Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 415: The banquet begins

The hall of Hogwarts was illuminated by torches, echoing the footsteps of students.

The little wizard in wizard robes crossed the slate floor and walked to the two gates on the right leading to the auditorium, where the school banquet was held.

The auditorium is full of four long college dining tables. Above it is a pitch-black ceiling without stars. This is the view of the sky outside through the high windows.

There were candles floating above the dining table, illuminating the silver-white ghosts dotted in the auditorium, and illuminating the excited faces of the students.

They were talking happily, exchanging what they had learned during the summer vacation, greeted loudly with friends from other colleges, and looked at each other's new hairstyles and new clothes.

Luna and Zhang Qiu left Harry and sat at Ravenclaw's table. As soon as they walked to Ravenclaw's table, Zhang Qiu was excitedly pulled over by several fifth-grade girls and sat down.

Harry, Astoria, and Hermione found a few seats at the Gryffindor table to sit together, and on the right sat the ghost of Gryffindor College—Nick, who was almost headless, was playing with others again. The old one, separate your head for others to see.

On the other side are Parvati Petir and Lavender Brown. The two girls confessed falsely and greeted excessively enthusiastically. Apparently, Parvati Petir seemed to show off to her good friends that she had become the prefect. Lavender Brown's expression was a bit stiff. She did not expect Parvati Petir to bite this way. To the point, she will be attacked together with the **** of green tea.

It's really appropriate for the plastic sisters to be friends.

At the long staff desk in front of the auditorium, a dignified soul sat on the very edge.

She bit her lip and watched the students walking into the auditorium. When she saw a certain figure, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth and then faded away.

"Huh, where's Professor Bins?" a seventh-grade boy asked in surprise.

He suddenly noticed that Bins, the professor of history of magic, who had not been absent for seven years, had disappeared.

"Did you forget? At the end of last semester, Professor Bins was fired." Another boy said.

"Oh, yes. I really didn't think about it. Who made him teach us for six years. Then he should hire a new professor of history of magic, but there are no new faces on the faculty seat."

"Who knows, it may not be confirmed yet."

"No, we have all started school."


Hagrid's tall and strong figure appeared at the end of the table.

He has led the first-year students across the Black Lake to the castle by boat.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, the door to the hall opened, and a long line of first-year freshmen who looked undecided led by Principal McGonagall into the auditorium.

Principal McGonagall was holding a stool in his hand, on which was an old wizard hat. The hat was patched with patches, and there was a wide crack beside the frayed brim of the hat.

The buzzing conversation in the auditorium gradually subsided.

The first-year freshmen lined up in a row at the faculty desk, facing the students of other grades.

Hermione missed it: "Harry, I still remember how we were when we were in the first place. Everyone in a room seemed to have their eyes on my face."

"Yeah, I was thinking, I must let you, a proud little girl, be my wife." Harry said.

"I was eleven years old then," Hermione said.

Harry shrugged: "No way, who makes you so cute."


Principal McGonagall carefully placed the stool in front of the first-year students, and then stepped back.

The face of the first-year freshman was gleaming pale under the light of the candle, and his heart was uneasy and at a loss.

All the teachers and students in the school waited with their breath held. Then, the crack beside the brim of the hat opened like a mouth, and the sorting hat sang loudly:

A long time ago I was still wearing a new hat,

Hogwarts hadn't been built yet,

The four founders of Noble Academy,

Thought they would never part ways.

The same goal brings them together,

The wishes of each other are so the same:

To build the best magic school in the world,

Let their knowledge pass on and continue.

"We will build a school together and teach together!"

The four friends have very firm ideas,

However, they never dreamed of it,

One day they will split from each other.

What friends are there in this world,

Could it be better than Slytherin and Gryffindor?

Unless you count another pair of close friends--

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw?

How could such a good thing mess up?

How could such a friendship be wiped out?

Alas, I witnessed this sad story with my own eyes,

So I can tell you in detail here.

Slytherin said: "The students we teach,

Their blood must be the purest and purest. "

Ravenclaw said: "The students we teach,

Their intelligence must be superior to others. "

Gryffindor said: "The students we teach,

Must be brave and fearless, and desperate. "

Hufflepuff said: "I want to teach many people,

And treat them equally. "

These differences are revealed for the first time,

It caused a little quarrel.

The four founders each own a college,

Only recruit the teenagers they each want.

The wizards Slytherin accepted were like him,

Pure blood and scheming.

Only those younger generations with the sharpest minds,

To listen to the teachings of Ravenclaw.

If anyone is bold and fearless, loves adventure,

He was admitted into the college by the brave Gryffindor.

The rest were received by the kind Hufflepuff,

She taught them all her skills.

The four colleges and their founders,

In this way, a strong and sincere friendship is maintained.

During those many happy years,

Teaching at Hogwarts was pleasant and harmonious.

But then slowly there was a split,

And it is intensified by our shortcomings and fears.

The four colleges are like four stone pillars,

Has firmly supported our school.

Now they are against each other, disputes continue,

Everyone wants to monopolize the power.

For a while,

The school is about to die.

Countless noises, countless fights,

Good friends of the past turned against each other.

Finally, in the early morning one day,

The elderly Slytherin left suddenly.

Although the dispute has subsided by then,

He left us discouragedly.

Only three of the four creators remain,

Since then, the situation of the four colleges,

No longer as expected in the past

Live in harmony and unite as one.

The Sorting Hat is in front of you now,

You all know the origin of the matter:

I divided you into each college because my responsibilities cannot be changed.

Now let's start sorting...

After singing the hat, I won’t move again. This is charging for a whole year and rap for two minutes.

The auditorium became noisy with the singing of the Sorting Hat.

Principal McGonagall was about to report the list of first-year freshmen. She scanned the auditorium with a normal and stern look, and immediately, the whispering students were silent.

Nick, who was almost headless, pressed a transparent finger to his lips and sat upright seriously, and the buzzing in the auditorium stopped abruptly.

Professor McGonagall frowned and glanced at the four tables again, then looked down at the long piece of parchment in his hand, and called out the first name.

"Euan Abercrombie."

A panicked little boy stumbled forward and looked at Principal McGonagall blankly.

Principal McGonagall looked at the end of the team from him, and said: "Now is the time for the branch, you only need to wear that hat."

The little boy relaxed a little, and then put the hat on his head. Fortunately, he had two ears larger than Tutu stuck, so the hat did not fall onto his shoulders.

The Sorting Hat considered for a moment, and then the crack beside the brim of the hat opened again, and announced loudly:


Gryffindor’s classmates applauded enthusiastically, and the little boy staggered over to their table and sat down. Seeing his expression, he seemed to be anxious that there was a hole in the ground for him to get in, and no one was watching. Watch him.

Slowly, the long team of first-year freshmen shortened a little bit.

Finally, a child named Rose Zeller was sorted into Hufflepuff. Principal McGonagall put away his hat and stool, turned and walked to the middle of the seat, standing.
