Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1037: Guardian beast

Chapter 1037 Protector

During the war, the whistling sound seemed to echo in the ear.

The faces that have long since passed away, the familiar postures, are eternal in the depths of the minds of the people, and will never be erased.

After a while, the sect of the mysterious spirit slowly wandered around the countless graves.

Upon seeing it, Mo elders and Qin elders, together with a group of mysterious disciples, fell to the ground and bowed to the heroes who used to protect the ancestors.

"Zhou Shidi!"

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed.

I heard the sound, and everyone quickly looked back.

I saw a young man who was already skinny. It was under this shackle and completely fainted on the spot.

Upon seeing it, Qin Elder quickly stepped forward and helped the young man with no blood on his face. After a moment, he sighed in the mouth.

The young disciple of Xuan Lingzong is also because of the relationship between food. Because he has not eaten for a long time, his martial arts realm is insufficient, and he is hungry to fainting.

Today's Xuan Lingzong, has long been full of food, Lingxi River has been empty, inside the Zongmen, there is no food.

Although the warriors are different from ordinary people, the demand for food will become smaller and smaller as the realm is strong. However, these disciples have not yet reached this position. Moreover, they have been unable to eat and have daily needs. Can't get supplements. In the long run, there are also life-threatening concerns.

"I remember... there are still a few beasts in the sect..."

After a long time, the Emperor Xuan Ling looked at the elders of Qin and others and said.

Hearing this statement, Qin Elder and Mo elder subconsciously nodded.

Inside the Xuan Ling Zong, there are still a few old beasts that have been old. They used to fight for Zongmen. After the old age, Zongmen was responsible for raising the end.

"The Sovereign does not have to worry. Several spirit beasts can barely absorb the aura of the heavens and the earth. At present, there is no need to eat." Mo elder said, thinking that the lord is afraid that the beast will starve to death.

However, the mystery of the mysterious lord is a decisive color: "kill."


Hearing the words of the Emperor Xuan Ling, the two elders and all the people present were a glimpse.

"Giving the flesh and blood of several spirit beasts to the disciples of our ancestors, it is a day to support one day." Xuan Lingzong lord for a moment, as if pale for decades.

"Can... the lord, those spirit beasts, once for the sect..." The elders of Qin trembled, one of the beasts was longer than the time he entered Xuan Lingzong, and he was older than his age.

"Qin want to say, I understand." Xuan Ling lord beheaded.

The middle-aged man in the past seems to be an old man who will be buried in the earth. The voice of his voice is tremble.

"But... these children... are already starving to death... Is there any way?"

Indeed, if there is no food yet, how long can these disciples of Zongmen last? Is it a day or a month?

Even if it is to become a sinner of the Xuan Lingzong, the mysterious lord can't stand the end of the thirst of these disciples who are starving to death.

As a warrior, you can die, but how can you... starve to death!

At this moment, many disciples have also fallen into silence. Some words, I don’t know how to say it, but I want to say that I am almost out of strength.

However, it is not waiting for the sect of the Emperor Xuan Ling to continue to speak. From the outside of the ancestral hall, there is a roar of the roaring people.

I saw, a giant behemoth, shrouded the shadow of the mysterious spirit.

Above the behemoth, stood a lot of Yunzong elders and seniors.

"Yun Zongzong... protects the beast!"

2 owed yesterday, first added

(End of this chapter)