Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1233: Questioning (1)

Chapter 1233 Questioning (1)

Just as Ye Qingqi and Xiaobaihu were shocked, inside the Shadow Temple, the Son of the Sun was a joy. He returned to the room and packed up a lot of things, watching the pieces painted with gold paint. Broken bones, stretched out a small hand and touched it.

"Hello bones, what are you doing?" On the side of the guardian blood floating hands folded over the chest, leaning against the door, looking at the busy bones.

The bones are not lifted, and the golden bones are selected and the mouth is chanting.

"I want to give Ayao a string of necklaces."

"..." The blood was slightly relieved, and he smiled and shook his head and said: "You still have to wait for the necklace, and the Son of the Dead has returned to the temple."

The **** voice fell, and the bones looked up at the moment, and the black lacquered eyes looked at the blood floating channel:

"My brother came back really fast. I just passed the news to him. He is back."

After all, the bones immediately packed up the good things and ran all the way to the hall.

Within the hall, there is a depression in the temple at this moment.

Above the main hall, a small, delicate face is wearing a black gold armor, standing in the center, the delicate little face, but the same as the bones, but the momentum of this little doll is filled with endless Helium.

On the side of the little doll, several strange figures stood quietly.

The Temple of Shadows is the glory of the undead, and its lord is the strongest of the Yi people in the undead, and at the time when the Lord led the people from the second domain to the Central Plains, the same The clan is not the only one in the undead.

Within the undead, many races were divided. At the beginning, the Lord was brought with the other strong people.

And those strong people who are not dead are now the kings of the various ethnic groups in the Central Plains.

At this moment, several undead people standing next to the little doll are the kings of them.

"Hidden, your message, can it be accurate? Is the Holy Lord really coming back?" A strong man with a face like a evil spirit, with a height of three meters, he is a family of the undead, the Raksha family. king.

He twisted his huge head and looked at the path of indifference that only had his palms.

"The news from the bones." The faint opening of the dying, but the temperature in the eyes is not seen.

Several other clan kings exchanged a look, but did not say anything on the surface.

The Holy Lord of the Shadow Temple is the strongman of the Yi people. Although the Temple of Shadows is a member of the major races of the Undead, it has been said that because of the power of the Lord, the entire Yi people are The position in the Shadow Temple is very high.


The Lord has been gone for a long time.

The outsiders only know that within the shadow temple, the name of the Son is ferocious, but I don’t know. There are actually two sons in the Shadow Temple.

One is a bone and the other is a god.

If we say that the bones are only vulgar and sometimes ignorant, then there is only fierceness left in the dead.

The dying was originally with several kings. After negotiating some things, he received news from his brother’s bones halfway, saying that the Lord had returned to the temple.

Several kings who were in the same place as the dying to hear the news, several of them raised their curiosity and followed.

After a short while, the bones rushed over.

"Brother, you are back, aunt... Auntie, she really came back." When the bones saw the death, they immediately opened their mouths.

(End of this chapter)