Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 390: May is here!

Time flies by while passing away.

Life at Hogwarts is the same.

But the outside world is constantly being impacted by new changes.

The Ministry of Magic opened a new wizarding bank, and made it clear that it would be on the opposite side of Gringotts.

The building is magnificent.

At first, not many people were optimistic about the "British Wizard Bank" because the existence of Gringotts has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

However, more and more information about the Wizard Bank was leaked, and slowly, a small number of wizards entered the Wizard Bank with the attitude of giving it a try.

As soon as they entered, they found that it was very different from Wizard Bank.

The hall of Gringotts is decorated with too golden light, for fear that others will not know that their fairies are rich. Moreover, their counters are very high. Dwarf-like fairies can sit on the counters to look at the ordinary wizards. It may be because of their low stature that they have made the counters tall, otherwise they will feel inferior.

And the counter is always filled with piles of canons and rubies, showing off more than work.

The Wizarding Bank of the United Kingdom follows the style of the Ministry of Magic, focusing on spaciousness and simplicity.

No money can be seen on the bright side.

The Witcher Bank doesn't have bulletproof glass, but no idiot will steal money.

The Anti-Phantom Manifestation has long been arranged here, and there are strict monitoring magic everywhere, and a new magic will be used as a masterpiece. The Auror office has a special operations team here to respond to emergencies at any time. In several vaults lie several well-trained fire dragons.

The defense here will only be stricter than Gringotts.

The other is that the Ministry of Magic and Wizard Bank are pushing for new currencies.

Whereas since the 13th century, wizards began to circulate Kanon.

So Dumbledore had no intention of starting all over again.

That will only destroy the monetary system that has been established with great difficulty.

It's just that the casting of wizard currency must never fall into the private industry of Gringotts.

Therefore, the new currencies are still gold gallons, silver sikes, and copper nats.

But it has become a brand-new manufacturing process, a brand-new pattern, a brand-new anti-counterfeiting magic, and the size has also changed.

It turns out that the exchange ratio is one gallon, which equals seventeen sikes, and one sike equals twenty-nine nats.

The new conversion ratio is one gallon for ten silvers and ten silvers for ten nats.

The new currency is minted according to the material ratio of the original currency, and there is essentially no difference between the two currencies.

The purchasing power of a new kaloon is still equal to that of an old kaloon, and only Silver Sike and Copper Nat will be affected.

In fact, there are only two goals for the implementation of the new currency. First, the exchange rate is balanced and easy to use. The second is to grasp the right to speak in currency manufacturing.

At the same time, the Wizarding Bank of the United Kingdom announced that it will always support the exchange of two currencies.

The old Garon, Sik, and Nat have not changed for 700 years, and they are also cowhide.

The new currency looks much more exquisite.

It's like comparing 240P with muddy Muggle videos and 1080P with super clear.

The new money is shiny.

The new currency was the first to be loved by young people, and the concept of middle-aged wizards was relatively conservative, and they were not at ease with the new Kanon.

However, more and more wizards are willing to use the new Kanon.

I heard that the goblin representatives of Gringotts are still making a noise in Dumbledore’s office, but Dumbledore just smiled and said: "The Ministry of Magic has not prohibited the circulation of the old Kanon, and the new Kanon exchanges the old Kanon, and the Ministry of Magic also supports it. Yes. The Ministry of Magic can't be blamed on how wizards choose."

The goblin of Gringotts left angrily.

Then the elves of Gringotts also wanted to do something on Kanon. They improved Kanon's manufacturing process overnight, but only mentioned 240P to 480P.

How could their momentary thoughts catch up with the Ministry's long-term plan.

However, this is really useful, and the exchange of New Kanon has been a little restrained.

After all, the circulation of the old Kanon is still crushing the new Kanon, how can it be said that the old Kanon is hammered.

But then, the Wizarding Bank of the United Kingdom introduced something called "Yue Bao".

Earn interest!

And it's not low.

The fairies of Gringotts were completely panicked.


Wizard Bank.

Two wizards came out of the bright hall.

"The service of the Wizarding Bank is much better than that of Gringotts. Looking at their smiling faces, it's no better than looking at those ugly goblins."

"Did you deposit all your money in Yu'e Bao project?"

"Yeah, anyway, I didn't use Kanon. I guess there will be various restrictions on Yu'e Bao in the future. It will be too late if you don't hurry up and gather some wool."

"I think, the key is that I have all the money in my hand to open a shop."

"Hey, I can buy a few magic castles just by eating the daily interest, and I will have a bowl of magic spicy soup..."

"Stop talking, I'm hot and sour..."

"Ah, have you noticed the machines standing on the side of the hall? Some wizards are holding magic wands as if debugging something."

"Oh, I know this. My friend is in the Magic Research Office under the Wizard Bank. He said that this is something called an "Automated Teller Machine" that the Wizard Bank is going to launch. Then there is no need to queue at the counter, and directly at the machine You can take Kanon."

"So convenient?"

"What's this..." The wizard whispered, "I heard that the Ministry of Magic is going to make something called "digital currency". In the future, we won't even need to bring Garon when we go out... But it seems that we need some "wizard status". "It can link the money we deposit in the Wizarding Bank with our "ID card"..."

"Really? How can I buy things without Kanon? It's too much."

"Anyway, my friend said so."


In a blink of an eye.

Easter in 1994 is approaching.

Looking back last year, they also met Diana of the British Muggle government.

They will not go on Easter tours this year because they are doing more and more homework.

In addition to finishing her homework, Hermione had to study a magical idea Harry gave her.

Wait until Easter is about to end.

Fleur had naturally taken a bath in the bathroom of Harry's cabin, and then walked around in front of Harry in light-permeable clothes.

After the Easter holiday, it is the summer semester.

Zhang Qiu dug a scoop of ice cream and said gratefully: "As always, I should step up my training and prepare for the last Quidditch. After I quit Quidditch, it's really much easier."

May is long overdue.

All the teachers and students of the school are waiting for the end of this month when Bagman officially informs the Warriors about the last event of the Triwizard Tournament.

Finally, the last week has arrived.

After a transformation lesson.

Principal McGonagall asked Harry to stay.

"Harry, you go to the Quidditch stadium below at nine o'clock tonight." Principal McGonagall said: "Mr. Bagman is going to tell the Warriors what the third project is there."

So, at 8:30 that night, Harry broke up with Zhang Qiu, Hermione and Astoria in Harry's hut.

"Look at how nervous you are, just one game," Harry said, walking downstairs.

Out of the castle gate.

The night is overcast today.

On the lawn, I met Furong coming from a carriage Furong asked: "Guess what the game will be. Maybe there is an underground tunnel. Let's find treasure."

"I know, but I can't tell you." Harry said.

Furong: "..."

They walked along the dark lawn towards the Quidditch pitch, then entered the pitch through a gap in the stands.

The Quidditch Stadium has changed a lot, no longer flat and smooth.

It seems that someone has built countless long low walls here, these low walls are intricately stretched out in all directions.

"Hey, it's the wall!" Furong said in surprise: "How did the Quidditch venue become like this?"

Then he looked down at the low wall closest to her. .


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