Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 420: Ordinary potions class

"Quiet." Snape said coldly, closing the door of the classroom.

In fact, he didn't need to order everyone to be quiet, because as soon as the class heard that the door was closed, they became silent, and all small movements stopped.

Professor Snape seemed to be in anger. Whoever dared to make a sound at this time was to hit the gun with his eyes open.

In fact, Snape yelled "Quiet", but he didn't really want to clean up the class. He hoped that someone who didn't know how to make a move just made some noise, and he had reason to vent his anger.

However, he was disappointed.

Snape walked to the podium. Only his footsteps could be heard in the classroom. He looked at everyone and said with a cold face: "Before class, I think I need to remind you that next June, you will participate in an important event. You have taken the exam. In that exam, you will prove how much knowledge you have learned about the preparation and use of potions."

"Although there are a few people in this class who are really mentally retarded, I also hope that you can barely'pass' in the Ls exam, otherwise I will be... very angry."

His gaze focused on the faces of Neville Ronsimo and the others this time, and they took a breath of fright.

Snape suddenly changed his tone, and said without a smile, "Of course, after this year, many of you will not have the opportunity to take my class again, because many people think that through the .Ls potion The exam is worth cheering for you. There will be no more pursuits. It’s okay. It’s a clever way to retreat. I will only select the best students into my potions class next year. There is always a chance."

Although it was full of irony, as soon as the voice fell, a relieved voice rang out in the class.

Everyone's voice is: Oh, great, Merlin, I finally want to say goodbye to the potions class. .Ls? Something is wrong with me, and I will continue to find Snape to be tortured.

Snape looked at the unbearable smile on the faces of most of the people in the class. His face was gloomy and the corners of his mouth twitched. He couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: "Made..."

Snape laughed suddenly, of course the kind of smiling tiger and the cold viper smile, he squinted his eyes and scanned the class: "Before the happy time of farewell, we need to hold on for another year, just one year. ..."

At this moment, Snape made up his mind that this year, he would let them taste the pain for five years.

The students in the class shivered suddenly.

Snape said: "Okay, let's start the class. Today, we are going to prepare a potion that often appears in the ordinary wizard rank exam: a demulcent. Its function is to calm and relieve anxiety and anxiety. Note: If you put ingredients When it is so-so, it will cause the drug user to fall into a kind of deadly and sometimes irreversible lethargy..."

As soon as the class started, Hermione was very energetic, her face was full of concentration.

Harry didn't look at the ingredients and preparation methods that appeared on the blackboard when Snape waved his wand. Instead, he took out a book "Advanced Potions Making" and examined it closely.

This book is not the book to be used this school year.

Each page of the textbook is filled with dense text notes, and the ingredients of some medicines have been crossed out by the owner of the book.

If some potions experts were to see it, they would think it was a child's random graffiti if they didn't even look at it, because the process of making these potions would fail with a little movement, let alone such drastic changes.

Noting Snape's gaze on him, Harry smiled Lockhart at Snape, and put the book in his hand to cover his handsome face.

At the bottom of the back of the book, there are a few small words: "This book belongs to the Half-Blood Prince"

Arrogant, very arrogant.

Snape's anger surged. He knew that Harry had deliberately provoke him, but he couldn't help it, because if he punished him for not attending the class seriously, Harry would definitely look naive Make a perfect mitigator, and then ask the weaker question again. Dear Professor Snape, I have learned it. Then there is no problem with some higher potion knowledge. It is him who will not be able to come to Taiwan then. Fortunately, Harry didn't know that this book was left by him, otherwise Harry would be proud of it. Using his knowledge to solve the problem of his arrangement is the most disgusting.

Unfortunately, Snape thought what Harry made him think.

Snape thought that the identity of the half-blood prince was definitely a secret that no one could discover, but Harry knew it well.

Snape didn’t see it, so he stopped looking at Harry, or he would panic.

"The necessary potions are in the storage cabinet. You have an hour and a half. Let's get started. Hand in your finished products when class is over. I'll rate you." Snape finished speaking and left the underground classroom directly.

The classroom buzzed.

"How did Professor Snape go?"

"That's not better, hurry up, who can do it, teach me."

"Who will be a head, it's not the first time. And my cauldron is not hot yet, let me teach you."

Hermione brought two potions from the cupboard, one for Harry.

The ease of this medicine is not very difficult, but its steps are very complicated, but the book is very detailed, if you can strictly follow the steps in the book, 90% can be successful.

However, everyone knows this, but failure or failure, because if you don't pay attention, you will forget or take a certain step.

Everyone used a magic wand to raise a flame under the cauldron, and then added various pre-weighed potions into the cauldron in a strict order.

One thing to mention is that in July this year, the Ministry of Magic promulgated a legal provision "On the implementation of the reform and replacement of some instruments in the magic potion industry". The official endorsement requires that the field of potions should gradually learn from Muggles. change.

The old-fashioned bronze, silver, and gold balances are hardly seen now in Diagon Alley, replaced by electronic analytical balances used by the Muggle World Chemistry Laboratory.

The measuring range is precise and easy to use, which improves the efficiency of pharmacy.

The students just used Muggle technology when weighing the potion.

I have to say that the scene is quite weird.


Each time you add an ingredient, you must stir the mixture a specified number of times, no more or no less, first clockwise, then counterclockwise, until the change described in the book appears in the crucible, and then quickly proceed to the next step, a few seconds earlier Or a few seconds later may make mistakes.

After the crucible is boiling, use magic to precisely control the temperature of the flame within a specific range, not high or low, and keep it for a long time before adding the last ingredient.

Many students made mistakes several times in the early stage, and then they quickly cleaned the crucible with ‘clean up’ and started again.

When they found that the time left was not enough to support them from the beginning, they could only go on gritting their teeth, no matter what it got out, first there was something to hand over.

"Hey, Malfoy, you need to add ten grams of Silver Moon hay powder, but I think you have poured in one hundred grams in your small pile."

"How... how is it possible, you must have read it wrong, continue to fret."

"Thomas, why did you suddenly jump to the seventh step? Didn't we just have the fifth step? Didn't you see the sixth step?"

" nonsense, it is a book error, there is an extra step printed on the book, trust me, absolutely correct."

"Okay, okay..."

Harry and Hermione were two exceptions, one with a relaxed look and a strict look, and they proceeded without a mistake.

At fifty minutes, they stopped.

In the crucible in front of them, there was an evenly concentrated potion emitting a little silver light, which was slowly rotating, like a shrinking Milky Way.

Needless to say, everyone understands that they succeeded.

It was sour in their hearts, and they lamented silently: There is lemon fruit on the lemon tree, and there is only me under the lemon tree.

After a while, what attracted Snape in was an explosion.

The Neville Crucible is frying again.


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