Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 259: The minister is not that good!


   Dumbledore visited a person with a real voice in the magic world for a day.

   No one thinks that the position of the Minister of Magic is really based on public opinion, is it elected by everyone's vote? That's the child's idea.

  Dumbledore was not so naive.

  He knew that ordinary wizards only saw the votes on the surface.

   Let’s not say whether each wizard can objectively understand the wizard he has elected, and whether the elected minister is needed by the elector.

   First talk about the pettyness in the ballot.

   The real elections have always been in the hands of powerful wizards.

   They manipulate the public opinion, or they hold the handle of ordinary wizards, or have claims on civilian wizards.

   In this way, the characters actually selected are still the results they want.

   Even worse, the votes will be directly tampered.

   Of course, the above statement may be too exaggerated.

   However, those upper-level wizards did have a great influence on the election of the Minister of Magic.

   They have more resources and they are naturally unwilling to lose these benefits.

   It is like Hogwarts has twelve boards of directors. The board of directors is the real person in charge of Hogwarts. They hired Professor Dumbledore as the principal of Hogwarts. This is not to say that Dumbledore is working for them. Dumbledore is not that cheap. Dumbledore's comments and suggestions, the twelve directors must be considered as a major event. They want to overpower Dumbledore, and unless twelve people unite to have a deterrent effect, Dumbledore will give in.

  The same is true for the Ministry of Magic. Those big guys who enjoy cheese not only occupy important positions, they also don't allow people who cannot control them to sit on their heads.

  The ministers thus selected cannot be said to be their puppets. After all, no one is qualified to manipulate the leader of the magic world, but if they are cooperative, it is still very appropriate.

   Once become the Minister of Magic, it means joining their circle and becoming one of the members.

   turned into a raccoon dog.

   So the way of thinking, naturally came to the camp he belongs to-the camp of the noble. The interests of ordinary wizards will be put behind.

   But it is not that there is no minister who wants to speak for ordinary wizards. Yes, the whole history of magic is only one or two.

   But neither of them turned out to be very good, or suddenly some inexplicable black material appeared, and dozens of wizarding newspapers criticized one after another. The people's satisfaction dropped sharply, and they stepped down. Either he was killed by a dark wizard who did not know where.

   And Dumbledore was very clear about the matter.

   Exclusion? Disdainful? Pretentiousness?

   Dumbledore would not have such a naive idea, he is not the mother **** of White Lotus.

   He saw much darkness, and even in that summer, he almost stepped in the same direction as Voldemort. If that was the case, there would be nothing Voldemort had done. But also based on light for a long time, also from that year, he devoted himself to the distinction between light and darkness.

  If he wants to change, he must first integrate.

  No wonder Harry believes that Dumbledore should be a minister, otherwise it is a pity that he has political talent.


   Dumbledore stepped out of the fireplace flame, frowning.

   It is not that today's travel is not effective, but it is very effective. All wizards visited by Dumbledore were first shocked by the intentions Dumbledore revealed.

   Merlin, the sun came out of the hairy crab's ass!

   Then, most of them expressed support for Dumbledore.

   This relied on Dumbledore’s eloquence. Dumbledore is a smart man and has a very far-sighted look. He can see what others see, and he can see what others cannot see.

   He can always promise the interests that others value most, and then extract from them the concessions he wants in some way.

   Even, Dumbledore's promised welfare was not as good as Fudge Connelly, but the other party still chose Dumbledore's camp with a smile on his face.


  Because this is the cleverness of smart people, it is pleasant to cooperate with smart people. Especially if Dumbledore is smarter than them. Old Man Deng sold them, and they also smiled and helped Old Man Deng count the money.

  What caused Dumbledore's eyebrows to be locked?

   is a sense of disgust, Dumbledore's disgust for himself.

   He loathed himself for enjoying the pleasure he felt while discussing dirty exchange of interests with those wizards.

   Dumbledore really wanted that thing now...he looked at the room and only remembered that it had been given to Harry.

   But he knew where that thing was.

   Then his phantom appeared and disappeared.


   Office of the Potions Division.

   A figure appeared suddenly.

   He opened a crimson cloth, revealing a huge mirror.

   Mirror of Eris.

   Dumbledore looked at the mirror, and there was a picture that only he could see: a soft and weak girl, a woman, and a majestic man.

   They looked at him with a smile, their eyes warm.

   Dumbledore relaxed and relieved, and the misty air on his body suddenly disappeared.

   "It's really weird." A slippery voice suddenly sounded.

   The owner of this room is back.

   Snape sneered, "The original Dumbledore was also upset."

   Dumbledore turned and smiled: "You should know that this mirror is mine."

  Snape smiled: "I just remember someone gave it to me, that's mine."

  Dumbledore said something that he didn't even believe: "I just want to see what the world of strawberry pudding is like."

  Snape smiled, "Hehe..."

  When Dumbledore was gone, Snape stood in front of the mirror and thought: What did the old fox see? Is it his first love girlfriend?


  January 3, 1994.

   There are two days left before Hogwarts spring school starts.

   Today is also the day when the major case of the century, the "Sirius Injustice Case", is heard.

   was in the tenth courtroom where Harry had been.

  Harry and Dumbledore took the elevator and descended directly to the ninth floor.

  Harry frowned slightly: "Why did the Ministry of Magic have to be so depressing? The phone receptionist was still so cold. You can learn about the Muggles' methods...the building of their city hall, open..."

   The ninth floor is This is the Department of Mysteries.

   This is the end of the elevator, only stairs below.

The courtroom is on the tenth floor, the last floor of the Ministry of Magic.

  On the ninth floor, there is only a narrow, long, dark corridor, facing the elevator entrance.

   This scene is different from all the floors above.

   The other floors are very large, there are many buildings, and there are endless stream of wizards.

   There is nothing on this floor, the walls are empty, there are no pictures of wizards hanging, and there are no windows.

   Only a simple black door stood at the end of the corridor.

  Harry wanted to say more about the Ministry of Magic, but when he saw the door, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

   There seemed to be an unattractive attraction pulling Harry, as if there was a very light sound that only Harry himself could hear his name.

  Dumbledore didn't notice Harry's strangeness. When he saw Harry staring at the black door, he just thought he was wondering what was inside.

   Dumbledore said: "The Department of Mystery, this is the only place I am interested in. But now you have no time to watch, we have to go to the court first."

   On the left side of the elevator, there is a corridor leading to the bottom.

   Dumbledore walked down first.

   As Harry stepped up the steps, he couldn't help turning his head and glanced at the black door at the end of the corridor.

  He believes in his feelings.

   There must be something related to him in that door.
