Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1556: Taiyuan Valley (3)

Chapter 1556 Taiyuan Valley (3)

Ye Qingzhen estimated that the Cao family had friction with Jiang Lin when he was practicing outside.

"Cao Xu this kid is really looking for death, actually dare to come to Jiang Lin's trouble." A few teenagers on the side of the Jiang family glanced at the five big three thick Cao Xu, a look of irony.

"Ginger forest some time ago, the sword method has improved, and Cao Xu will come here, isn’t it a self-deprecating thing?"

"I remember that two years ago, Cao Xu and Jiang Lin had handed over, and that time Cao Xu seemed to be hitting the fart."

"Haha, isn't it..."

A group of Jiangjia teenagers look at Cao Xu and others are full of contempt.

Jiang Lin’s swordsmanship is in the younger generation of Taiyuan Valley, and it’s counted as a number. I didn’t expect Cao Xu to dare to come over.

"Under the defeat, I am not interested in wasting time with you." Jiang Lin slightly raised his eyebrows and perfunctoryly looked at Cao Xu.

Cao Xu sneered a sigh: "You are not interested, or not courageous? If you are afraid, that is simple, I will let you two strokes. If you win me, I will leave immediately, and then I will not appear in front of you. How to Or, you think that you can't win me at all. If so, you will apologize to me in public, and I will leave you in this Taiyuan Valley?"

Cao Xu’s words are quite ironic, and many of Jiang’s teenagers’ faces have sunk.

It is Jiang Lin who also brows slightly.

"I have never seen such a shameless person, and he dares to make a move?"

"Lin Big Brother, you will accompany him to play, let him know that he has a few pounds and two, and in the future will not be dashed in front of others." Many of the Jiang's youngsters have started to squat.

Jiang Lin looked at Cao Xu, and he was quite intolerant in his eyes. "If you take your own insults, I have nothing to be polite."

At the moment, Jiang Lin took the sword with his sword, and the sword was out of the sheath, and the cold light appeared.

Cao Xu looked at Jiang Lin, who had already pulled the sword. The corner of his mouth sneered a sneer. He moved his neck and made a squeaking voice. Then he said, "Come, I am waiting for you to humiliate me."

Jiang Lin’s eyes flashed coldly, and a sword slammed toward Cao Xu.

However, Cao Xu did not hide, but stood upright and looked at Jiang Lin’s sword. He went to the neck and greeted him!

"Cao Xu is crazy?" Everyone was surprised and widened his eyes.

Seeing Jiang Lin’s sword smashed to Cao Xu’s neck!


A crisp sound, suddenly pierced the eardrum of everyone.

Jiang Lin’s sword was straight on the neck of Cao Xu’s ascent, but the sword went down, but it was like a thousand years of black iron. Even Cao Xu’s skin could not be broken!

Jiang Lin’s eyes could not help but flash a strange color.

Cao Xu moved his neck, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Jiang Lin ironically.

"The first move, Jiang Lin, you are not too despised, and even have no strength at all? Like a girl."

Jiang Lin's face changed slightly, and he only used this sword. Although he only used 50% of the strength, he was very able to bear it. It was Cao Xu two years ago, but he could not resist it.

"Linda, don't be polite with this guy, you have a thick skin and feel that you are too bad." Jiang's teenager saw this scene, but did not feel anything.

Cao Jiaben is mainly based on the power of repairing body and body, and his body defense is extremely strong.

Ye Qingying on the side looked at the scene, but on the surface was a state of thought.

Although her current strength is not as good as Jiang Lin and others, but in the past three hundred years of experience, she is also a sacred place, and her eyesight has surpassed these teenagers.

I just wrote a few thousand words and I was dissatisfied with the fight. I deleted the rewrite and it was a little late. Don’t be anxious.

(End of this chapter)