Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 505: 1.74 million Galleons

"Rebirth of Harry Potter" reproduced, please indicate the source:

Dean thought about it for a while, and said uncertainly: "If you count reading at the dining table while eating, it is estimated that there will be ten hours?"

"Oh..." Ernie McMillan sighed inexplicably, with a very...

"Why are you asking this?" Dean asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, it's nothing." Ernie McMillan sneered. ,

He asked Ron unwillingly: "Ron, what about you, how many hours do you study a day?"

"I don't know," Ron suddenly seemed to have an uncomfortable nose. He touched it, and said in a vague tone, "A few hours."

"How many hours?" Ernie MacMillan asked, looking expectant and nervous.

Ron raised his voice, like Ernie MacMillan asked, invading everyone's privacy and he stood up to him: "Geez, what do you always ask us about that?"

"Besides, who would count time when reviewing?" Ron muttered, showing a little impatience just right.

But Ernie McMillan refused to give up without asking. He said, "You probably estimate... more or less than eight hours?"

Ron glanced at Dean beside him calmly, his eyes rolled, and he seemed to be thinking in distress: "Well... it should be less, but ahem, it's indispensable..."

He breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, the question is 'eight hours', not 'four hours' or 'two hours'."

"Oh, hehe, that's it, haha." But Ernie McMillan laughed to himself before Ron could finish speaking.

His expression became relaxed and lively, and he raised his chest high: "I can review for eight hours."

It seems that this is a competition where the exam can be passed as long as the review time is longer.

Ernie McMillan chattered and showed off: "It's eight to nine hours. I review for an hour before breakfast every day, and the average is eight hours. If I go well, I can study ten hours on weekends. I study nine hours on Monday. Half, Tuesday isn't very good—it's only seven and a quarter, and then Wednesday..."

But Ron had already dragged Dean away.

Ernie McMillan didn't care, he continued to move through the crowd, asking questions.

But when he got to the back of the line and was about to get in front of Harry and Hermione, his expression changed, and he was about to turn around and go back to the front.

Harry had been staring at Ernie McMillan with a smile all the time, seeing that Ernie McMillan wanted to leave before asking him, so he spoke.

"Dear Ernie McMillan, it seems that you are very concerned about the review situation of your classmates, so why don't you come and ask me?"

Ernie MacMillan smiled stiffly.

A lot of students up ahead who were upset by Ernie McMillan's question felt much better.

It's not that they don't know what Ernie McMillan thinks. It's nothing more than comparing his review time with other people's, and they can consciously see where their grades are.

Those classmates who don’t have as much review time as Ernie McMillan are disgusting. You think you can pass them all if you spend more time reviewing, heh, bah.

Now ask Harry and Hermione to see if he can still laugh.

That's the elder who dominated the first and second grades of the fifth grade in the school. Ernie McMillan was simply bringing shame on himself.

Ernie McMillan was watched by Harry, and he dared not ask, so he squeezed out a smile: "Potter, how is your review with Granger going?"

"Me." Harry said in distress, "I study twenty-four hours a day."

"In order not to sleep, I force myself to drink the invigorating potion every day." Harry's eyes lit up, "I have persisted for more than a month."

"Tell me, why don't you have twenty-five hours a day?" Harry's eyes glowed with bloodlust.

Hmph, I will make you roll, and I will roll you to death.

Ernie MacMillan swallowed, Harry is so perverted, he really is not human.

He compared the gap between himself and Potter, well, not even half of it.

He was hit hard, dragged his heavy steps, and left in a hurry.

As for what Harry said, no one doubted that it was false.

They had guessed for a long time that Harry must not study in class, let everyone relax, and secretly studied when no one was around, and then shocked everyone all at once.

Otherwise, how can you always be among the best?

All by talent?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Now, finally heard Harry admit it himself.

However, it's so cruel.

Seeing that everyone in the whole team was in a state of anxiety and restlessness, Hermione twisted Harry's waist hard: "What nonsense are you talking about."

"What are you doing, hey..." Harry was taken aback.

"You're going to die." Hermione blushed at Harry's strange attitude.


Professor Sprout opened the greenhouse door, and took a strange look at the students of Gryffindor and Slytherin. They all looked listless and wilted, which can be compared with the firefox flower she forgot to water for half a year up.

"Come in."

So everyone hurried into the greenhouse and stayed away from the pervert in the back.

during the class.

Gryffindors stood on one side of the long table and Slytherins on the other.

Where Harry was diagonally facing the two of them, there was a person who kept saying something strange.

He seemed to have a high status in the Slytherins. When he spoke, people around him looked to listen, but he showed a complacent look.

"Don't worry too much." He combed his hair back, looked at Harry with a sneer, and said confidently: "The exam is not a problem that can be solved by studying well or not."

Hearing what he said, more people pricked up their ears.

Dabeitou mysteriously released his own message: "Menlu, do you understand? This is not just talk, do you know the Wizard Examination Office? It is in charge of our Office Director, Lao Ge Silda Maqiban, my father has known her for many years, that kind of friendship... my father just invited her to dinner last week, and I was there... what do you want to do..."

That's all for now.

The corner of his mouth was raised, evoking a smile of the Dragon King, and he received a crowd of amazed eyes.


"Is this true?" Hermione asked Harry in a panicked whisper.

She is obviously an intelligent woman, but in some places, she is also a fool.

"I don't think so." Neville, on Harry's left, answered Hermione's question.

He said softly: "Grselda Marchbane is a friend of my grandmother's. They have known each other for sixty years."

"She's not the type to do things like that, she's as strict... loving as my grandma."

Harry trimmed the devil vine in the flower pot with scissors, without raising his head, he said, "Who is this guy over there? Malfoy Two?"

Malfoy was shot while lying down.

Hermione said: "Craig Gomez, his father is one of the school trustees, and his sequence is much lower than that of old Malfoy."

"However, his father, relying on his position in the Department of Education of the Ministry of Magic, opened a printing shop for his eldest son in Diagon Alley, requiring all twenty-four departments of the Ministry of Magic to pass through this shop for printing. Unified standards. In a short period of time, the income was 1.74 million Galleons. On the surface, the wealth surpassed the Malfoy family, so Craig Gomez wanted to expand his circle." Hermione gritted her teeth, Because she is a reporter from the Propaganda Department, she has to go through this store when submitting the correct draft.

Harry paused: "Oh, that's it."


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