Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1447: Nursing scorpion (1)

Chapter 1447 Guardian (1)

Ye Xun still wants to explain what, Ye Qingxuan is again: "If the three uncles do not believe, you can send people to the yard outside my room to see, we just left, presumably the footprints there are still very clear."

Ye Xun originally intended to excuse, Ye Qingyi lied, but Ye Qingyi’s words blocked the rhetoric behind Ye Xun.

Ye Xun’s face suddenly became ugly.

Jiang Yiming also found that the situation was wrong. He was just preparing to let a companion quietly destroy the scene first, but was directly discovered by Mo Yan. She was slightly decapitated. The maid who stood behind her with a ghost fox mask flew up and took the attempt. The teenager who went to destroy the scene grabbed it.

"The third child, you still don't send someone to see?" Mo Yan chuckled.

Ginger noodles are black and can only be sent to view.

Sure enough, the fact is as Ye Qingxuan said, Jiang Yiming, they had to go in a hurry, just thinking about catching Ye Qingyi, so the courtyard outside Ye Qing’s door left a large messy footprint.

It has been confirmed that those footprints are owned by Jiang Yiming and others.

This time, the rhetoric encountered in the middle of the road was completely exposed.

The face of Jiang Yiming and others became more and more ugly.

"We are going to find Yu's sister. It's right, but I remembered that the flower in the flower garden of Xiyuan was just right, so I went forward and picked it up and sent it over." Jiang Yiming’s brain was awkward, directly I found an excuse.

"Yes, we didn't say it was directly on the way to the past." Another teenager also voiced.

But at this moment, the face of Jiang Yan and others is black.

"The flower garden has long been moved from Xiyuan to Dongyuan." Jiang Yan cold channel.

Jiang Yiming gave a slight glimpse, and this reminds me of this. When the following is more ugly, the faces of other teenagers are also white.

Such a bad excuse was dismantled, and the reasons for their appearance outside Ye Qing’s room were obvious.

Such a group of people, ran to the door of Ye Qingying's house, but in the end it was a move. This is not a coincidence. It is obviously directed at Ye Qingyi.

Jiang Yiming bit his teeth. "We heard that Jiang Jia came to No. 1 newcomer. Going to see what is wrong? It is obvious that you are hurting, and the injury on my body is evidence."

The elders on the side also bowed: "No matter how you encounter, but you are really hurt by you, this can't be done."

Ye Qingyi had seen shameless, but had never seen such a shameless.

Before Jiang Yiming, they also said that she deliberately provoked to find things. Now it has been proved that they have come to provocative first, and the result has changed from the beginning.

"Meng elder, why don't you ask, how did I hurt him?" Ye Qingxi sneered.

The elder brow is slightly wrinkled.

Ye Qingxuan continued: "They come to me with so many people. Do you think that I have a lot of skills, can I hurt a person who is in a great position in front of a group of people who are too sacred? Or? ......"

Ye Qingying’s gaze swept through the crowds around him. “They are really a group of scorpions?”

It was a bit strange that the elder's face sank, but he chose to ignore it.

"We didn't even think that you would suddenly shoot, this will make you succeed." Jiang Yiming immediately opened, anyway, there is no evidence, Ye Qingyi did not make a clear relationship.

(End of this chapter)