Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 315: See Phoenix for the first time!

There are more than a thousand wizards who come to the exam today.

This is not a small number.

It should be said that there are so many right.

You know that the total number of wizards in the magic world is less than one million, and today there are more than 1,000 wizards in the British Ministry of Magic exams, a very high proportion.

Among them, young people account for the majority, and there are a few middle-aged wizards.

A middle-aged wizard is talking to the invigilator.

His red hair became thinner and bald, and he was about to become bald. He was tall and thin, wearing glasses and wearing a red robe, with a faithful and honest look.

"Arthur, why did you come to take this exam?" the invigilator wizard asked in surprise.

"Minister Dumbledore said that in the next few years, the original "public sorcerers" of the Ministry of Magic will also be evaluated one after another, so I thought it would be better to participate in advance."

The invigilator wizard said, "You can read the printed test book for public wizards! You have read more than four thousand questions. I have a headache after reading it for a while."

"And, what's the hurry..." The invigilator wizard frowned, "Now the Ministry of Magic is mobilizing personnel, and it's still unstable. When everyone's department is re-divided, I only look for the guys I know in the "Public Witch Assessment Office" who want to pass the exam , Isn’t it simple?"

Arthur Weasley smiled silently.

The invigilator wizard suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Arthur, ask me to say that Minister Dumbledore is too unfair to you."

"What do you mean?"

"Okay, don’t pretend, Arthur. Recently the Ministry of Magic has spread it privately. Minister Dumbledore has always had a mysterious organization called "Phoenix" to fight Voldemort. You and some other wizards are loyal. Minister Dumbledore for decades. But now I heard that Dumbledore intends to play down the "Phoenix", but there is no arrangement for you old people..."

"If I were Minister Dumbledore, so many years of hard work and hard work, I have to arrange a good job for you."

"Put!" Arthur Weasley showed the right "shocked".

A young man deliberately walked past them, and also made an arrogant "hum" sound.

Arthur Weasley's face was a bit ugly because it was Percy Weasley who had moved out of their home.

Arthur Weasley sighed and entered the examination room.


Hermione felt she was being watched.

She looked down.

I saw a group of strange wizards standing together and seemed to be watching her.

There are men and women in that small group.

Hermione's eyes lit up and found that Professor Lu Ping was also inside.

She walked over to greet Professor Lu Ping, and beside Professor Lu Ping, stood a woman with purple hair.

Hermione felt familiar, thinking for a moment before thinking that this was Professor Lupin's witch when he left school.

A tall wizard who wore a thick bag with many pockets even in summer stopped turning around and observing the surrounding heads, turning around.

His appearance scared Hermione, because his left eyeball was a fake eye, looking at the fierce and scary.

He was a little crazy, his hands kept shaking, he took out a hip flask from his pocket and poured two violently. He accidentally dumped some on his face and said, "Ah, what do you think, anti-cheating here?" It’s my arrangement to test the magic. He even wanted me to take the exam. I’ve been doing Auror for decades, and the teachers who are teachers of the Aurors in the Auror office are all qualified. I’m going to take this **** exam. ."

"Moody, isn't this the result everyone has discussed? Don't complain." Lu Ping laughed.

"By the way, Sirius Black, he has been released for so long, I haven't seen him yet." One-eyed Moody said loudly, lest other wizards would hear it.

"It should be back soon, he wrote in this way." Lu Ping said.

A witch reached out to greet Hermione and smiled, "Hello Hermione, my name is Emily Vance."

"Do you know me?" Hermione asked in surprise.

"Of course, we all know you. You are Potter's little girlfriend." The purple-haired witch smiled.

"Who are you?" Hermione asked, and she felt that these people were not ordinary wizards.

"You are going to ask Harry, he knows it very well."

"Okay, let's go in as quickly as possible, Merlin, I hope I can pass it once." A witch was worried.

"Haha, Edgar, we said yes. Whoever passes, invites three brooms to drink."

"Why not go to the broken cauldron bar, there are hundreds of types of wine there, I have tried it once, and I don't want to go to other bars anymore."

"Please, please drink all of you drunks once, and you will be able to drink me poor. This is still a 20% discount membership card that Harry gave us."


After entering the examination room.

An examiner who could see the shadow of Snape said with a cold face, "I emphasize again, there are dozens of anti-cheat detection methods in the room, don't ask for it, please. Anyone who is pulled out is forbidden to participate again within three years. If you commit a second offense, you will not be hired by the Ministry of Magic for the rest of your life. In severe cases, you will even be arrested and arrested in a wizard prison.

Hermione started to do the question at the first moment of getting the test paper.

After that, dozens of young people who wanted to take shortcuts were caught by Aurors who patrolled the examination room because of cheating, and left the examination room in embarrassment.

Among the remaining wizards, I am afraid there are still people who originally wanted to cheat, but these cheaters who were caught one by one sounded the alarm for them, so that they did not dare to be lucky.

Mad-eyed Hammoudi looked at the question full of papers, and looked painful.

"Merlin, why do I have to take the exam?"

He opened the hip flask and began to drink.

The bitter wine hurts in the throat and stomps.


Twenty minutes before the test begins.

Harry and Hermione came to the Ministry of Magic.

Hermione wants to visit the new Ministry of Magic.

Harry came to the minister's office, the center of the Ministry of Magic.

"Call me to do something, Dumbledore."

When I opened the door, the office was full of people.

Dumbledore said, "Harry, I want to introduce you to some members of the "Phoenix."

"Professor Lupin doesn't need me to say it."

A young man with gray hair smiled and nodded to Harry. "Harry, see you again."

Then pointed at the purple-haired witch next to him slightly, and said softly, "This is Nifadora Tonks."

This is a lively witch, who hugged Harry happily and said, "Don't call me by my name, otherwise I will be angry, just call me Tonks, I am a natural Animagus."

Her hair quickly changed colors, and back to purple.

"This is Alasto Moody. He is an Auror, the oldest Auror of the Ministry of Magic. We all call him Mad-eyed Moody." Lu Ping smiled, but his tone was respectful.

Alasto Moody is an old wizard. His eyes are very unique. One eye is small, black, bead-like, and normal. The other one is big, round, with a bright blue. His real eyes moved freely, and the magic eyes kept blinking, seeing everything around him.

Mad-eyed Hammoudi broke a leg and replaced it with a fake leg made of wood.

Under his thick dark gray hair, his face looked scarred and had a feeling of old wood. A large piece of his nose was missing.

There is nothing good about him. These are his medals as Auror, against countless black wizards countless times.

Dumbledore said, "Originally I wanted Moody to go to Hogwarts to do your black magic defense class, but Snape was reluctant to do so."

Harry raised an eyebrow, he thought he guessed what Snape wanted to do.

"Although I'm retired, I don't want to go to Hogwarts to take care of the group of suckling bastards. With this time, I might as well kill two black wizards."

Mad-eyed Hammoudi took a sip of wine and smashed his crutches on the ground, saying, "In addition, I still don't believe that Snape was actually a member of the Order of the Phoenix. During the war, I fought with him several times. You live and die. Albus, you really are not confused."

It seems that Mad-eyed Han Moody discussed this issue with Dumbledore more than once, and Dumbledore laughed, "Moody, Severus is worthy of trust."

A tall, Chinese-faced wizard said, "My name is Kingsley Shackle."

A sorcerer who talked about the wind said, "My name is Eiffel Dogo."

A witch with a purple voice and a purple top hat said excitedly, "Potter, remember me, when you were young, I saluted you on the train."

A witch with a pale green shawl and an astonishing, elegant look, smiled and nodded at Harry. "I'm Emily Vance."

Harry took her hand, then let it go quietly.

Just now, this elegant lady-like witch, even quietly scratching his palm, is teasing him.

Harry was wary of Merlin, and someone was greedy me again, what could I do.

A sorceress with dark hair and pink cheeks said, "My name is Hesja Jones. I am currently working on a toaster for Muggles. I will make it for you if I have time."

"Merlin, your scorched and dark bread, do you want to poison Potter?" a witch shut up, Stoggy! Shouted the low Hesja.

Afterwards, the wizards in the house introduced themselves one by one.

Harry said, "So... Dumbledore, you introduced them to me. What do you mean?"

Dumbledore said directly, "Harry, these are my most loyal buddies. I am going to let them pass the examination of the witches, enter the Ministry of Magic in their official capacity, enter various important departments, and then promote them, so as not to fall."

"I hope that you can join the Ministry of Magic... In this way, they will support you to become the Minister of Magic in the future."

Harry immediately shook his head. "It turns out that you are fighting this idea, there is no way! I don't want to be the Minister of Magic. I still have something to do. Let's go first."

Dumbledore didn't expect it to be the result, but it was the position of Minister of Magic.

He hurriedly shouted, "Don't worry, I haven't told you how good it is to be a minister."

After hearing this, Harry slipped faster.
