I haven't finished it yet. It's not my hands, but you punish each other. It's okay. If you don't want to, I won't see your sincerity."

Hermione Zhang Qiu glanced at each other with a twist, feeling that it was not too unacceptable, at least much better than Harry's punishment, didn't she?

"Um..." They nodded slightly.

Harry said: "Remember, the clothes should be thinner, the posture must be warped, I will supervise..."


"Harry, you..." Back to the topic, Hermione wanted to ask Harry where this big snake came from.

She suddenly thought of last year's things. After all, she was so panicked at that time that the school was almost closed.

"This... this is that basilisk?" Hermione asked in shock.

"Yes, you think pretty quickly." Harry smiled.

"I know it's a basilisk, but I... I never thought it would be so huge. I thought it was just a basilisk a few meters long." Hermione's eyes widened, and she didn't know what to say: "and it Why... what the hell..."

"Hoo... Huo..." Hermione took a deep breath and calmed her inner excitement.

"Is it always under your control, or, what happened afterwards?"

"Well, it's been controlled by me since it woke up in the back room." Harry thought about it, didn't he find the ring before it started to cause casualties, so Hermione said nothing wrong.

Hermione walked around and realized that she was above a giant snake's head, and stopped.

She thought about everything on her face: "No wonder I was worried about the existence of the Chamber of Secrets, the dangerous creatures in the Chamber of Secrets, the successor of Slytherin, when my Muggle will be attacked, your God said mysteriously Certainly not the victim."

"And when I speculated that the dangerous creature in the Chamber of Secrets was a basilisk, you seemed to have known for a long time, not surprised."

"Have it?"

"There are many strange things, but I didn't pay attention. One of those petrified people and cats has always puzzled me."

"Seen by the Basilisk, it was supposed to die, but the victim was petrified for not looking directly at the Basilisk eyes for various reasons-except for Penello and Percy. I have been thinking that they should face the Basilisk directly, But why there is a result of petrochemicals, this simply does not make sense."

"Now I know, because you have been controlling it, you have no ability to let it use killing."

"So everything happened last year because of you? What the heir of Slytherin are you?" Hermione was going to bite angry.

Harry pressed Hermione's head: "Quiet, quiet."

"How can everything be related to me? You forgot the black notebook you also knew when you first started school last year. Zhang Qiu, that is Voldemort's Horcrux... Hermione will definitely be willing to explain it to you later."

"Voldemort controlled Ron through his notebook and released the basilisk. Then I had the means to control the basilisk. It should be said that I let the school not die, and I am a good person."

"To be more precise... there has never been any heir. Slytherin has left a pet at school. His reputation has always been not very good, and he belongs to the radicals. And in history, there have never been fewer conspirators and erroneous people. So there was a way Slytherin left behind to clean the school and kill all non-pure blood wizards."

"Voldemort is very fond of such rumors. He longs for approval. He wants to occupy the righteousness. He wants to make his actions look brighter and more reasonable and legal. Poor Slytherin, who has been dead for so long, has to be rejected by him. Know how many generations of children are so pitted."

Zhang Qiu said: "Although it is very complicated, but I know at least one thing. It turned out that it was Harry you who made the Penello head into stone. You should listen to the public rest in Ravenkra after the petrification is lifted. Room, how did she scold the big snake who attacked people, it seems that she scolded the wrong target."

Hermione shrank her head, hugged her shoulders, and said, "Harry, let's go back."

She was a little uncomfortable, which had nothing to do with the basilisk, just because... girls hate all soft reptiles, for example, snakes, centipedes, earthworms, etc.

"Okay." Harry nodded and then used Zhang Phantom to show Zhang Qiu and Hermione back to Hogwarts.


Hogwarts, the principal's office.

Dumbledore pushed his glasses upward, looked at the strangely dressed woman in front of him, and said, "So, you don't want to."

"Humph." The woman who used at least a dozen fragrances on her body and made her feel dizzy and wanted to vomit, shook the scarf on her arm and put it on the other arm.

"I thought about it. This is a farce. I don't have to do this ridiculous comparison with a child." Sybil Trelawney said.

"Why?" Dumbledore was very patient, he smiled: "Sybil, that's 10,000 gold gallon's bet, even I am a little bit tempted, I thought you would be very interested. Just play your one A little bit of divination ability, won't it be easy to win?"

Trelawney shouted in my heart: Do I tell you that I have no confidence!

To make sure that she could beat Hermione Granger even with the bluffing set, she went to Victor, the arithmetic divination class professor she had always hated.

Want to finalize what Hermione Granger looks like.

In this regard, she is really alert.

did not expect……

Merlin is on, she sees everything.

Victor's woman moved out a bunch of Hermione Granger's assignments and papers.

She picked up a piece of parchment randomly, and the complicated numbers and tables on it made her head explode.

The woman in Victor said with pride, Granger was the smartest and talented wizard she had ever brought. She only spent half a year, and her knowledge of arithmetic divination had already surpassed her.

So Trelawney decided to come to principal Dumbledore.

Only he can stop this contest, and will not damage her reputation.

Dumbledore said slowly, "Sibil, how long have you been at Hogwarts?"

"Thirteen years." Trelawney thought Dumbledore's heart softened, and looked happy.

"Thirteen years, you know how much Milwa... does not like you, she thinks you should not stay in school, she persuaded me countless times, wanting me to expel you."

"You can't do that!" Trelawney said excitedly.

Dumbledore shook his head: "You have stayed in this position in the divination class for so long, no achievements have been made, and a real divination master at Hogwarts has not been trained. I have kept my eyes closed for these things. ."

"Don't forget!" Trelawney shouted, like an insect with open wings: "It's you! He recruited me into Hogwarts, and if I was humiliated by your students, I got rid of Huo Gwarts, guess what the magical world will think of you? The old dizzy? The ignorant? You have definitely lost more than me!"

Dumbledore said with a smile: "Oh yes, yes. You applied for the professorship back then, because of your prediction, I agreed to your request."

"But for the past 13 years, staying at Hogwarts and enjoying your easy life is enough for the price."

"Even...I've been thinking, what would happen if you didn't have that prediction... James Lily, would they still have such doom?" Dumbledore said in reproach.

"As for my reputation...ha, you don't have to worry about this, I am an old man who wants to enter the coffin, and would I care about this?"

"So... you are ready for Christmas." Dumbledore looked at Trelawney with a firm look.

"You... you wait! Dumbledore!" Trelawney looked and turned away with anger.

She has seen Dumbledore's attitude that cannot be changed.

"Boom!" The closing sound was loud.

All the pictures of the principals of Hogwarts School on the wall were shocked.

One of the old men with a beard, a purple robe, and a black pointed hat complained, "Albus, ask me to say that you should have expelled this mad motherwoman long ago. Seeing her destroy the arithmetic divination class In this way, I will be mad."

Dumbledore smiled bitterly. As the principal of Fritz, when he was in office, he served as a professor of divination, how could he have no opinion on Professor Trelawney.

Dumbledore pulled out a quill pen and parchment paper and smiled: "Perhaps, I should publish a new job advertisement in the "Prophet Daily" about the vacancy of the Hogwarts Divination Professor."


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