Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 468: Specializes in couples

Mariano proficiently released a "silent curse" on herself.

In this way, he won't make any sound during his actions.

"It would be great if I could use Animagus Transfiguration." Mariano sighed.

This idea appeared in his mind countless times.

Transfiguration and Animagus seem to have similarities, but they are not.

Transfiguration spells vary according to the things they change. The harder the deformation, the stronger the force required. If a match is turned into a needle, the force required is very small.

But if you turn a person into an animal, the magic power needed is very powerful.

And Principal McGonagall has repeatedly emphasized: Never try to use Transfiguration Charm on yourself.

Because you will really become an animal or an object, and all the magic power will disappear, and you will not be able to change it back on your own.

Unless you have a trusted companion who knows your situation and lifts your curse.

At that time, Principal McGonagall deliberately pulled down the brim of his hat, covered his face, grinned open the corner of his mouth, and said gloomily: "Maybe the broken teacup you see in Diagon Alley is a wizard, and there is a soul sealed in it."

Not to mention, it really smells like a vicious old witch.

Frightened a group of lions shivering, and quickly dispelled the idea of ​​death.

Animagus is different. First of all, it does not require a particularly powerful force to achieve.

As long as the steps are correct and the mentality is stable, you can succeed.

Secondly, Animagus can only become an animal, and only one form.

The most important point is that it is also the biggest difference from the Transfiguration Curse: through Animagus becoming an animal, the body will retain its own magical mana.

Not only can the human form be restored with a thought, but also the magic can be activated in the animal form.

That's why Mariano wanted to learn to transform into Animagus, preferably winged animals, such as crows, chicks, and eagles.

In the future chicken competitions, he doesn't need to beat others at all, he just needs to fly in the sky and wait for the finals.


It’s a pity that it’s not so easy to master Animagus. It’s just the first step. You must keep a single leaf of Mandela in your mouth for a whole month. You can’t swallow the leaf or take it at any time. Out of the mouth, if the leaves leave the mouth, start again. This step can eliminate 90% of wizards who want to become Animagus.

For a month, there is a foreign body in my mouth, how uncomfortable it should be.

Hermione and Astoria can't stand it for just tens of minutes...cough cough...

Did not drive, did not drive (??ω??)

Mariano's eyes were firm and decided to try to learn Animagus during this summer vacation.

When practicing Animagus, people may become confused and unable to return to normal humans, so it is best to have an adult wizard by their side.

And his third uncle's grandfather is a senior Auror in the Auror office, and he is absolutely capable of guiding him.

"It's nothing to suffer." Mariano squeezed his fists. "Merlin said that only when the queen suffers, can someone pretend to be forced."

"When the summer vacation is over, after school starts, I will be a blockbuster!"

Imagining that when the time comes, he will be called the chicken king, the little prince eating chicken, and a group of girls admiringly look at him, Mariano can't help smiling.


A light flashed across Mariano's eyes.

Mariano immediately lay on the ground.

This was not an attack on him, but was affected.

Not far in front, there was a flame burning, a magic wand was lit, and three figures were faintly visible.

Mariano slipped over with a little excitement to see if there was any chance of being missed.

As soon as she saw one of them, Mariano immediately ‘er’.

The man used the Transfiguration Curse to conjure a dark hooded robe and put it on him. If he hides with this costume, I am afraid that he will not be found when he walks in front of him.

The black-robed wizard held a torch in his left hand and a magic wand in his right hand, with a weird smile in his mouth.

Opposite him is a team, one man and one woman.

Teams are not excluded from the rules of the chicken-eating game. Anyway, the ball will appear when there are only five people left.

In this way, even if someone gathers a group of people and eliminates others, they have to eliminate each other in the end. So even if someone participates in a competition with a friend, at most two or three people will be together.

Seeing the man and the woman, Mariano felt familiar, as if he were a couple in Hufflepuff's sixth grade.

"Slit, I belong to the FFF team." The girl was very courageous, grabbing her boyfriend's arm, and said nervously.

The FFF group is a group spontaneously formed by Hogwarts students. The leader and the members are unknown.

Core doctrine: burn burn.

Usually, the members are covered in black robes, and they don't know each other's identities.

They just know that they can't bear to open their love affair on campus and openly show their affection witches and wizards.

The content of the meeting is usually to turn the wood into the image of a wizard who has recently shown serious affection, and then light it, watching the wood turn into ashes, cheering around the fire, and venting the resentment in the heart.

Some people leave the society, some join in, and it lasts forever.

Slitt patted his girlfriend's hand and said confidently: "Brenda, don't be afraid, I won't let anyone hurt you."

Brenda immediately looked at the tall and mighty Slit with affection.

The black-robed sorcerer holding the torch yelled: "You dog men and women, dare to show affection in front of me."

Mariano crawled to the side and looked helplessly complaining.

What nonsense are you talking about, you are in a duel, hurry up and start a fight, who made you move your mouth.

The black-robed wizard gnashed his teeth and said: "Do you know why I joined the duel club because I discovered that I can specifically fight a couple like you in the game..."

"All petrified." Slit raised his wand suddenly.

But the magic reached the black-robed wizard, and it just lit up. The black-robed wizard was still alive and kicking.

"Do you dare to attack me!" The black-robed wizard shouted angrily and said triumphantly: "Hey, do you think I'm stupid? I have armor curse on my body.

"The vine wraps around the wrist."

On Slit and Brenda's arms, a snake-like vine (wan) suddenly sprang out, and instantly tied their hands tightly.

The two wands fell on the grass.

Slitt looked panicked, and just about to open his mouth to chant, but he didn't say a word, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

The black-robed wizard thought he had controlled the two of them, so he was relieved.

Pointed to Brenda: "Tarantella dance."

Brenda immediately tapped uncontrollably.

"Slit..." Brenda's tears seemed to fall, and she looked at Slit for help.

Mariano rolled her eyes silently, eldest sister, you are a sixth-grade wizard, can you look like a sixth-grade? Seeing your performance, those who don't know think you are a first-grade Xiao Mengxin.

The black-robed wizard looked particularly excited: "Haha, your boyfriend can't protect himself, no matter where he can take care of you."

Brenda's face turned pale, and he stammered: "What, you...are you going to do that to Slit! Don't."

The black-robed wizard yelled arrogantly: "Haha, that's right, I want to cast a ‘heartburn’ curse on him."

"Don't **** him!" Brenda shouted at the same time.



Slitter and the black-robed wizard who fell to the ground looked at Brenda suspiciously. How did she see a trace of excitement in her eyes?

It should be an illusion.

Brenda's face was a little embarrassed, and she blushed as she kept jumping, "You continue."


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