Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 438: Watch training

Hermione fled Harry away, or Harry's smiling eyes would make her feel ashamed.

Hermione stopped panting until there were shouts and cheers in front of her.

She looked back and Harry was walking over without any haste.

Hermione walked into the field, which was the Quidditch arena.

It was almost noon, and many students on the field in front of Hermione were enjoying the warm sunshine.

More importantly, they can also appreciate Quidditch training.

Although not as fierce as the real game, it is still quite good as a pastime.

There are even people walking around in the stands, selling snacks: "Melon seeds, popcorn, and Muggle iced fat house happy water, the quantity is limited, buy first serve first."

The students of Gryffindor who come out to bask in the sun do more. After all, they are the most active of the four colleges.

"How can you watch Quidditch training?" Harry sat next to Hermione.

Hermione felt that there were so many people here, and the lively environment could make the embarrassment she had just given birth a little lighter.

But she said: "After the Quidditch rules were revised, I haven't read it yet. You still persuade Dumbledore to reform the wizarding sports so seriously, and I haven't seen you being positive about Quidditch."

"I saw it and thought, so I did it. After all, you let a person living in the Muggle world accept that sports competition that is far from fair and full of loopholes. It is too difficult and there is no requirement to love it. Only the wizard of Quidditch can make reasonable suggestions."

Hermione said, "I think you are too free."


Many people cheered.

It turned out that the Quidditch team that had just taken a break began to play again.

Harry leaned back in his seat: "Then watch it for a while, just to pass the time watching a soap opera."

Now training is the Gryffindor team.

Seven wizards in red robe flew into the sky on flying broomsticks.

Before last semester, Wood had been a goalkeeper and captain.

After he left, Angelina assumed the position of captain.

The goalkeeper was selected, and Ron was finally selected.

Ron was riding a flying broom, guarding the three goal posts.

He was wearing Oliver Wood's previous robe, but Wood's shoulders were much wider than Ron, so he looked a little dragged.

Since he is a complete novice, the team's training direction mainly focuses on him, so that he is more familiar with goalkeeper tasks and how to defend against various offenses.

Judging from his performance, it seems that there is still a look.

In addition to Ron, two new players joined the team.

However, they used to be Quidditch reserve players. Compared to Ron, who had just practiced for two months, they had played Quidditch for several years.

Gryffindor's training is actually running the three of them, adapting to the official game.

"Who are these two people, seven people directly exchanged three, can this still play a game?" Harry said.

Hermione raised her eyebrows: "You are ashamed to say that it has always been George and Fred and the others are the batsmen. Didn't you encourage them to leave and let them drop out of Hogwarts."

"Haha..." Harry forced a smile: "There is such a thing, I have forgotten it."

Ron galloped through the sky to catch the ghost fly ball.

Although his teammates are training him and his men are merciful, he can block half of the offensive ball, which can be said to be quite good.

In a charge trying to block the goal from the right goal post, Ron didn't stop.

He turned a corner, flew down the field for a while, and returned to the goal position again.

In the process, he saw Harry present.

He was surprised that everyone knew that Harry, who was not interested in Quidditch, appeared at the Quidditch Stadium today, and then he couldn't help but think of something related to him.

He did not perform well in the first week of selection, but because of George and Fred, Angelina chose him.

Because a word George said made Angelina heart.

George said: "Our Weasleys have Quidditch blood on them. This is a hidden talent."

Angelina remembered Charlie Weasley before Wood, who led Gryffindor to suppress Slytherin. And George Fred, the twin batsmen, is also very good with the perfect match.

So she thought that maybe Ron really had a hidden talent, and it only needed more practice to reveal it.

In Ron's heart, he had no respect for his two brothers.

Because he has been tricked by them countless times since he was a child. At Hogwarts, their grades were very poor, and the aura of being a brother was not at all.

However, although Ron was not in awe of them, he actually relied on their existence.

When he first stepped into Hogwarts, he was a little proud when he saw others nervous, because George and Fred were two grades higher than him, and he knew many things that others didn't know.

Sometimes, when he "coincidentally" reveals that the school's twins who are famous for their mischief are his brother, others will look at him in a "wow" amazement, and he is a little vain in his heart.

But he didn't expect that they would leave school suddenly.

When they left, Ron suddenly felt that he was suddenly missing a strong protective layer.

Moreover, they also asked him to protect Ginny.

He was no longer taken care of by others, and instead became a caregiver for others.

So Ron really didn't understand how Harry was willing to hire them with an annual salary of ten thousand gallons with his two older brothers who had caused headaches for his parents for more than a decade.

"Ron, look at the ball." Angelina stopped Ron who was distracted.


A team wearing a dark green robes walked in from the field. They were members of the Slytherin Quidditch team.

Angelina shouted: "Monta, the time you applied for training is in the afternoon."

Monta was the new Quidditch captain, and he looked like an apes at the stop. The previous captain Marcus Flint had graduated.

Monta is holding a flying broom in his arms, just like holding a child's toy, which makes people a little worried. If he rides on the flying broom, will he hold the flying broom so hard to fly.

Monta sneered: "Why, don't we want to get some sunshine?"

"That's it. UU Reading"

"What do you care about so much, hurry up and play your ball. If you don't want to train, hurry down and don't waste the field." The Slytherins sneered very cooperatively.

Angelina asked the players to form a group, and she said with an ugly face: "Be serious about training for a while. You all know how cheap Slytherin's mouth is. Don't be affected by them. I hope you will treat them like them. exist."

"Good," the six people replied.

"Alia, Diallo, go and release the golden snitch in the ball box."

"Everyone, let's pass a few **** to warm up, all players pay attention..."

Suddenly, there was a scream and laughter. It was the members of the Slytherin Quidditch team and some diversified followers, sitting in the middle of the stands, their voices echoing loudly around the open court.


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