Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 271: Qualified Harry!

A week after the start of school.

There was a Quidditch match.

It was Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor.

Ravenclaw College won and it was very difficult to win.

Gryffindor is indeed very strong, their tactics are flexible and cooperating with each other. If it weren’t for Zhang Qiu’s firebolt, the Gryffindor Academy would have won.

But if you win, you win.

Gryffindor made no excuses to conceal their failure.

They have no chance of winning this year. They have lost two games. The Gryffindor players are aware of this.

They looked at Captain Wood worriedly.

He must be the saddest, because he is the one who invested the most in Quidditch.

However, to everyone's surprise, Wood's eyes were red first, his head down, his fists clenched tightly, and he seemed to be suicidal in depression. Then suddenly he laughed.

Just when Fred yelled that Wood was crazy and was about to see Madam Pomfrey for treatment.

Wood said wisely: "I'm fine, just figured out some things."

The players were puzzled.

"I have always regarded the Quidditch Champions Cup too much. Since I was seven years old, I have been exposed to Quidditch. It is only now that I want to understand that I like the sport and process of Quidditch. It’s hard work. You don’t have to win a trophy in the Quidditch game.”

Angelina Johansson, Alia Spinett, and Katie Bell are girls on three teams. They stared at Wood, and they didn't believe they could hear such words from Wood.

They have known Wood for several years, and every year they are exhausted for training. Once anyone in the team slacks off, he will immediately yell and yell, as if they have done something annoying.

But now, Wood even said this.

Wood smiled heartily: "However, this doesn't mean we can't fight well. We have to work harder, about, this is the last time I struggled so hard for Quidditch." At the end, Wood was a little emotional. Significantly low.

"Come on, friends, at least let me fly in the last game heartily, and see our unstoppable, just gave me a gift when I graduated."

Everyone was impressed by Wood's sincere words. Even George and Fred, the two living treasures, were rare in their hippie smiles.

"Good." The remaining six nodded heavily.

Wood smiled with a conspiracy: "Then it is so decided. In the future, we will train five times a week! Before the last game in March, one day cannot be relaxed."

"Ah! You are too cruel." The six complained.

Afterwards, Wood even found Harry and apologized to him.

Before saying that because Harry refused him to join Gryffindor's Quidditch team, he said a lot of unpleasant things behind Harry, asking Harry for forgiveness.

It's a pity that Harry didn't say anything at all, just focused on the book in his hand.

Wood left with regret.

Hermione leaned in and said, "What the **** is he doing? Really realized he was wrong?"

Harry turned a page of the book in his hand and said indifferently: "Despite him, I haven't put him in my heart, whether he is genuine or fake, it has nothing to do with me."


After the semester begins, the course becomes busier.

As if everything is speeding up, I hurriedly want to push spring into summer.

Although Hermione has no divination classes, in fact, the assignments in the divination classes are equal to none compared to all the mass work she has to complete.

Gryffindor's Quidditch members are trained, so they can only complete their homework at most two nights a week.

Compared with Hermione, their grievances are nothing but the urgency of having no time to do homework.

Hermione takes a dozen courses every week and completes a dozen homework.

If she is willing to be more casual and deal with things, it won't be so hard.

But she is a Virgo girl who pursues perfection. Strive to achieve the best performance for each subject, not only to let the professors praise it, but sometimes even add homework to yourself.

For example, a paper on pharmacy testing by Snape.

The rule is that the parchment is full of two feet, but Hermione thinks that if you only write so much, the really important knowledge is incomplete, so she turned over the book of expanded potion knowledge, which was full of four feet long, or The type with very small fonts.

Harry's persuasion didn't work, although Hermione also agreed to sloppy the next assignment, not so serious.

But seriousness is Hermione's nature, and nothing can change it.

So again and again, Hermione came over like this.

Whenever Hermione finished her heavy homework on the desk, Zhang Qiu would help her relieve stress. When Hermione frowned, Zhang Qiu would squeeze her shoulder and press her temple.

Zhang Qiuxianliang's face, distressed Hermione's expression, was like a mother who saw her daughter still staying up late at midnight to do her homework, exactly the same.

Harry all smiled and said that she will be able to take good care of their daughters in the future.

Zhang Qiu was slightly ashamed.

Zhang Qiu was surprised when she saw Hermione's table full of courses and even two classes at the same time, but she didn't ask. When one day, two people take a bath together. Zhang Qiu noticed the hourglass pendant hanging on Hermione's chest.

Zhang Qiu is also a knowledgeable person, and she recognized it as a time converter.

She was curious to touch it.

"Ah..." Two exclamations sounded at the same time, as if the two had slipped.

Kind Harry cannot be indifferent, of course, but he is very concerned about Hermione and Zhang Qiu, so in the first time, he directly appeared from the living room phantom to the bathroom.

"Are you all right?" Harry asked sincerely.

The bathroom was filled with water vapor and could not be seen clearly from face to face, but in order to see whether they were injured, Harry applied a magic to the eyes as soon as possible: Longyan Shengtong.

You can see through all the darkness, not to mention a little water mist, even the beautiful girl's clothes...cough... even the blind eyes caused by magic can see through.

"We are fine." Zhang Qiurou said weakly.

She looked up and saw that Harry's eyes were like dragon's pupils, emitting golden light.

"Yeah!" Zhang Qiu exclaimed.

Shy and anxious said: "Don't watch it, go out soon, you go out soon."

Zhang Qiu shyly hid behind Hermione, hiding her smooth body.

Hermione was furious. She couldn't see Zhang Qiu being bullied by Harry. She opened her arms and wanted to protect Zhang Qiu. She suddenly realized that she was facing nothing at all. She immediately folded her arms around her chest and stood sideways.

Angrily said: "Big Wolf, you get out quickly."

Then he took a bottle of shower gel and threw it at Harry.

"Boom." The bottle hit Harry's forehead, but Harry's eyes didn't blink and his footsteps didn't shake a little.

After all, what does this hurt compare to the injuries they might encounter?

What a qualified and reliable boyfriend.

In the end Hermione had to bear the shame, pulled Harry, opened the bathroom door, and pushed him out.

Otherwise, he could definitely stand in the bathroom and watch them all bathing without moving, and he would also be known to protect them, worrying that they might fall again.

Harry is such a selfless Harry was pushed out.

Two girls whispered in the room.

"Zhang Qiu, your... how big is that? Harry just couldn't turn his eyes."

Zhang Qiu said embarrassedly: "How could it be because I am one year older than you."

Hermione said in disbelief: "One year old, how could it be so much? Is there any good way?"

Then the voice went down, Harry couldn't hear clearly, a soft buzz was shrouded in their ears, and they used the closed earplugs spell.

Harry thought angrily: This mantra is used to prevent villains, but I didn't expect even a gentleman like me to guard against it.


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