Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 414: Not as big as you...

In the thick night, a familiar voice sounded: "First-year freshmen, please line up here! All first-year freshmen will come with me!"

A tall shadow swayed towards the railway platform with a yellow lamp.

The freshmen raised their heads in fear, looking at Hagrid who seemed to be able to eat a child in one bite, and kept squeezing back.

Hagrid raised the lamp to his face, his beard and savage look reflected in the newborn's eyes, Hagrid showed a nuclear smile: "Let's go, little guys."

Outside Hogsmeade station was a dark street washed by rain, with about a hundred carriages parked on the road.

The animal that pulls the carriage is not a horse, but a very strange animal, a bit like a reptile. They have no flesh at all, and the black fur is tightly attached to the skeleton, as if a certain animal died, only the skeleton is left, and then they were resurrected by black magic. Each of their bones is clearly visible, their heads are like dragons' heads, and their pupilsless eyes are white, staring intently.

Wings emerged from the bulge between the shoulder bones. A pair of big, black, tough wings seemed to belong to a giant bat.

These animals remained motionless and did not make any noise. The breath from their nostrils was condensed into water vapor in the cold night air, and they stood quietly in the darker night, with an ominous feeling.

Suddenly a third-grade girl said, "Don't these carriages can move on their own without a horse? Why are there so many scary animals in front of them."

"Anna, what are you talking about?" her classmate said puzzledly.

Anna said, "I mean the animals tied in front of these carriages are like horses, but not like horses."

"What horse-like thing?" Her classmate looked at Anna amusedly, thinking Anna was teasing them on purpose.

"It's the horse-like things that pull those carriages!" Anna's voice became louder, a little angry.

Obviously those strange horses were two or three meters away from them, and they were watching them with empty white eyes, but her friend deliberately pretended not to see them.

"What are you talking about?" her friend said.

"I'm saying... come and see!" Anna grabbed her friend's arm and pulled directly in front of the strange horse, facing the strange horse with wings.

Her friend stared straight at the air, then turned to look at Anna.

"What are you telling me to watch?"

"Look at that, it's on the carriage where my fingers are! Right in front of you..."

But several of her friends were still confused, and Anna suddenly had a strange idea.

"Don't... can't you see them?"

"See what?"

"Anna, you... are you kidding?" Her classmate looked at nothing in front of the carriage, then looked at Anna, and asked anxiously.

"There is nothing wrong with you, Anna?"

"I... it's okay..." Anna suddenly realized something from the blank expression of the person next to her, and her body trembled and calmed down.

For wizards, seeing things that others can't see is not a good sign.

She smiled pale: "Actually, I'm joking with you, there is no strange horse at all."

The people around looked at her weirdly, and then silently moved away from her. Although her friends didn't do this, it was obvious that there was a hint of doubt in their eyes when they looked at her.


Harry, Luna and the five got in a carriage.

Luna didn't know what she was thinking, and smiled reluctantly: "It's really strange, there is no horse, it's a joke."

She said this perhaps because she didn't want to look like she was a weird girl in front of Harry.

But... Harry gave her a strange look and said, "Can't you see them, Ye Qi."

Luna was startled, and looked at Harry with bright eyes: "Can you see them? Aren't you afraid?"

Harry said indifferently, "What am I afraid of."

"Because only you know the existence of this thing. Tell others that they don't believe it and think you can see things they can't see. This indicates an unknown omen." Luna said eagerly.

Harry rolled his eyes: "They read less, I don't blame them, isn't it just people who have faced death to see Ye Qi."

Hermione said: "The girl named Anna, I'm afraid it was this summer vacation. She saw someone pass away. "Hogwarts, a school history" clearly stated that the school cultivated night skies, and their role is to pull The carriage for sending students, how few people know this common sense. I decided to suggest that Principal McGonagall make "Hogwarts, a school history" a guide for freshmen admission."

"Can you see it too?" Luna said.

Hermione said, "I can't, but I know. Unfortunately, there are no pictures of them in the book, and I can only imagine what they look like based on the text."

Harry said, "It's better not to see it, it's too ugly, the kind of ugliness that can make you have nightmares."


Looking at the words of the people on the carriage, it seemed that they didn't care about the so-called unlucky Ye Qi, Luna suddenly showed a faint smile, very happy.

Hermione noticed this She pressed Zhang Qiu's ear and said angrily: "Look at Harry, and she has improved her favorability in Luna, absolutely deliberately."

Zhang Qiu nodded in agreement.


The carriages lined up, creaking and staggering on the road. They passed the tall stone pillars on either side of the gate leading to the school grounds, on top of which were wild boars with wings.

I could still see the lights in Hagrid's new house next to the Forbidden Forest, and the screams came, calling Hagrid to go home quickly.

Hogwarts Castle faintly got closer and closer: the towering towers appeared darker against the dark night sky, and occasionally a window could be seen shining a bright red light above them.

The carriage dinged and stopped beside the stone steps leading to the oak gate, and Harry jumped out of the carriage first.

Then first took the petite Astoria out of the car. In order not to cause Zhang Qiu's dissatisfaction, he was very smart to give them equal treatment. After that, he turned around subconsciously and made a hug gesture.

Inertia, inertia...

The carriage walked out of Luna, her face stiffened as she looked at Harry who was about to catch her.

"Ahem..." Harry was not unnatural at all, and put his arm down as if nothing had happened.

But Luna suddenly rushed towards Harry, Harry hugged Luna, turned around one hundred and eighty degrees, and dropped her to the ground safely.

"I, let's go." Luna turned a little red and walked to the front.

"Oh... ok," Harry said.

"Harry, is it comfortable? Is Luna's waist soft and **** up?" Hermione asked "gently".

Harry's expression remained as usual: "I don't know, my hands are so honest, I just feel...not as big as you."

Hermione: "Bah..." Then pulling Zhang Qiu, Astoria hurried up the stone steps and entered the castle.
